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  1. N

    Receiving Oral Pleasure - help is needed!

    Trolls never enjoy a 'headjob' as you call it in anycase. You will get far more guaranteed pleasure from bending right over and sticking your head right up your 'arse' mate... Off with you darn troll, back to where you can pour out your mindless dribble in among other trolls...
  2. N

    Do you need a hot fit body to get girls to screw on the spot

    Enough said..... look in the mirror and decided if you need to do some work on the bodywork.
  3. N

    Do you need a hot fit body to get girls to screw on the spot

    You don't need to be super fit with that compulsory six-pack at all. As long as you look fit and neat and tidy with a bit of self-confidence you have got it sorted with out hours and hours in the gym. You don't need the Game, women will be gaming you....
  4. N

    Anyone ever considered a vasectomy?

    Had it done back in '84, the best thing I ever did. Sure you walk around like John Wayne after a extra long session in the saddle for a couple of weeks, but its worth it in the end. Sore for a few days/week, but that's nothing compared with having to pay for more children. I have a boy and...
  5. N

    Skinny Jeans, John Wayne, and the Feminization of America

    I feel like burning my pink shirt collection and heading out into the countryside in my boot-cut jeans and manly checked shirts, and talk low and talk slow like the Duke. Riding off into the sunset, but making sure to steer clear of that narrow passage up to Brokeback mountain though...
  6. N

    Why Me?

    The world is a mirror - If you have a negative attitude, it will be reflected back at you. Do you think most other people are boring? Then they most likely think you are also. Don't give a crap about others? Others won't care about you. But, If you are happy, happiness will follow.... have a...
  7. N

    Very simple tip

    The modern version of the little black book - love it..... Kinda a list of the plates that you are spinning at the moment. I have at least several women after me at one time - keeps the wife on her toes and raises my value in her eyes right through the roof...
  8. N

    F*cking funniest text from a chick

    Lost in translation somewhere....
  9. N

    The 10% Rule

    I am the 10%.... While you lot were busy working out the statistics of who does what, I was busy with all the women that you let slip by while you lot were arguing about it like a bunch of sad looser Beta males...
  10. N

    How to turn initial rejection into stone cold attraction within minutes!

    That's it, I am going to jump on the band wagon and write myself one of these seduction books with a website etc. Everybody is at it. The Night Owl Method - It will be a real hoot... Chapter 1 - Collecting phone numbers is for Betas. Chapter 2 - Betas are good with their hands. Chapter...
  11. N

    The truth

    Good points 11) Burn all those darn metromale pink shirts in your wardrobe...
  12. N

    SHUT THE F*CK UP... obey your d*ck

    A total timeless classic... Makes me want to burn my pink shirt.. Should be in the Alpha males bible!
  13. N

    what is an orgasm?

    if you are doing it right she will know exactly what it is....!
  14. N

    Keeping in contact between dates...

    Call or not call, txt or not txt Get some balls and call/txt them when you want to... If they like you, when ever you call is the right time. Way Too much advice and not enough f***king going on - people have created such a complicated mine field to traverse its a wonder if anybody gets...
  15. N

    Sh*t test, what they are and how to not fail them.

    A dog wiser than a woman; it does not bark at its master.
  16. N

    Divorce women who still wear wedding ring

    Avoid like big plague - like sticking head in tiger mouth to find tiger All married women are not wives....
  17. N

    Lying to get what you want.

    Truth fears no questions... When you stretch the truth, watch out for the snapback.... ouch
  18. N

    I don't attract any girls! .. or am i blind?!

    I can agree with that 110% - I get on 'several' times a day depending where I go.
  19. N

    A moral dilemna - is cheating always wrong?

    Cheat or no cheat - One who pick the roses must bear with thorns...
  20. N

    If you had to choose one tip of your own

    Seriously - Forget everything you have read on here and go out with 'no mind'. Too much thinking and re-thinking clouds the mind and reduces spontaneity... No mind, no problem - too much mind, too many problems - that's the Zen of DJing in a nutshell...