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  1. T

    Occupying Wall Street?

    Like others said, I'm sure this thread will be closed down soon. Just wanted to share my experience with this. I went to Occupy Chicago today, it was much smaller than Wall St. There were probably around 100 to 200 people there. Judging from the reactions we got from people driving by though, I...
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    Wearing Glasses a...disadvantage?

    Wearing glasses can be a disadvantage IF you have an ugly pair of glasses. Like backbreaker said, wear designer glasses. Personally I wear Ray-Ban's Wayfarer glasses (these: I am always getting women...
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    Any highh school regrets?

    I used to have regrets about high school, but now I see all my former classmates married with children and getting fat and going bald, I feel at the end of it, I'm in a much better place than many of them.
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    Bully at work.....

    Backbreaker's advice is good, however, DO NOT talk sh1t about your company. If he sees you as a threat, he will take anything and everything you said to your superiors and you could find yourself out of a job. I've worked with people like this before, they will crush anyone they can on a whim...
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    Would I look like a prick?

    Personally, I don't think it'd make you look like a prick. A little out of place perhaps, most college kids don't even drive cars half the cost of what you'd have strapped on your wrist. That being said, I think there would be better uses for your money. Why not invest that money again and see...
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    Which Degree?

    Do one as a major, most likely the one that could land you in the health/fitness field and do business as a minor. If you decide to start your own business (say as a personal trainer) no one is going to care if business was your major, however having a degree in the health/fitness field will be...
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    Got high on weed last night, something weird happened

    Weed is a hell of a drug! Like the OP, I don't smoke that often, once every few months tops, but when I do, I always have what I like to call transcendental highs. Last time I smoked, I felt what can be described as this beam of energy pressing right in the middle of my forehead where the Third...
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    Just got fired...

    Absolutely DO NOT lie. If you tell them you quit your last job and they call to verify your last place of employment (they always do) and learn that you were fired, there goes any chance of landing that job.
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    Can You Be Don Juan While Making Minimum Wage?

    While money is nice to have and beneficial in giving you more opportunities to get out of the house (bars, concerts, clubs, etc.), it is not a requirement. Hell, I've heard stories of guys who are technically homeless, but they always have a place to sleep for the night from the women they pick...
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    How to ask out a hairstylist at work?

    Just like any other hired gun, you have to make her see you as more than someone who brings in money. Be open and personal while you're in the chair, get her to open up about her personal life. When you're done you should know enough about her (i.e. does she have a boyfriend, is she insane) to...
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    If you laying in bed with her and she says, "What are you thinking?"

    See, that would have been a perfect time to play the "If I won the lottery" game. Make some silly stuff up, tease her saying she'd always be trying to get your money, etc. Going into the statistical odds of her winning and the logic behind it is kind of unsexy. You also come off as a huge Debbie...
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    Great news for Don Juans !!!

    Remember though, this is Bond at his beginning. He's still rough around the edges. He hasn't become the Bond we all know and love yet.
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    Dire Straits song banned

    You're contradicting yourself. P.S. Nazi Germany while having some socialist programs, was truly a nationalistic/right wing fascist country, hence the whole Aryan race ideology.
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    Sticky situation - need some advice

    You didn't overreact. You did the right thing. Remember in a majority of opposite sex friendships one of them is secretly attracted to the other. I'm not saying your girl was necessarily attracted to this guy, but if she is decently good looking you sure as hell know he is. And why allow...
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    Birds crashing into the ground, explained

    Makes much more sense than fireworks.
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    BREAKING NEWS: "Gunwitch" jailed for SHOOTING WOMAN IN FACE (no troll)

    I hadn't seen a picture of Gunwitch either, but Bravo (one of the coach's for Style) put up a thread about this so it seems legit.
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    No Headphones in Public

    Don't worry about what other people might think. 99 percent of the people on the train are not paying attention to you. They have their own books, music, handheld devices, etc. that they are engrossed in. Unless you are causing a big commotion they are not going to divert their attention to see...
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    The World Doesn't Understand the DJ Mindset.

    Really? I always thought those will little power in America live in their mother's basement and call it the Kiev Marriott. Snide remarks aside, do you honestly believe that knowing what is taught here does not give a man (no matter where he's from) a leg up over AFCs? If you believe that why...
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    You Squirt Mustard On Her Coat !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    AlphaRomeo, you remind me of Wiley E. Coyote with all your gimmicks and schemes to talk to women. What's next, set a trap and wait for a woman to walk into it? Stop making things complicated, just go up to a girl and start talking.
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    The World Doesn't Understand the DJ Mindset.

    Because we're not playing the dating game the "normal way", it pisses them off that we can beat the system, while they continue to try and fail. I think its part of human nature to be jealous of others success and we all find ways to justify our anger. In their case they cry "manipulation".