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  1. J

    gf asked guy for a dance

    Had the EXACT same situation except with country dancing. Told her that I found it disrespectful, and that she was more than welcome, but that if I got scooped up by some other girl while I was waiting on the sidelines then she was gonna have to deal with it. (This was before the dancing...
  2. J

    mentioning other guys

    my traditional response... ie, my "meh. 3/10 asskissing recovery effort." that i sent back to her on fb that i screenshotted in my previous post. i plan on continuing on that vein, being less available, etc. never hurts to have more plates spinnin, right? (if that's even the term yall still...
  3. J

    What to do in this circumstance!

    haha "up in arms"... :/ shoot, im portraying myself horribly on here apparently
  4. J

    mentioning other guys

    i would, but i've always enjoyed being the sort of.. "refined" guy in that way. yea, obviously i have my celeb girls that i'd give both nuts for, but no REAL girl in my life is EVER gonna know their names. guess that comes from me being super sensitive when it comes back my way, and doing to...
  5. J

    mentioning other guys

    i guess in order for me to adequately explain to you guys im gonna have to give you the exact conversation that set me off yesterday. here goes i frequent bodybuilding forums nowadays, and there was a thread involving a discussion about which celebrity would get the most vag at a sorority...
  6. J

    What to do in this circumstance!

    Personally, the less seriously I take online dating, the better results I get. Here is, word for word, my profile about me: My self-summary I like to live my life on the edge by spending my weeknights reading the Harry Potter series, and on the weekends I like to call all my buddies over...
  7. J

    mentioning other guys

    Gah, I know. FWIW, she COULD be my gf. She's TRIED to be my gf. And I'm the one who's kept it casual. But yea. Even if she were my gf, I don't like restrictions. And in itself? I have very little problem with a girl saying so and so is hot. Once. Twice. But... over and over and over.... and...
  8. J

    mentioning other guys

    Hey folks, I haven't been here since the summer before I started college (2009-I'm getting old). The reason for this this is that, quite simply, I haven't felt a need. I do well with girls, get laid often, and feel like I have my head on straight. Having said that, there's a girl I'm...
  9. J

    Objective: Why most women who are TOO BUSY are TOO LAME for YOU!

    damn.... this is the first post i've read on here in ages... thanks for making it such a good one to come back to. totally hits home with a girl i've had an off and on thing with for years, and makes me appreciate my other plates that hold me as a priority. good post dude.
  10. J

    Can being to attractive ruin your chance with girls.

    the thing that i find that is a disadvantage about it is that being ****y doesnt work as well for my cause as it does for my less attractive friends.. it just makes me look like an *******. reasoning for that? probably because i legitimately do back up any ****y claims i make (im so smart, im so...
  11. J

    "How to Be the Creepy Guy on Campus"

    i certainly hope you didnt write this... :P
  12. J

    something i've learned.

    over the last couple of years, with going off to college, having my own place to bring girls back to, and being completely (almost) free, i have learned one major thing about girls. the more you care about the interaction with any one of them in particular, the less likely you are to see that...
  13. J

    I Am Addicted To...

    half asians are the hottest
  14. J

    Anyone else tired of the diamond commercials?

    ^ ha, literally the thought i had today when i saw one of those commercials too. i thought this when i saw "from $1200 to $13,500" for the price range for some collection of rings. i'd rather get assraped violently and against my will than go willingly do it at a diamond shop.
  15. J

    1000th post: What I have learned since joining SS...

    i dont ever look in the archive. but i'm glad i glanced over to read this thread. great advice, great thread, great simplification of everything.
  16. J

    lost my girlfriend because i don't have a lot of money

    dave chappelle on the issue start watching at 6:40 "a woman's test in life is material. a man's test is a woman... if a man could fvck a woman in a cardboard box, he wouldn't buy a house." there's definitely nothing wrong with your mindset man.
  17. J

    Massive dark object 'lurking on edge of solar system hurling comets at Earth'

    three of my hours this semester are coming from an astronomy class... and this sh1t is exactly why! i find it to be tauntingly interesting how little we actually know about our universe, and how intricate the theories of everything are. i think this theoretical thing that they're referring...
  18. J

    How much money do you make?

    well... college makes me officially be about NEGATIVE 20k/year.
  19. J

    How to NOT Pick Up During the Day

    true, my hat's off to him. i have approach anxiety and im GOOD looking.
  20. J

    Too much games

    My answers to your questions: hell no you havent been wrong for not talking to her. you owe her nothing. just because she says "she wants to be good friends" doesnt mean you have to do it. if you have attempted to move your relationship with her to the territory you want it to be and it hasnt...