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  1. K

    Vagigi smells bad

    Alright... I know puss has a smell to it. I've never had a problem with the smell before. But this one girl's puss smell is pretty damn strong. I could lay my head in her lap and smell it so there is obviously a problem. Now, the question is, how the hell do I tell her that her stuff...
  2. K

    Should I tell her

    Here is the background. Summer 2007, I got back with an ex. Fall 2007 we were living together. Jan 2008 we got married. March 2008 we were seperated and I had moved out. May 2008 I found out she was pregnant. 2 weeks later she miscarried. September 2008 I filed for divorce. April 15, 2009...
  3. K

    Should I tell her

    Here is the background. Summer 2007, I got back with an ex. Fall 2007 we were living together. Jan 2008 we got married. March 2008 we were seperated and I had moved out. May 2008 I found out she was pregnant. 2 weeks later she miscarried. September 2008 I filed for divorce. April 15...
  4. K

    True Don's... It's Weird... What do you think?

    So, last year my life was pretty much a bed hopping session. I simply jumped from girl to girl with no hopes of settling down with any one woman. I wasn't happy, but I never felt lonely. Some of you are probably like, "Why are you complaining?". It was very unfulfilling. I wasn't...
  5. K

    Dating Websites

    Ok... Here's the deal. I went through an entire year of jumping from girl to girl to girl. Was I lonely, no. Dry spells, no. But I didn't find any substanance with any of those girls. At one point I even tried to settle down. I was actually faithful to one woman for about 2 months. It...
  6. K

    New Plate to Spin (True DJ's Only.. You know who you are)

    This is for the serious DJ's. Not the kids who think they know what they're talking about. Especially not the ones that give out some horrible advice. There are a few on here that I actually have respect for and know give solid advice. Unfortunately, I'm not on this site enough to remember...
  7. K

    My Friday Night

    So, there is this girl that I met a while back who lives in Hawaii, but visits San Diego from time to time. We've remained F/B's throughout the time we've known eachother. Big deal right? Well, she's a swinger. She calls me up and tells me about this place that she wants to go to. It's a...
  8. K

    Sh!t Tested and failed miserably!

    So, I head out to hang out with some friends Saturday night. Nothing serious. Just a couple drinks. As I get to my destination, I get a phone call from my girlfriend. Her: You're a liar Me: What? Her: You're a liar Me: What did I lie about? Her: You said that you didn't do...
  9. K

    Anyone else get bored easily with their g/f? (advice please!!)

    Here's the situation. It never fails. Every single time, it's the same thing and it feels like a continuous cycle in my life. I meet a girl. Thing are going good. I'm enjoying the sex. I enjoy the quality time we spend together. Overall, things are amazing. Even to the point where I...
  10. K

    Ultimate Sh!t Test compliments of my girlfriend

    Little things that my girlfriend has said or done has always made me wonder if she's bisexual or has bisexual tendicies or is bicurious. I guess in a way all women are at least bi curious or even bi sexual. Anyway, we watch porn from time to time and end up doing a lot of the things we see in...
  11. K

    The morning after drama

    So, if you've read about my party, you know that after the party started to wind down, I left and went to my girls house. A little background before we get into the meat and potatoes. I told my girl that I was going out to the club with some friends of mine. Told her that before we went...
  12. K

    Pajama Party Report

    Alright... just wanted to let you all know what happened last night. I ended up throwing a PJ Party at my place. A guy from here Hero contacted me a while back and asked if he could come hang out with me sometime. I told him the next time I threw a party he was invited and I stayed true to...
  13. K

    Calling All Lawyers!! Legal Advice Anyone??

    Here's the story. I purchased a hands free cellphone device that installs into your car. Parrot CK3200. Basically what this devices does is connects to your radio, and using bluetooth technology, anytime your phone rings, it mutes the radio and you hear the conversation through the cars...
  14. K

    Outraged at friend

    Here's the situation. My friend met this girl Saturday night and made plans on getting together with her on Sunday at a sports bar. He mentions that she was bringing her friend and says that she said her friend was very pretty. Now honestly, I could careless what the friend looked like. I...
  15. K

    The roommate strikes again (could be long)

    For those who have read my posts, know that I have a roommmate/friend/co-worker. You all also might already know about the problem I had with him before when it comes to women. Background: There is a chick that lives in our complex that I met at the hot tub. Smoking HB8.5. She ended up...
  16. K

    Times you've chickened out

    I saw a post recently about a guy who pussed out and didn't go for a chick that was giving him direct hints. Have there been anytimes where a girl was giving you hints that she wanted you to ask her out or talk to her, but instead of doing it, you chickened out for fear of rejection...
  17. K

    Ten Politically Incorrect Truths About Human Nature

    Why most suicide bombers are Muslim, beautiful people have more daughters, humans are naturally polygamous, sexual harassment isn't sexist, and blonds are more attractive.
  18. K

    My girlfriend has a daughter

    I'll try to make this short, but will probably end up missing a lot of details in the process. Basically, I have a girlfriend that I met about 2 years ago. Basically we were always back and forth in our relationship. Sometimes things would be good, and other times there were really bad...
  19. K

    To The Moderators

    I'm not sure how to contact you guys, but I figured I'd put this out there and if anyone knows any of these guys, please foward this on. One thing I despise is SPAM and receiving this crap almost ruined my entire day. (not literally) buddha Don Juan Join Date: Aug 2007...