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  1. speed dawg

    Who all here has had a vasectomy?

    And if so, do you still eat stuck with a lot of zinc in it? I'm not sure how I feel about this. I used to eat zinc and other things for better libido, but seeing as how your sperm is absorbed back into your body now, not sure if it's the best thing to produce a ton of it. On the other hand...
  2. speed dawg

    Mark Mcilyar - Fit after 50......

    I see this guy everywhere, seems like he's on every ad on Youtube. Anybody know anything about whether or not his stuff works? I seem to remember him buying sixpackshortcuts from Mike Chang, so that leads me to believe he's just another late-night TV equivalent internet personality, similar to...
  3. speed dawg

    Age, man......

    I'm 38 years old and for the first time in my life, really the past 3-4 years or so, I'm starting to experience age. I had back surgery at 28, and I have recovered nicely from that, and instituted a religious stretching program, but I had to stop a lot of impact things and weight-lifting and...
  4. speed dawg

    So mobs of 'teens' are out beating people again, this time in Minneapolis....

    I suppose we will simply give them 'education' and talk to them about 'mental' health, and blame it on TRUMP. LOL. There is only one way to solve this problem.
  5. speed dawg

    Y’all ever uploaded any home porn videos?

    If so, what are some decent sites for it?
  6. speed dawg

    Notre Dame cathedral on fire....

  7. speed dawg

    Some random somali throws a 5 year old off a mall balcony....

    Mall of America in Minneapolis. If you know anything about the area, you know that the somali migrants are causing a lot of problems there. The family didn't know the guy at all. Apparently the guy has mental issues and has been thrown out of the mall numerous times. Guy never gets arrested...
  8. speed dawg

    Anybody seen this MoMo stuff?

    Just google and get ready to get chills down your spine. Like a mix of Shelly Duvall on the Shining, the Joker, and a creepy bird. It's on some social media and they try to convince kids to kill themselves, called the MoMo challenge or whatever. Then Vegan Gaines and another Youtube channel...
  9. speed dawg

    Article about women in STEM jobs....

    I saw an article on linkedin entitled "Getting More Women into Engineering Requires Cultural Challenges". Written by a female PhD of course, and shared by a college professor (who obviously just wants more students and wants to appear to be 'diverse'. Some of the quotes featured: Why? They...
  10. speed dawg

    Trump and this global warming tweet.....

    He has to be sitting in the Oval Office just laughing his ass off at this. His tweet, obviously trolling, has all these folks, media/civilian/NOAA alike, rushing to the table to say that colder temperatures don't mean global warming isn't happening. Then they pretend that Trump has no idea the...
  11. speed dawg

    Rant: The concept of a 'man-cave'.....

    This is about the most beta thing I've ever heard of. A friend of mine put on facebook a post that asked what were the essentials for a man-cave, I told him it should be a jar with his testicles so he can reminisce about when he wasn't a p*ssy. Of course he gets pissed and I'm shamed to no end...
  12. speed dawg

    Reading vs. watching TV

    It is universally accepted that reading is better than watching TV. I have friends though, that will say that certain TV is just as good, TV that makes you imagination turn on or that makes you think, or educates you. I saw a quote that said, "Rich people have big libraries, poor people have...
  13. speed dawg

    Foods and exercise that TRULY helps with testosterone.....

    Is there anything out there that's really proven to do this? Seems like you see some diets that tell you guzzle saturated fats, then other types of research say veganism is best. Is there any truth to any of it? Obviously you shouldn't gain weight, but then they say carbs/insulin is anabolic...
  14. speed dawg

    Have you all ever heard of Vegan Gains?

    He's a vegan youtuber who is into bodybuilding. I don't necessarily agree with everything he says but his arguments are always backed by research and very well thought out. Essentially he's against eating any meat, #1 for the moral part of it (needlessly killing animals) and #2 (most...
  15. speed dawg

    Ya'll seen this about the family plunged off a cliff in California? I mean, who didn't see this coming. Two gay women adopt 6 black and kids and burn up social media with how great they are, while starving the kids on their utopian farm somewhere in Oregon. Then...
  16. speed dawg

    What schools teach regarding active shooters doesn't work.....

    We obviously have many other problems too as far as school shootings, but I want to address this one - Teaching kids to line up against the wall and under desks is suicide. Shooters just go from room to room. We've been teaching this crap for decades and it's been disastrous. ALICE training...
  17. speed dawg

    This crap is a problem, guys..... We all know the story here. They met, dated for a while, and she was about to branch swing, and he had one-itis, could not bear living without her. We also know that NO ONE will understand...
  18. speed dawg

    How to start investing? I only have about $500....

    So, I got a little Christmas money, that I'm supposed to use for clothes or eating out or what not. I figure I'll try to figure out a little bit about the stock market. Any ideas where to start? Where do you technically 'buy' anything? Like Stocktrade accounts? Coca Cola? Heck, even...
  19. speed dawg

    Speed Dawg's diet plan.....

    Eat less food. That's it. I see diet this, and diet that, all over the place, what should I eat to do this/that/the other. I've lost 20 lbs. (and a couple notches off my belt loop) since the beginning of the summer simply by focusing on things other than food. Have not lost a single bit of...
  20. speed dawg

    Recovering liberal sheds some decent light on European refugee rape crisis.... One particular paragraph of interest, maybe sheds a little light on some issues around here lately: Established middle-class diaspora Afghans are understandably upset and embarrassed...