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  1. S

    The Zorse Vs. The Zonkey

    Which is the natural DJ? A boy and his zorse. A Zonkey. Not to be confused with the honkey (...
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    Is It Cool To Hit Grandma???

    If she gets in the way? Honestly, I think it is a cultural thing. American guys treat females as if they are royalty. This babushka stuck her nose in a fight (1:04) and she got leveled. None of these Caucasian dudes seemed to care. She hopped right back up like a true sport. I can only...
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    How Old Did You Go???

    Simple question. How old have you gone? Age? Doesn't have to be actual sex.
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    The Man With The Most Money Wins - It's Official!

    You DJ's can work on your chests and pecs. You can wear funky hats. You can be as ****y as you want to be...BUT...the dude who can buy girls clothes will always be first place in her heart. I would say this is even more true in non-American countries. That's right. They like clothing more...
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    Almost 1 in 2 20-24 Yr. Old USA Women Have HPV

    Simply disgusting. If you are dumb enough to chase after American broads I would seriously advise you to get them checked out before you do anything with them. Safe sex does not stop this.
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    It's Official - Anal Sex Is Bad For Your Health

    I have been trying to tell you boys that for as long as I can remember. Now my beloved Russian friends agree with me. Russia is getting mighty close to recriminalizing anal sex :moon: More good news. No gay parade this year :rock: Seems that the good folks of Latvia might do the same...
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    Join The National Guard And Have Sex With 16 Year Olds!

    Or so it appears was the case with two of America's finest. BTW, 16 year olds are legal in South Carolina. Booze, sex, watching sex, cheap motel rooms, high school students, military, coaches...America definitely kicks some...
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    America Fails In Latvia!

    There will be no gay parade on the streets of Riga this year. Leave that stuff for the West. :up: Old Town should be alive with beauties from the communist apartment blocks surrounding the city. Not with ugly Swedes and Dutch gays/lesbians...