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    Challenging a Pook theory

    Small waist helps...don't kid yourself. Drop some inches...and see what happens.
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    What to say when the chic says she's got a boyfriend?

    IF she brings up a Boyfriend...stop talking. say this..."that's great...sounds serious. When is the wedding?" She will look down sheepishly...and when she does just smile at her and wave good bye...
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    What to say when the chic says she's got a boyfriend?

    If she brings up a boyfriend....stop all conversation and walk. "...nice meeting you....Good Luck...Bye!"
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    Why wont women show interest?

    beware of the Professional daters... they will go out with long as you are buying the meal. Why not....nothing better to do?
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    Mature Men. What are you reading at the moment?

    Succeeding Through Inner book. (i enjoy audio books these days as i'm always in the car traveling) This book is another thought culmination of N.Branden, famous psychologist known for his expertise in the area of self awareness and self esteem. He was the romantic interest of...
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    Quote from Kartrashian

    True Dat !
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    Living on a shoe string and banging lots of chicks!

    Depends what you mean by "Success?" If you call picking up some Horny chicks who will fvck the next dude who talks to them "Success"...then don't need money. If you want to attract and maintain a "Quality Relationship" with a Quality Girl...then i'm sorry to inform you, but your Artsy...
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    Saw Ex of 5 Years at Movies Last Night

    "Oh Wow!...Show me your muscles!" LOL....Another tough dude...(sigh).... Does my post upset your "sense-abilities?...Tough guy!"
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    Saw Ex of 5 Years at Movies Last Night

    Finding the Perfect like a Mirage. You see it in the distance...but when you go for the drink of water...its not there! Sounds like you are Growing and Developing. Maybe, you will grow from this experience and compromise on your standards of thinness. We all age...and some of...
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    Saw Ex of 5 Years at Movies Last Night stayed with her for "5 yrs...and she had a weight problem." I assume she had the weight problem while you two were together....Correct?
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    How should we interpret the boycott of the Playboy TV show?

    This would all be fine and dandy except for a few important facts. 1. The figure in the following article states that 66% of women view porn on a consistent basis. Now....i know that figure is probably a little high...but i doubt its much lower than 40%. Oh yeah...they want YOU TO THINK they...
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    Sweden again?

    There seems to be some kind of plan INTERNATIONALLY to emasculate the whole world. Men...Real Men...are a Threat to the powers that be. Men can organize ku's, revolutions, revolt, move against the system, and in short "just say no." Women, tend to be passive and less likely to resist...
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    Interesting to watch branch swinging when you're the branch

    Good post! Since there are so many DJ's who seem in accord, it reinforces the facts of life...and the Targets we are dealing with. What kinda of character branch swings? This a person of low self esteem and low value as a friend. A lonely person (deep down) who is superficial in all...
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    I married a foreign chic, how is it going?

    10-4 Ok Rabbits (i mean Squirels) gonna show? PS. Don't try reaching for foul balls or anything that may cause you to fall to your demise (*sigh). Have Fun...! :)
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    I married a foreign chic, how is it going?

    So what's the scoop? ? ? Is this story BS or what?
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    Asking for money back from an EX

    Send her a Bill for Services Rendered. Itemize it so there is no misunderstanding. If she slept with an itemized deduction. I'm sure she will figure out the implications.
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    Since the topic of prostitution has come up...

    Dumb Troll is Dumb ? ? ? Isn't that an "Oxymoron?" bah ahahahhaha! :rockon:
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    Since the topic of prostitution has come up...

    Hello Gloria Steinem! ...Can you tell us Why are mothers, Sisters, Wife's, GF's...Aren't Hoes? What makes them different than the girl who walks the street for money or dances and hustles men for some off the books activity in the VIP room?
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    Being Direct!!!!!

    Ok...Dude's in Brazil.... Different playing field.... need to play games in that Crowd! Lucky Bastard ! ! ! :)
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    ...My Hero !

    Yep...something that always shows and pays out over time...."Experience!" One thing for certain..."i won't be learning anything from You!" Might wanna change that name from Covk-star to Covk-Jaw! Don't you think you've put your foot in your mouth enough for 1 thread? :eek: PS. The High...