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  1. J

    Is this Myspace Spam?

    Hey Guys, I just signed up for Myspace after almost all of my friends co-workers told me I should. I mostly did it because I want to keep up with all of my friends who live in various places, and who knows....maybe I'll meet some cool people. Regardless, I almost immediately got this message...
  2. J

    The Sad reality of Dating like an AFC

    Hey everyone I just found this video that a friend of mine made on Youtube. This was made long before I found this site, and I'm sure he's never gone to this site or anything like it, but I think you'll find all the stuff that he communicates through this short film to be quite the sad...
  3. J

    Avoiding pimples.

    Hey Everyone. I seem to have a problem with getting an occasional pimple on face in random spots. Recently I got one up on my forehead right between my brows. I'm not sure if it was your typical pimple, because it never seemed to have any puss or swelling or pain like normal pimples do. It...
  4. J

    How do you approach girls in everyday situations?

    Alright, I'll keep this short and sweet. My biggest problem is I simply don't know what to say or how to approach women in general. I don't really want to game them or get laid. I just want to improve my social interaction skills, specifically when it comes to random strangers, without being...
  5. J

    Compliment and Walk away

    What do you guys think about this advice? I found this tip from "Scott Patterson" on Youtube. Apparentely, the idea is to approach a woman with confidence and give her a genuine compliment about something....typically something small or unusual that most guys wouldn't think to compliment...
  6. J

    JukeboxHero's Approach Journal

    Alright guys! I'm officially starting my approach journal today. Here's the plan 1. Go out. Say "Hi" and make eye contact with at least 15-20 strangers. At least half of them will be attractive girls. 2. Have at least 6 conversations with strangers 3. Make at least 3 approaches with...
  7. J

    Is it a bad idea to approach women...

    if you don't really have a life? or anything interesting going on in your life? Well, I'll give you a quick rundown of what my current situation is. 1. 29 yrs old, but never really had much of a social life or any kind of a relationship with women. 2. Currently own a house, but need to...
  8. J

    Finally, it's time for some Major changes

    Okay, I've had enough! I'm ready to kick my Fears in the Nuts! I'm going to *****-Slap all the lame excuses I typically come up with to NOT go out and be successful socially. But first, I want to give everyone a little background about myself and my current situation in life. I hope this will...
  9. J

    Openers and creating value for anywhere, anytime

    Hello, everyone. I went sarging or well, more like I went to the bar last night to hang out with my friend and maybe meet some other friends of mine. However, I'm still having troubles just starting conversations with girls. I mean I can open by simply saying "Hi, my name is xxx" Which may...
  10. J

    Openers for anywhere!

    Hello, everyone. I went sarging or well, more like I went to the bar last night to hang out with my friend and maybe meet some other friends of mine. However, I'm still having troubles just starting conversations with girls. I mean I can open by simply saying "Hi, my name is xxx" Which may...
  11. J

    This forum=Waste of my time?

    Originally, when I came here I thought this would be a great place to grow as a man, become inspired by great posts here and encouraged to improve myself as a human being general and get personal coaching,critiques, advice etc on my situations and questions. At first I was reading some great...
  12. J

    Birthday Bash..Ideas?

    Well, ladies and gentlemen, in about 2 weeks I'm having a birthday turning 28! Now I've wanted to have parties/do something cool for the past couple of Birthdays but usually I just end up hanging out with my family or perhaps a few close friends. However, I've been more socially active the...
  13. J

    High IOI followed by No show..what's wrong with this scenario

    Disclaimer: I'm not nessecarily interested in dating or hooking up with the girl in the following story. I would however, at least like to be friends with her but I would like advice on what to do if I actually was interested in the girl and how to maintain a good friendship with the current...
  14. J

    AFC should definetly next this chick

    Pretty interesting comedic clip of the stupid excuses girls think up to cancel dates and how guys are gullible enough to let them get away with it. IMO, this AFC should definetly NEXT her!
  15. J

    Alchohol vs. Non-alchoholic ways to meet people

    Just so you know I'm relatively new to actually drinking achohol and the whole lifestyle that goes with it. Obviously there some major differences in meeting people at places where alchohol is involved vs places with no alchohol immediately available. Now, since I'm relatively new to this I'm...
  16. J

    HOw do you respond to NO call/No show!

    I had a Halloween Party this weekend and I had invited a few girls to come. Some I didn't really expect to show up but a few in particular I really thought they would. For instance, this one actually called me back several times to arrange on gettin her directions. I wrote them down and...
  17. J

    Sarging in Columbus, OHio

    Anyone here live in CENTRAL OHIO or Columbus who's interested in going out sarging or doing the wingman deal? I should be going out a couple of times at least on Fri night. PM me or reply to this thread if you can do anything.
  18. J

    C+F, Who uses it and What do you think?

    I finally purchased my first dating advice "book". Of course I'm talking about David DeAngelo's C&F Book, DoubleyourDating (although, if my dating is at 0 right now, will doubling it really help?) Anyways, I definetly agree with everything he suggests in the first 50 pages, which is basically...
  19. J

    Operation Meet Hotel chicks: Field Report 1, Keisha

    Alright, just in case you guys don't know already I work at a hotel and one of my jobs is to call all the other Hotels and get daily Rate and availability. Most of these people know me pretty well since I've been calling them almost everyday for more than a year. However, I've never met any of...
  20. J

    Lasik vs. Vision Therapy

    Basically, I've been considering getting rid of my glasses for good. Not just because I think I would look better without them (and most girls agree) but because it gets rid of a huge hassle and I feel it would give me more confidence in general in addition it would be a lot easier to...
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