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  1. S

    What Advice Would Give

    My wife's good friend finds herself in a ever more stressful situation. Her friend has been married almost 10yrs now. They are both in their mid 30's, no kids, no substance or gambling problems and no infidelity (which we both believe). My wife's friend is hot (slender, fit and very attractive)...
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    The official Borderline Personality Disorder thread [Merged]

    I think Paradox's (temporary) closing of the 'marrying a BPD' thread brings to light the fact that these Cluster-B threads can become long and tedious (more so to members who have been here longer and having seen many). For example, there are more than enough facts, observations, etc in that...
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    I just got stung by some type of bee about 2wks ago. It hurt at the time. But it never made me angry. It had probably been 25yrs since I was last stung and I'm pretty sure I got angry then. So what changed between then and now? Well, I learned a lot after the first sting. First, that I'm not...
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    This Place Rocks!!!

    I think I first found this site over 2 years ago. I was stuck in rut and needed to be unplugged. Of course at the time, I had no idea I was even plugged in :) There is so much wisdom in this *corner* of the internet. Many questions were answered. Many observations in everyday life began to...
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    Witnessed A Great DJ/PUA Example...

    This weekend while out with wife and friends I witnessed something that brought a smile. One of my buddy's friends came out to meet us. He's one of those natural DJ/PUA/Alpha types. You know, if you told him about this forumn he'd just laugh it off. Anyways, early on he spots this fine HB...
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    Jealousy Dynamics

    I was just catching up on this thread : ( where PTC mentioned that his ex was getting back with the last guy. From what I read, he wasn't all that m!ffed. So that got me to thinking. I remember at least two times in my past where the girl went...
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    It's Time To Just Say It...

    ...I think the moderators should seriously consider banning Wyldfire. If not from the entire forum, at least from the Mature Man forum. Let's Get Down To It: 1.) Of late, a large number of threads to which Wyldfire participates result in being locked. 2.) Her self-described relationship...
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    Conceal & Carry: For those that carry...

    For those of you that [legally] carry a pistol during everyday life, I was curious which type of weapon you carry, your reasons for selecting that weapon and which type of holster/placement you prefer (especially during warmer months and locations)? Also, when you need to enter locations...
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    Most Influencial AFC Media Source

    I flipped on the radio in the car this morning and this old tune was playing (friggin' Richard Marx). In the past I would have just changed the channel but instead I listened to the lyrics. Holy sh!t, talk about beta programming. Made him tons of money so can't blame him. Anyway, this got me to...
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    Yet Another Reminder For Caution w/r Online Dating ...if I read this right, the woman in the end will not be charged with anything!
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    "She's Marriage Material..."

    We see the phrase(s) "She's Marriage Material" and it's many variants like "She's LTR Material" quite commonly. Heck, I know I've used at least one in my past. And the phrase just yells AFC. So now I'm curious if anyone knows of a specific origin/period for this phrase (such as a specific movie...
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    "Soulmate" vs. "Perfect Mate"

    The InvisibleMan's thread ( had me thinking about something, perhaps more material for Rollo's book. Quite often the term 'Soulmate' is being used by guys so I will stipulate early on that this myth clearly afflicts men as well as women...
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    Snoop or High Ground

    (Inspired from a recent thread) Scenario: You've been in a relationship with a woman for nearly a year, exclusive for the last 4 months. Still living separately, both finished with school and both into their own careers. However in the past 2 weeks something isn't sitting right. She's...
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    Female Maturity Factor

    I think this is another interesting quirk in the socio-se#ual matrix. Consider the recent thread by yul. Here you have a 31yr guy rapidly dropping everything for a HB 38yr single mommy with a house, some fun se#ual interests and a neverending string of AFC pets. Now just make a minor...
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    Subconscious Awareness Of the Matrix

    A few of the recent and more popular posts (i.e. yul, goodguy34/rutgersman, mikeman, etc) along with the idea Rollo is writing a book got me to thinking. And the root of this train of thought is a theme of late, that of referring to the Matrix w/r to the DJ mentality. I will admit, I am of...
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    Mature Poll: Best Post Contact Strategy

    There are so many cases of a guy coming here after a woman has basically walked all over him only to swing to another branch before he/we even know it. Then sometime later she inevitably contacts said broken hearted dude for some reason (validations, relief from guilt, ego boosting, etc.) And in...
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    Anger, Jealousy & Evolution

    With some of the posts lately I've started wondering about something. Obviously anger and jealousy appear to be a ****tail of reactions some/many guys experience when a women dumps them or jumps to another "perceived" better branch. Note some of the recent threads where guy says "I want to ...
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    AFC Giberish

    Rollo's post a few days ago regarding AFC "Qualities" got me to thinking about this topic. The AFC Giberish and Chumpese we sling out when lamenting a fvcked relationship. As we get older it gets so much easier to spot. I can't believe how many of these I recall using or have seen used on the...
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    Sh!t Tests In Relation To IL

    So what is your take on sh!t tests related to her IL: 1.) She throws these tests and her IL still the same, she's just getting comfortable enough to start testing? 2.) She throws these tests because her IL is dropping, now she's trying to get you to prove yourself and raise it? 3.) She...
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    Expectations....Just Let Go

    This is based on my own experiences and observations of the forum. It would seem that a great deal of our mistakes, letdowns, crisis and in general, painful experiences are the end result of expectations and conditioning that we allow to happen to ourselves. I remember an experience from...