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    Gym or p90x

    Hanging leg raises, decline situps, cable ab crunches, ab wheel, turkish getups etc.
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    Gym or p90x

    So are you trying to lose fat or gain muscle? If you're not eating many carbs you need to eat more fats. You also need to get more of your calories from fat than from protein. Your diet looks to be high in lean meats and fish and therefore lacking in fat. A keto diet would be ~ 60% (or more)...
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    Read this
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    Do any of you pull a sled??

    Grass is harder to pull on than pavement so you'd need to lower the weight.
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    None of them have great muscle mass, they just have a moderate amount of muscle, low bodyfat, pump sessions and good lighting which makes them look bigger than they actually are. They probably get that look by using a high volume routine to induce some sarcoplasmic hypertrophy, which they then...
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    Fish Oil!!??!

    Cod liver oil contains Vitamin A, not fish oil. It's also pretty difficult to overdose on Vitamin A unless you're a baby, renally compromised or you go around eating polar bear liver. I've been taking in ~15,000 IU a day from cod liver oil for quite a while and I'm fine. Flax seed oil is not...
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    It's definitely psychological and you're going to need to get over it. If you're not tired or sweating after any of the days of the SIMPLE power based routine, you're not lifting heavy enough. Like I said before, work towards getting your squat to 500lbs, your deadlift to 400lbs and your...
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    I'm glad you've got so much experience at the age of 19 that you're able to criticise what is an excellent routine set out by a very knowledgeable trainer. Why do they need higher volume? So that must mean more volume is better? That is a good routine for an absolute beginner but...
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    At 165lbs you shouldn't be doing a 5-day split if you're looking to put on muscle. Check out this routine and work with the goal of getting your lift numbers up to 500/400/300lbs and eating properly, and the muscles will come.
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    Do any of you pull a sled??

    How about a car park? Or ask the groundstaff at the track if you can store it somewhere. Grass is another option if you don't have any hard surface available, it's just harder to pull on.
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    Do any of you pull a sled??

    Took me about 5 minutes to fit the wood into the tire. I found the wood on the side of the road. And I don't see how pulling an inner tube looks any cooler than pulling a tire.
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    Do any of you pull a sled??

    I made 2 holes in the tyre which I passed a length of rope through then tied the ends to make a loop. I attach the loop of rope to a crappy weight belt using a short bit of heavy chain and a carabiner.
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    Do any of you pull a sled??

    Yeah, it's great for increasing work capacity and helped my squat somewhat also. Backwards pulling is painful. I made mine by putting a wooden base in an old tyre and using sandbags as weight. If you can made a metal one yourself then go for it.
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    Allmax Nutrition QuickMass

    Woah... 135.7g of maltodextrin and 19.9g of fructose per serving = goodbye insulin sensitivity, hello fatness. I like the way they say that 155.6g of sugar with 5g of fiber thrown in is "glycemically balanced". 0.02mg of flax seed oil powder per serving is a ridiculously small amount of...
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    Eating and muscle mass

    8kg dumbells won't do much to help you. Get yourself to a gym.
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    Adam's Log - an English Boy's Attempt to Bulk

    How is the diet coming along?
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    word files to pdf
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    So I got my cholesterol test results..

    From Your ratio went from 0.30 to 0.34. Keep on eating the way you have done and maybe someday you'll get to above 0.4!!!! From Your ratio went from 4.9 to 4.2. If you...
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    Adam's Log - an English Boy's Attempt to Bulk

    Part-time weekend work? Even crappy jobs like glass collecting in bars/pubs pays minimum wage, so just 8 hours work a week would get you £40+ Stuff like paid online surveys could get you about £30 a month or more if you did as many as you possibly could. See
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    Diet/Lifting Journal 2008/2009

    $400 for 6 months and your gym doesn't even have a squat rack? Sounds like a sh.ithole. I suggest you get a refund and go find another gym. The Smith machine squat is no substitute for a free weight squat. Not being able to keep your balance is no doubt a combination of crap form and a weak...