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  1. M

    Sex problem

    hey buddy I have the same problem. It is not a problem though, think about this........what do most women hate? the minute man!! the only time this is bad is if you want a quikie, ya know. She loved it, and she will want it again and again.
  2. M

    Mission Objective: Sex

    rebound, you wanna tell me what my lottery numbers are? because you hit the nail on the head about that one. But I do know she was a fvckin nut job, ya know. I cant blame her though, she gave me all the signs, I neglected to do the math on the equation. oooops my bad.
  3. M

    Couldn't get a hard on cause I was thinking about my GF!!!

    First mistake is you gave her your numbers! why would you do that? But if you must only give her your cell number and put a name on her number that could be one of your buddies. Secondly if you cant get it up to do the deed, you do have moral problems about cheating on her. If you do decide...
  4. M

    Would you take someone else's girlfriend?

    I can not agree more with Socialreject and MightyMate. That is exactly how I feel.
  5. M

    I Am Going To Get My Butt Kicked By A Female

    2 negatives = 1 positive. Fvck it and Fvck it hard. Beat up the pvss like it owed you money.
  6. M

    Have I been cheated ?

    I say who gives a fvck. if you are cheating now, and she doesnt know, keep doing it till she finds out. then see what happens.
  7. M

    FR: how i overplayed her

    Mr know it all, all I have to say is, If you are running through this forum picking apart peoples' english, you are definetly not putting in enough work in the field. I believe I will now refer to you as a keyboard jockey. And you can pick that apart!
  8. M

    Give her your number?

    I dont feel uncomfortable giving my number out, but I am in the same situation as the guy who said that his phone is cluttered!!! I get all these numbers, but to be honest guys, I dont want a relationship. I just wanna work my game on these chicks and fvck at the very instant they cant resist...
  9. M

    Give her your number?

    Okay here is a question that has been eating at me. Not really a question I guess but more like a theory. What if you are working a chick, and she doesnt want to give you her number, but there is definetly attraction to you form her, and all you want to do is sleep with her. How about giving...
  10. M

    FR: how i overplayed her

    You assume correctly when you assume that I didnt close on this one. But no she didnt want a Fbuddy relationship, she wanted a man that she can cook and clean for. The first thought through my head when she said she wanted more then sex was, "Nope, huh uh, nope, no way chick." After that I...
  11. M

    FR: how i overplayed her

    Guys I had a good weekend....number closed 6 chicks, and the part i need analyzed is how I overworked my Fvck close last night on a HB 9 thirty five year old. Here goes........I got pretty drunk at a pool league banquet. We planned on going to the mining company which is a good hangout for...
  12. M

    Don't let this happen to you!

    Hell guys I am 25, no kids, am not in a relationship, and I have my appointment at the Urology clinic June 26 at 3:30 pm to get my boys shut off. Hell yeah, as shady as women are nowadays, why wouldnt they want a check coming in once a month for spittin out a kid? Even if it was accidental? I...
  13. M

    Am i not boyfriend material or something?...although

    If you guys are talking about getting chicks to have sex with you the first night you meet them then you need to forget about getting thier number. As soon as you get a number from a chick at a bar, you are done with her. You need to be very flirty with chicks right away and keep it going if...
  14. M

    What do I do with a b-atch like this?

    if I was in your shoes, I wouldve stayed and played it cool. she obviously told you because she wanted you to know, but there was also obvious attraction to you on her part. I wouldve played it out, she called you for the date. But only a hb 5-6 I wouldnt put a whole lot of work into it...
  15. M

    Gave her an ultimatum, she responds, what do i do now?

    Hey buddy I was in this same situation. Never Never Never second guess your gut!!!! I will assure you if you take the ring back your relationship will never be the same, she will think that you are just using the "diamond ring" as a pawn in your relationship. I admit nexting an 8 or above is...
  16. M

    Mission Objective: Sex

    Ooh at last. Man speaks the truth. I personally am at the point that I only want to F*ck every female that I see. I am done with relationships!!! It is too much work, only to be disappointed. If I feel myself starting to really like a chick, I am gonna be like that guy on shallow hal and...
  17. M

    Break up reply (Funny)

    That was some good sh!t man. well written. my hat is taken off for that.
  18. M

    Need Ideas for date with single mom

    I agree 100% with Drink and Fvck!! Then run. Single moms are gods proof that he has a sense of humor. For what you ask? For the poor b@st@rds that fall into the trap, thats what. Believe me I know, I was one of those poor b@st@rds!
  19. M

    2 beat his A$$ or not???

    do you guys read all of what I write or just the parts you want to read? I said "I am not going to beat his azz, until he hits me!" okay, now he will not pull a gun on me. You all just need to trust me on that. Also never did I mention anything about pulling a gun on him, now that we have...
  20. M

    2 beat his A$$ or not???

    Okay this thing has gotten out of hand. Like I said in my last post, if I was gonna beat this fella, it wouldve already happened. In regards to the consequences, who cares. If it is worth fighting, there are no consequences. The only time I have heard of anyone calling the cops is if...