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  1. H

    SwedishDJ is back from Italy...and he is really depressed.

    You say you are looking for the long term-relationship. It's always easier to give advice like "Should I boink her or not?" - because the answer is almost always YES! Anyways as for the LTR only you can make up your mind beacuse only you can fully asess the situation, but this is my take on it...
  2. H

    New guy from europe seeks advice

    Hey, thats great! I don't think there will be any problems for you - just keep at it and talk to new people and soon you will find yourself with several girls to choose among... It seems you got it under control... G'luck! //Hanuman
  3. H

    New guy from europe seeks advice

    Ok guys... I'm from Sweden so I'll tell you what it's like here. All the ladies are tall blondes with huge breasts and only wear polarbearskins that end just below their ass. They are all nymphomaniacs and I have to fight them off with a stick... No seriously, when I have had foreign...
  4. H

    First post, a lil technique of mine...

    Nah, I just picked the Hanuman name because that monkey god dude looks kewl... I'm Swedish actually ;-)
  5. H

    Using ROMANCE to win her heart??? That's as ridiculous as being a nice guy.

    Yeah I see what you're meaning blayde, but... Romance is good even early on - IF - you didn't initiate it, or at least she thinks you didn't... Like - do NOT suggest a stroll on the beach holding hands. Instead, when walking home from the date be the one that chooses the route and be sure...
  6. H

    Getting mad = getting laid!

    Hell, thats so clever that I can't believe I didn't figure it out! ;) Honestly, I know the way I described above works, or at least has for me at several oaccasions, but that's - like you put it - devious! N1 Krassus...
  7. H

    Getting mad = getting laid!

    Yeah I don't think it's always a bad thing that she suspects me caring alot about her, as long as I don't say it straight out. Now I can see your points as why you could fail doing this. With all theese posts on the forum, there is nothing you can memorize and perform and be sure it wont...
  8. H

    Sometimes I hate peripheral vision.

    Yeah that would be your basic guy WITHOUT ISSUES
  9. H

    Sometimes I hate peripheral vision.

    Sh*t man..., stop worrying about **** like this, you are a f*cking alpha male - you don't care what people think about you when you are minding your own buisness - you are doing your thing and you are comfortable doing it. If you are not it will show and you are no alpha-male, you are a...
  10. H

    Getting mad = getting laid!

    You probably went supplicating again... The idea is HER supplicating YOU, not for her to appologise and be back to where you were... - after you do this make her earn your trust and make her work hard for it... No dude no, you need to have good enough a reason for being mad. If you work...
  11. H

    Getting mad = getting laid!

    This is basically something I tried a couple of times to get out of the "LJBF"-zone. I guess it could also work to intensify feelings between you and a girl you have been dating/having sex with if you feel her going cold on you... In this example let's use a girl who has sent you to...
  12. H

    How should I have gone about this?

    Wasn't really interested in getting any girls that night? - that's an AFC load of BS... Anyways..., you had three options really: 1: Kiss her... This could work against you - if she slept with some jerk before you would probably like to set your standards higher. Might mess with your...
  13. H

    First post, a lil technique of mine...

    *slides into the empty chair* Hehe, well I'm sorry you feel that way! As for my writing style, English isn't my native language so sorry about that. *sniffs armpit* - Yeah you might be right =) but endless sex sessions without showering will do that to the best of us ;)
  14. H

    First post, a lil technique of mine...

    Ello DJ's, playa's and seducers... First post for me on this forum but I've been hanging around similar sites. I thought I would post a technique for you guys to try out as a way to say "heya all"... Basically its a version of the rejection game, you know when you and a couple of friends...