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  1. J

    Interacial dating?? Different expierience.. Comments

    "For some weird reason Filipinos are obsessed with having white skin." Yes colonization can do that to a person. Can I tell you how many times I go to a club and a white chick is jocking me cuz Jay-Z is piping in the background. Oh I'm cool now but not in a If I was an opportunist I...
  2. J

    Night totally ruined (partly) because I went out alone

    No offense taken I mean "low Iq gorilla" can be seen as a compliment in some parts. Funny thing is you think you are being honest and bold with statements like these. But then when you confronted you hide be hind the old " I was just talking about THOSE guys not all of you" excuse or the...
  3. J

    Night totally ruined (partly) because I went out alone

    Thanks Thanks for showing your true colors Jake. If I had known this about you upfront, I wouldn't have wasted my time debating with you ealier.
  4. J

    How much do ethnicity play a part in the dating game?

    <<INCORRECT There is no such thing as the "average brother" this entire thread stinks of generalizations... you all need to start classifying people as individuals and not groups.>> Relax and dont rope me in with the others. It was a poor use of words on my part but I think you know...
  5. J

    How much do ethnicity play a part in the dating game?

    I agree with Jake that SOME people date for superficial reasons.... I agree that "european features" (really a myth cause "race" is a myth) are pushed as #1. Despite that, many of us have appreciation for our "own" women and theie features. True beauty IMO is about Symmetry not individual...
  6. J

    Country to go to DJ

    Just to take it further. If you are a brotha, I'm told from previous female friends that Australia and Germany are tops.
  7. J

    dutch vs german girls

    Jake, good post. I believe Hip Hop's popularity helps. Ofcourse that can be limiting in somes ways too. It's ironic that some "minorities" seem to do well in the whitest of countries. It's almost like the women aren't as racist as some of the men.
  8. J

    dutch vs german girls

    downandout Not sure, but I heard asians are well received in France.
  9. J

    dutch vs german girls

    Are you a black guy? If so you may do well with the german ladies...
  10. J

    Age appropriate dancing.

    Good advise Player, I probably need to be more flexible. I Honestly, I've found the current hip hop movements to be somewhat restrictive but I will tyry to incorporate the few moves I like. You're 45 (don't look it) but you are just now slowing down... Play on playa!
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    Age appropriate dancing.

    Here’s My story. I’m 33 years old, still young in my mind. Not being arrogant but I’m still in peak shape, never stopped working out etc., so I may even look a little younger. I was married for six years. During which I was a big AFC and hardly went out. Before then, when I was in my early to...
  12. J

    How to dress to impress (cost much less then you think)

    I agree to a point. Too much Brand name clothing reflects a few AFC qualities IMO. 1. Seeking Approval. 2. Conformity 3. Lack of Creativity Ofcourse these things may work great on a social approval level but does a Kenneth Cole "uniform" really turn a girl on?
  13. J

    overly-successful women (ugh)

    I had a similiar situation. I met hot indian exec type last year. I went out with her the following week. Honestly I never met somelike this before (Six+ figure salary, awesome aparntment and luxury car) and at first I was a bit intimidated. Then at once point during the datet, I just thought...
  14. J

    Masturbation better than sex? Going soft ...

    Check out this site,your problems seem to be due to lack of sensitivity: Although youprobably don't mastubate face down, the same principal (desentivity) may apply. You will need to retrain yourself.