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  1. D

    Ultimatum to girlfriend - ?

    Update... The HB9 turned out to be a bit of an airhead and I suspect she's an attention wh0re too. She's damn hot, she seems keen (for now), but I decided to next her because I can see she's trouble waiting to happen. But the point is, I have the confidence to next a HB9 now, and that is...
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    She was banging in the car

    She sounds like a cheap slvt. Perhaps it's better that you didn't get with her after all.
  3. D

    If you're a "nice guy", prepare to get a taste of this.

    It makes sense, except I notice she refers to A as hotties, B as good looking guys, but no mention of Cs looks. So if the nice guys in category C were great looking and the jerks in A were average, would it change her opinion?
  4. D

    Lifeforce Weightlifting Journal

    I agree, Gav. I think a lot of this "it's all attitude" mentality is a cop out which encourages guys to be slack with their appearance. I have a lot more respect for you guys who are working out and making an effort with your appearance. You're not just sitting around whining, looking for...
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    Lifeforce Weightlifting Journal

    Impressive transformation!! It's an inspiration to everyone who is considering working out. I agree with Solid's point. There's definitely a difference in the way I perceive the two pictures and I'm sure you are getting treated with a lot more respect these days (from both males and...
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    Discussion: The Top 10 Reasons Why Very Intelligent Men Fail with Women

    oh and why does he presuppose that very intelligent men DO fail with women? I see no evidence of this.
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    Discussion: The Top 10 Reasons Why Very Intelligent Men Fail with Women

    Totally disagree. He's not talking about smart or intelligent people; he's going on a stereotype of swats and highbrow intellectuals. Intelligent guys DO accept they're wrong, because they know that learning is the essence of being smart. Arrogant guys are the ones who never accept they're...
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    Shrinking waist!

    I believe it's a good thing, so don't fret. The same thing happened to me. I don't think your waist muscles grow particularly big, so without any fat I expect it to remain the same size.
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    Motivational Thread: Success Stories

    I find it quite unsettling that there have been no replies to this thread. :( I see this forum as good motivation, but it would be reassuring to know that the advice people are reading and giving out here actually works! Personally, before I found this site I was a doormat for women and...
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    DJ vs. Nice guy contradiction

    Ok, we all know how effective indifference can be and how we must avoid the wuss mentality in order to be successful with women. Today I was talking to a married woman and we got onto talking about relationships. She was talking about how her husband doesn't show her enough attention, she...
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    Contacted an HB9 again after 6 months!

    Same here. I agree with Jakeyboy on this. Once you start analyzing, it's downhill from there.
  12. D

    gap in between pecs

    I had the same thing too, but when I started doing Dumbell Flyes I started noticing a big difference in a fairly short amount of time. Personally, I'm having trouble building up the nipple area of my pecs as bench presses, flyes nor dips do anything for me there.
  13. D

    GETTING GIRLS TO CHASE YOU (the better looking the chick, the better this works)

    I know from first-hand experience that this advice works! I know because the women who are "chasing" me are the ones I show no interest in. Yet the women I lavish all my attention on are the ones I drive away. Right now, I'm playing this strategy with a Hb9.999 model and it's working...
  14. D

    LJBF'd again! Don't know why

    Here's the best advice I can possibly give you - don't analyse it! My guess is that you did nothing "wrong" at all, but that she was being a typical capricious woman. Trust me, if you start thinking too much about these things (is it my hair? did I say something wrong? am I too fat?) you will...
  15. D

    News for the nice guys out there

    I started to realise this about myself whenever I was suffering nice guy syndrome. One of the big reasons I was so nice is because I was scared of conflict, and I was scared of conflict because I hadn't the confidence to handle myself. It is also a fear of being rejected or refused something...
  16. D

    Ultimatum to girlfriend - ?

    It's so good to come out on top for a change, but the worst part of it is that I got sucked into believing she was different and wouldn't pull such games on me. Thanks to this board, I was able to recognise it before I started throwing away my dignity and digging myself into a pit of rejections...
  17. D

    yup, I messed up...

    I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you made the ultimate mistake. By her logic, you have removed the challenge and in doing so, lost your value to her. You have become Another (Frustrated) Chump she can manipulate. People don't value what they take for granted and value more what they...
  18. D

    Ultimatum to girlfriend - ?

    So I got a call from her last night, which took me by surprise. She apologised and said she missed me, then started feeding me an excuse about breaking her phone and being busy. I told her not to insult my intelligence and I hung up on her. It was petty of me, but I f*cking hate it when...
  19. D

    Ultimatum to girlfriend - ?

    Thanks for the responses and bringing me back to my senses. Looks like the advice is unanimous. For those who asked, we have been together for nearly 3 months and she seemed to fall for me very quickly. Until this happened, I'd say our relationship was flawless and her IL was very high...
  20. D

    Ultimatum to girlfriend - ?

    To keep this brief, it has been nearly 3 weeks since I had a dispute with my girlfriend. I tried to reason with her and thought we had sorted things, but she's ignoring me again now. I called her in the week, she didn't answer or call me back. I think a lot of her and I do have feelings for...