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  1. J

    GF: "We probably won't even be together for a year"

    Yeah I don't do it too often, but she is pretty good though. We live 3 hours away from eachother and she has driven up to see me EVERY weekend for the past 3 months... 1 weekend I went there, she came and picked me up, brought me back to her town, and then dropped me off afterwards. edit: I...
  2. J

    GF: "We probably won't even be together for a year"

    What does this mean? We've been together for about 3 months and things are great, but she has said this (or something similar) a few times. She also says a lot of really positive things about the relationship. But out of nowhere she'll say this and I'll ask her why (what should I say...
  3. J

    Her leaving for 2-3 months

    That sucks. We've been apart for 1, 2, almost 3 weeks sometimes and when we're all over eachother when we finally see eachother again. But that's when she's at home, at school, doing the same thing every day. When she's on the other side of the country doing something new every day it will be...
  4. J

    Her leaving for 2-3 months

    I don't see that happening right now, she JUST (the day she told me) bought a couple of pillows, some towels, bathing supplies, etc... to use when she is here (to leave here) and bought me some cologne. That's not the only reason, things are going well. What I am worried about is This...
  5. J

    Her leaving for 2-3 months

    I've been seeing my GF for about 3 months (we've known eachother over a year) and the other day we had this conversation GF: My sister asked me to come visit her in NY but I don't really like it there. JB: Are you going to go? GF: I don't know, I haven't decided. JB: You should go, how...
  6. J

    "Would you go out with her?"

    I mentioned to my GF of 3 months that this blonde girl at school liked me, how a classmate told me about it, I told him I had a GF and wasn't going to talk to her etc... 2 days later she says GF "I wanted to ask you something, if we weren't going out you would probably be going out...
  7. J


    No no, I think it's a great thing, and I want a relationship with her. I just don't want to say too much too soon. I basically told her I felt the same way...
  8. J


    Alright, I've been going out with this girl for about a month now, and she's really into me. I wasn't sure but the other day she started saying (over the phone, ldr) how much she misses me, how much she likes me, and wants to be with me. How she thought she just wanted to be friends at...
  9. J

    Need a good response, trying to get the hang of this.

    lol, I was thinking something along those lines, but I didn't quite have it all together, thanks. I'll post her response when I get it.
  10. J

    Need a good response, trying to get the hang of this.

    First, I joined a while ago but haven't been here in awhile so... I've been seeing this girl for about 3 weeks. Kissing, feeling, etc... (no sex yet) anyway as a joke she put "pose naked luv the cam" as her occupation on Myspace. I sent her a message saying: "lovin the new occupation...
  11. J


    I'm just getting over my flu of about 4-5 days. I read up a lot and saw that a few places said not to take aspirin as it could lead to Reye's syndrome. I just took some Nyquil Cold/Flu, slept for about 18 hours, and I felt a lot better.
  12. J

    ******** translation for this word

    The guy who asked?
  13. J

    How Do I Rest My Muscles Faster?

    Glutamine, about $12 at GNC. It's supposed to help, I have been taking it for a month and it seems to be working.
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    tried it, found out I was allergic to it, didn't like it.
  15. J

    lol stupid approaching fear

    I know what you mean man.... I am so pissed off at myself, and have been for the past 3 days. I recently started a part-time job at a stand in the mall, I see tons of girls every day, didn't get any special looks from any of them, whatever. So I get off, I'm walking to my car and I see this...
  16. J

    Internal Dialogue Filters

    I like the last one, I'll use that.
  17. J

    races... guys and girls view differently?

    ^Exactly^ (except for the last sentence :D) <white guy, likes women of all races. My sisters both go out with non-white guys, I don't get it but they say they 'aren't into white guys', one says she likes clean cut mexican guys, and the other like black guys. They don't like the...
  18. J

    So, What're You Driving?

    Somehow I doubt he's driving them all at the same time... I drive an 88 Jeep Grand Wagoneer (original suv, wood paneling) oh yeah ;) I'm about to buy a 68 Dodge Dart, hopefully, and put a 440 in it.
  19. J

    Ordering for her...

    People always seem confused when they respond to the original post. He said to find out (by asking her) what she wants before hand, that way when it is time to order you can just repeat what she told you, don't just guess and order something she won't like.
  20. J

    My New Years DJ mission

    Been awhile since I posted here, but I'm in too, can't wait!