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  1. C

    Why do women constantly b*tch and complain?...

    So, what's the best way to talk to these women when their in a negative mood; I'm tired, I don't feel good today, I've got bills that are behind, etc. Sometimes at work it gets slow and there's not much else to do but chat up one of these women when they make convo. So, what's the best thing...
  2. C

    Why do women constantly b*tch and complain?...

    OK, I have nothing against women, I just don't understand why women b*tch about everything in their lives. Examples: The women I work with seem to whine about not feeling good, their tired, sick, or they need money, etc. I just pretty much ignore them when they start this crap, but I just...
  3. C

    Why are women so f*ckin dramatic?

    So true WaterTiger! I think women just do it to push and see where they stand with you in the relationship. They want to see if you are going to be a true man and take charge of the situation when they stir up drama and wind up testing you. You hit the nail on the head!
  4. C

    Why are women so f*ckin dramatic?

    Hey Kidquick, I agree! I think basically it comes down to one thing bottom line - almost all women are just ATTENTION *****S deep down. They crave it and creating drama gives them something they can talk about to whoever will listen and give them attention for it. I think most women think...
  5. C

    Why are women so f*ckin dramatic?

    Hey I'd let her call you! You didn't do anything wrong and she just wants to make the situation worse to make drama. Yeah I agree, don't ask her where she wants to go. Just have a plan at all times and a backup in case she wants to create some drama. If she's in the mood to fight just tell...
  6. C

    Why are women so f*ckin dramatic?

    I was just wondering why women create so much drama in everything no matter how simple or silly something seems to us? My girlfriend is so dramatic about everything in her life, no matter if it's something that her friend did or her mom said or it's blah blah blah. Are some women's lives so...
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    My bad! I didn't realize I posted this twice and it wouldn't let me erase it.
  8. C


    Hey guys I got a simple question for ya. I know everyone will probably say just do a "search" on it dumb*ss, but I am sorta confused on the two meanings I have. What is the real definition of supplicating or supplication? Is it giving a woman gifts and trying to buy her affection? Or is it...
  9. C

    Examples of women's TESTS...

    You know what I'm talking about guys. Women use these stupid tests with guys all the time to see if they're worthy MEN. I guess they want to see if you have a backbone and will stand up to their stupid tests. For example, they will test to see if they can control and manipulated you by...
  10. C

    Question about her giving me the number...

    You're right guys! Hey, I've got plenty of women after me, so I won't even give her the time of day if she couldn't give me the digits. I DON'T chase women, period! The next time I see her I'll just play it cool and see what happens from her. I'll just be my old charismatic, charming self...
  11. C

    Question about her giving me the number...

    So, what do you think I should do about this situation? Should I just wait til the next time I go in and if we talk just tell her, if she asks why I didn't call, that I just couldn't bring myself around to looking up a number if it was just so hard for her to volunteer it to me on paper. This...
  12. C

    Question about her giving me the number...

    So, you think I'm wasting my time? Was this a test just to see if I'm truly interested and will look up her number in the phone book? I mean we live like 10 min. apart and are both in the same phone book. I know I know I should have just told her something like 'are you just giving me a hard...
  13. C

    She's 8yrs. younger...?

    DJ's, I've just started talking to this HB8 who's 21 and I'm 28 very soon to be 29. She's in college, but she has a very high IL in me. I've used all the DJ stuff on her to get her interested (C&F, neg hits, etc). She seems very mature for her age and has a great personality, but I was just...
  14. C

    If You're In a Relationship, She IS Trying to Change You

    Good post! This is why you have to be careful not to get trapped into becoming something that you're not. You have to be your own MAN at all times. I know, women have a profound affect on most guys, but you have to remember in the back of your mind that you can't just change your base...
  15. C

    Question about her giving me the number...

    Hey guys, I was just out at a place of business where this one chick works that I've talked to for a while now when I go in there. She seems to have really high interest in me (always asks about me, my life, etc.). So, I said, "Hey, I enjoy talkin to ya when I come in here, why don't you give...
  16. C

    Low IL... What to do?

    I totally agree with Dekka. You have to act aloof on this one in order to cause her to wonder what the f_ck happened to you. Flip the script on her a_s! Oh, and I think the most important thing a guy can do to peak the interest of any woman is stop paying so much attention to her and give it...
  17. C

    Calling women out on their BS...

    Hey, I agree with Amog on this. You can't be acting all AFCish with these women because they detest when you act like a wuss with them. Remember, these women want a man, not another woman. They want to fill the void in their life with something different than what they have. They are female...
  18. C

    Are women put off by players?

    I mean I know women like guys who are outgoing and they like social proof and all, but it seems like when they start to really start to become attracted to you they freak out if they think you're just a playa. Is this some kind of defense that they put up to protect themselves from getting...
  19. C

    Guys with girlfriends–Differentiating between PMS and troubles with relationship?

    Sounds to me like there may be some trouble abrewin'. But, we need some details on the things she's naggin you about before we can decifer PMS or trouble in the relat. If this isn't just a combination of PMS and some other stresses in her life causing her discomfort, then she may have her...
  20. C

    Insecure chick I was dating...

    Wyldfire, is it possible to have a relationship with one of these types of women, or are they so wounded that they will always be like this? I mean, she would respond favorably when I was somewhat sweet to her, but then she would start to act a little controlling and manipulative when I was...