Search results

  1. D

    Should I drop my wing?

    I moved to a new town and after months of searching online and in bars/clubs, I was able to find a wing who's into game and pick-up. However, when I started to actually go out with him, I noticed he will rarely approach and only talk about long, complicated technicals of how he would game them...
  2. D

    Am I ugly or something?

    Sounds like a validation post but I am honestly trying to get an unbiased opinion of my looks and physique. I've always thought of myself as very handsome and my friends have said the same. I've also been on gear since I was 18 and I have a good physique for my age. But the problem is I rarely...
  3. D

    Where to meet high quality women for LTRs?

    I am having a hard time finding a high quality long term partner from game. I do a lot of nightgame but I have realized that the women there are not relationship material. Everytime I have pulled from nightgame, they are not interested in going out on a serious date after hooking up. I have been...
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