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  1. CaptFinnBad

    I'm struggling a bit. Need advice how to dig myself out of a hole.

    String of bad luck last few months things out of my control and some of it in my control. Without going into great detail in the ways I've taken multiple hits from different angles I want to focus on digging myself out of this. Realistically there is nothing catastrophic that's happened...
  2. CaptFinnBad

    Shoulder mobility

    I've always benched with the bar to my chest, (benched this was a long time ) Lately the front of my shoulder feeling a little sticky at the bottom. Might be because of old age lol. Today I was flat benching and had to lower the weight onto the spotter bars because I felt a little bit of...
  3. CaptFinnBad

    Break up...

    Had some trouble with my Ex in the summer. I broke up with her, basically issues with PMDD. Total head f uck at the end of each month, Got back together. She was working on it. Actually had an awesome time after, thought she solved it. Then she stopped taking the medication the doctors...
  4. CaptFinnBad


    I don't think I have high levels of empathy in general. Just watched this video, I found it interesting. What he is talking about , I never do. I rewatch it as he suggested and listened in the way he advised. If felt different, he's right. I could feel and felt connected when I...
  5. CaptFinnBad

    You guys have much success with Asian women?

    I'm in a relationship. Who knows she might be the one I stay with until I die or might not. So my boat may or may not have already sailed. Sleeping with an Asian chick has always been my unicorn. Never had success, tried a couple of times. Just wondering how mabye of you have ...
  6. CaptFinnBad

    Why are women so broken?

    I'm late thirties know quite a lot of women, family, friends, female clients. An overwhelming proportion of women around this age are mentally f ked, they all seem to have some sort of mental illness or some sort condition. Anyone else observed this? Why do you think all their brains broke?
  7. CaptFinnBad

    Takes two to ruin a relationship.... I wish I knew how to embed this video.
  8. CaptFinnBad

    What traits are behind your success?

    Everyone is completely different and will lean into different things ( Haha we're all unique snowflakes after all). Just out of pure interest. Just thought it would be interesting make a thread to see the huge array of traits guys leveraging to their advantage and are using to bring great...
  9. CaptFinnBad

    Start of winter doing my head in !

    Every women I know (not even in a romantic sense) doing my head in. All turned into neurotic messes all wanting attention. Doing my best to just ignore them all and be polite. Haha fighting the urge to tell them to "fuc k off stop bothering me and go out get some D ick. You'll feel better...
  10. CaptFinnBad

    AI effects on the dating market?

    I think in this current climate a lot of guys are thirsty AF! Might because they were delbt a bad hand, lack discipline or motivation, unrealistic expectations from women whatever. It's irrelevant. Whole list of reasons men are uncecceful with women. What it has created is an army of...
  11. CaptFinnBad

    So I broke up with her.

    I didn't want to do it. Basically backed me in the corner, constantly picking fights (basically it was like she was challenging me to break up with her so I did) e.t.c. It sucks, because I felt at a point if this was to continue it would be the norm and the relationship was doomed regardless...
  12. CaptFinnBad

    My anxious attachment style

    Been trying to look into the mirror lately. One of the things I need to address is an anxious attachment style (hate this buzz phrase btw) that I have. It developed in childhood. My parents owned shops, basically as I child I was left in the empty house at the back of the shop we owned to...
  13. CaptFinnBad

    Girlfriends PMDD reached new heights.

    So yeah. Had a hormonal implant. Under doctors advise she got it removed, because if the extreme effect on her body and moods. Had it replaced with a copper coil (non hormonal). Been around a month now. Jesus Christ. Her PMDD is seriously gotten out of control. Everyone close to her...
  14. CaptFinnBad

    Women and empathy

    Just like to here your thoughts on women and empathy. Obviously women have empathy but I think is might be slightly different to how a man has empathy. I might be wrong on this assumption but it come across to me is the women's ability to empathise is about how it makes them feel. For...
  15. CaptFinnBad

    Women are so self obsessed

    So was just talking to a client. Asked how her weekend was, woe is me. She's spent a couple our tidying her house, the weekend was so hard e.t.c. Thought I'd add to the conversation you know in the back and forth, mine was difficult too. I cut through a main gas pipe in the street with a...
  16. CaptFinnBad

    My legs finally caught up with the rest of my body!

    Been training for like 20 years. Upper body has always responded well. Genetically my shoulders and back are my strongest body parts. Legs have been very difficult to progress over the years. Calves I've found near on impossible to put size on. My father has skinny legs compared to a...
  17. CaptFinnBad

    Hit something inside my girl

    So we were getting it on the other day. Pretty intense she orgasmed, so I went really deep and hard. Pretty rough with her. I kinda smacked into something up there and she winced in pain. Asked if she was okay, carried on. Same level of intensity, it happened again. Smacked into...
  18. CaptFinnBad

    Manipulating female clients

    I train dogs and walk them on the side. Last week was hot. So being the responsible person I am I called all the shots of what I'm doing with dogs each working day. Adjusting apportionments and protecting dogs from the heat was my priority. This week I'm feeling a lil lazy , my bank...
  19. CaptFinnBad

    What are these gals independent of?

    I heard someone say it. I asked "independent of what? " Couldn't give me a straight answer. I run my own business, my roots are in mechanical engineering, I've renovated houses, can put my hand to most things, I garden (grow a lil bit of my own food)., I eat the fish I catch. I can defend...
  20. CaptFinnBad

    Kinda want to marry the girl I'm with....

    Never felt this urge with other women (I was with an ex best part if a decade and it never crossed my mind once ) . Just sometimes it crosses my mind when looking at her. Keep getting afraid one day I'll end up blurting it out and she will say yes. Don't want to get married though. Got too...