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  1. E

    Fitness and Nutrition Plans

    I haven't posted here in awhile although I still lurk from time to time. I've been working as a Personal Trainer, Physiology Tutor and preparing for Medical School. I use to write custom workout and diet plans for guys on this forum to achieve various goals. It was a gratifying process and a...
  2. E

    Squat Technique and Physique vs Strength Debate Thread

    Way too many threads here are being hijacked by squat form debates. I also see a lot of debates between people training for strength vs people training specifically for physique goals arguing endlessly. Anytime I train someone I first talk with them to figure out what there exact goal is...
  3. E

    Inspiring Read
  4. E

    No Gym...what to do?

    Been way too many post that go something like this "I don't have a gym but what can i do to build muscle?" "I have 40lbs dumbbells and want to bulk up" My answer to this is join a gym. If your really serious about doing this the right way and making progress then a gym isn't optional. Its...
  5. E

    Can't Get My Arms To Grow

    Hey guys i've tried everything but i can't get my arms to grow heres my routine Barbell Curls- 4 sets of 15reps Hammer curls- 3 sets of 30 Concentration Curls- 3 sets of 8 reps 45.525% angle curls- 4 sets of 10 Cable Curls- 5x10 Preacher curl drop sets (to burn them out) I do this...
  6. E

    Simple Starting Diet

    I see a lot of confusion here around creating a diet, this is a very basic structure to get you going. Meal 1 - Shake +Raw Eggs Meal 2- Beef/veggies Meal 3- Shake + Raw Eggs Meal 4- Beef/Veggies Meal 5- Shake+ Raw Eggs Meal 6- Chicken Or Tuna/ Fish Oil (only made it for 6 meals...
  7. E

    Eat up for Thanksgiving

    I was talking to one of the guys i train in person the other day and he was talking about going home for thanksgiving and how he feels bad because he won't be able to eat any of the food his family makes because of his bodybuilding diet. Then later that day i got phone calls from other guys i...
  8. E

    Where to Start

    I see a lot guys here posting that are new (you could be training for years and still be "new" if you haven't been doing things right) they have weak numbers for the top 3 (Squat,Bench,Deadlift), and they're usually in the 125-180lb range. Then after seeing there routine and diet posted up is...
  9. E

    Thanks Stronglifts

    Just wanted to give props here to Stronglifts for all the wonderful advice hes been giving here.Its always nice having some new experienced people here posting. (Even though we may disagree on some stuff we generally preach the samething ..Eat, Lift, Sleep) This forum obviously doesn't compare...
  10. E

    Strength Goals and Max Testing

    We talk about the big lifts a lot around here and getting stronger on them. Here are the number goals you guys should be working towards on these lifts for a reasonable strength base for the average guy that wants to have a body that'll turn heads....i'll quote Iron Addict right here A bench...
  11. E

    (MODS) Take Down DIESELS Guides

    I think its time to take his guides down and replace them with the idiots guide. The information like Alex says is FAR from optimal, and in my opinion plain out bad for the majority of lifters. Its confusing for new people to Health and Fitness as well because thats the first thing they'll...
  12. E

    Benching Correctly

    A lot of guys are guilty of being front delt pressers (basically using your delts to get the weight up) when they bench. Learning how to bench the right way takes some effort, watching videos of people with good form helps a lot but still doesn't show you how your supposed to feel when your...
  13. E

    A-Unit: Nutrition + the "right" stimulus = growth.

    A-Unit made this amazing post in a lower thread ( Hope he doesn't mind me reposting it) What he says will help clear up a lot of the backward thinking on this board and at the very least give people the correct reference point to build from. Mods please make this a sticky...
  14. E

    Squat for big arms

    This is an article by Stuart McRobert from his book brawn, and i think it'll be helpful to a lot of people here. To build muscle mass, you must increase strength. It’s that simple. You will never get huge arms, a monstrous back, a thick chest, or massive legs without lifting heavy weights...
  15. E

    Matrix Warrior

    I ordered a book called Matrix Warrior by Jake Horsley. I'm almost half way done with it. I recommend everyone read this book, its been a huge eye opener for me so far and paints a very clear picture of the matrix we live in and teaches how to get "unplugged" from it. Take it how you want...
  16. E

    An Experience Continued

    Hey Everyone!!! You may remeber me from the thread An Experience which i was posting in about 4 months ago. I was doing bootcamp over my winter break and it was going great! I made it to week 4 and then had to go back to my small school to take on my rejections which was mad scary for...
  17. E

    Guy with Social Disorder

    Theres this guy that stays on the same floor as me in the dorm and hes has some serious social problems. He has trouble fitting in and hes told us (people on the hall) that were the first friends hes ever had in his life! Hes opened up to us a good deal but hes one annoying son of a b*tch...
  18. E

    An Experience

    Well if anyone read my thing before you'll know that i was gonna do bootcamp and post all my days up i did day 1 and thats all i ever posted well what happen was i had exams and about 100 other things to do so time was an issue but i'm glad to say now i got all the time in the...