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    Why Cool Guys Are So Unflappable with Girls

    I've probably brought this up before, but since this guy, "Chase Amante", has slept with 10,000 hot girls and has 10,000 more hot girls begging to sleep with him, thought it would be worth another mention. -------------------------------- In this article, he is saying "Why Cool Guys are So...
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    Men are more likely than women to want kids

    Media and pop culture often portray young women as baby-seeking, family-craving, biological clock-ticking time bombs. But the reality may be quite different, because new research has yet again suggested that it's childless men, not women, who are more likely to say they want to be parents...
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    6 Reasons Why Women Are More Attracted To The 'Beta' Male Personality

    One of the harshest truths, life throws your way is the fact that you can't live like an Alpha male all your life. Sometimes you're a born an Alpha, sometimes you acquire traits along the way and sometimes, you just don't have any Alpha traits, and that's nothing to beat yourself over with. We...
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    Men Need to Step Up and Be Better

    Article about Men needing to be better. The Article is copied and pasted below; long but quick read. There was a Twitter thread that made the rounds about a year ago because it put forth a basic but daring premise...
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    Why Are So Many Professional Millennial Women Unable To Find Dateable Men?

    A growing number of Millennial women are beginning to fret over the unanticipated consequences of prioritizing our careers before love. And I only need to look at my group of friends to see this reality. Again and again, year after year, my successful, gorgeous, and amazing friends remain...
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    Emily Ratajkowski Repurposed Her Engagement Ring Into ‘Divorce Rings’

    You’ve heard of engagement rings—but have you ever heard of divorce rings? They’re the latest poignant pieces that Emily Ratajkowski has added to her personal jewelry box this year. Following the model’s 2022 divorce from Sebastian Bear-McClard—with whom she shares a son...
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    Adult Film Star Melissa Stratton Blasts ‘Hot Ones’ Host Sean Evans For Breaking Up With Her

    Adult film entertainer Melissa Stratton, 34, has called out her ex, "Hot Ones" host Sean Evans, 37. after the YouTuber broke up with her on Valentine's Day. The duo were confirmed to be dating after Stratton flaunted images of them from the Super Bowl weekend. According to reports, Evans...
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    Taylor Swift blowback due to ‘weird, lonely, insecure men’

    Fox Sports pundit Colin Cowherd on Tuesday dug into those complaining about singer Taylor Swift’s recent presence in the National Football League (NFL), arguing the criticism says more about “weird, lonely, insecure men” than it does about the global superstar...
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    Midlife women are being told to sit down and shut up – and not just by men

    The belief that older women have less to offer and should ideally not be seen at all remains widespread across genders and age groups. The cliché of middle-aged womanhood is that we ‘become invisible’. Alas...
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    Men Want Marriage More Than Women

    On Valentine's Day, you can usually cue the stereotypical image of the poor single girl. But it may be men that are actually cuddled in bed at home, counting down the days they have left to find a significant other. As men are...
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    I hear a lot of "in order to attract women, a man has to dress well" In 2023, a woman takes one look at a man's height and hair, and if he's not good in both areas, he's done for. So why would a man spend money on clothes if he's not strong in those 2 areas, to begin with? I feel it's just...
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    Girls: Silly and Cute

    This guy, Chase, has slept with 20,000 women. His website has a lot of articles to teach laymen how to do it. Here is an article where he says "treat girls as silly and cute" He says: "What it really comes down to, though, is being...
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    Men Want Kids — Women Aren’t So Sure

    The ticking clock that has been nagging Lauren Rankin is not a biological one. It’s one she and her boyfriend Jason created. They’ve spent nearly five years together in a loving, committed relationship, but they set a deadline of March to decide whether or not to break up. The only thing...
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    Dating a MILF: Why Guys Love Them & Reasons Why They’re the Best

    Is dating a MILF meant to be funny, or a fantastic experience? We’re looking at 7 reasons why you should honestly consider dating a sexy older woman. #1 She’s got a wild sex drive. #2...
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    Single Men Don’t Care About Sex Anymore

    Sex has been canceled — at least among single men, once believed to make up the horniest demographic on earth. Men have undergone what Match has dubbed a post-pandemic “man-volution” that has found them leaving their sex-obsessed playboy days behind and instead focusing more on emotional...
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    Breakups Hit Men Harder Than Women

    Contrary to the common belief that men are emotionless robots capable of only horniness and rage, a recent study has found evidence to suggest that men are, in fact, able to experience other, more vulnerable emotions. Not only that, but it seems men may actually be more emotionally invested in...
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    Matthew Perry died lonely and longing for a wife and a family, even keen to have stepchildren

    Matthew Perry was lonely and longing for a wife and a family when he died, after a string of failed relationships left him feeling 'sad and depressed,' Perry never married and he ended his...
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    Men Are Sharing The Specific Reasons They Don't Want To Get Married, And Several Are Eye-Opening

    Marriage isn't for everyone. According to studies, 38% of people are not looking to walk down the aisle anytime soon — or even at all. Times have changed and today's generation doesn't feel the need to follow some traditions, such as marriage. I came across this thread where a Redditor asked...
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    Women Love Sex

    This guy Chase, is allegedly an Alpha Dog and has slept with a lot a lot of women His website has a lot of articles about seduction and women and sex and clothes and cologne and all that stuff. Here is an article that “Women love sex”...
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    Brittany Renner revealed number of people she had sex with

    Brittany Renner, a popular figure with nearly five million Instagram followers, took many by surprise by revealing that she had sex with 35 individuals. She is: - 31 years old - instagram influencer - net...