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  1. B

    Guess what? Money doesn't matter.

    So a man should go shoot up with Coke to attract women? Haven't heard that before. In any event, money matters depending on the AGE of the women. A 22 year old girl isn't going to care about money, she has sex appeal and is going to care about a man's height and hair and body A 42 year old...
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    Chaos in LTR: Why a serene LTR will end?

    Because the man gets comfortable and stops improving. Alot of men think once they get the girlfriend or wife the game is over, that they can put their feet up and relax as they always a warm place to put it at night. Men stop doing the things that attracted the woman to him in the first...
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    The biggest lesson I have learned about getting older as a guy in regards to game in this age.

    I really don’t know how guys do it in their 30s. My mid to late 20s was the best time for me, I got with alot a lot of hot girls, Maxim Models, I even went out with an actress once. When I hit my 30s, it was pretty much game over. I had a lot more money, experience but the girls don’t care at...
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    Why Cool Guys Are So Unflappable with Girls

    I've probably brought this up before, but since this guy, "Chase Amante", has slept with 10,000 hot girls and has 10,000 more hot girls begging to sleep with him, thought it would be worth another mention. -------------------------------- In this article, he is saying "Why Cool Guys are So...
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    My Advice After 2 Decades Dealing With Women

    There is disconnect between what "Just Be Yourself" Means. I think "Just Be Yourself" means not changing or acting different specifically for one woman; and acting logically and normally and respecting yourself. I don't think it means "if you are fat slob and plays video games, keep doing...
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    Girl Im talking to is Filipina, 30, Virgin and never been in a relationship.

    Dont screw up with a 30 year old? If she was 20, OK. But 30? Feel free to screw it up; You have lots of leverage.
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    Getting with older women

    Ask her how it feels to be menopausal, invisible to society and a great great grandmother. That should get her turned on. IF that doesn't work, tell her not to dye her hair and keep it white.
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    How do you get her back after "let's be friends" in Western-world pickup?

    It’s in a man’s DNA to know how to act with a woman over 30. Now if the girl was 21, OK. 31? She is done and done,
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    GF wants me to sign a lease agreement before I move in

    Are SIMP comments ok?
  10. B

    Most attraction and dating courses are pure garbage

    Being a professor has nothing to do with being Alpha. They are not related. Yet is he is still married and has a healthy functioning child. To tell people what not to do when you get the benefits from physically, socially, and mentally, is illogical. That's like me buying the Lakers...
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    Most attraction and dating courses are pure garbage

    Rollo has been married to the same woman for 30 years. He got married in his 20s and has a daughter. He tells men in their 20s and 30s “don’t get married” The stuff he promotes is garbage too, but it’s good for his bank balance.
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    opinion: The Atmosphere of the ‘Manosphere’ Is Toxic

    It’s as if an entire self-help industry decided the best cure for one form of dysfunction is simply a different dysfunction. Replace passivity and hopelessness with frenetic activity, tinged with anger and resentment. Get in the weight room, dress sharper, develop confidence and double down on...
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    Girls doesn't feel like a human like us

    What did you want. 30/7 = 4.28. Assuming 8 hour sleep. Classes 6 hours, 10 hours left in day. Take away 2 hours eating, transportation, misc items. 8 hours, Take away 4 hours for studying. 4 hours left. So every hour for a total of 4 hours everyday you would look at adult...
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    Is male depression mostly linked to lack of female companionship?

    A man can get his physical needs met by going to an escort. For emotional needs, a man would be better off getting a dog because if he sats anything emotional to a woman, she will use it against him. A mans emotions is a woman‘s weapons. The problem is a lot of men are depending on women to...
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    reddit: Crazy how a single company can essentially force you to become an incel

    What would guys who are impressed do, talk to them as sluts?
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    "Give me the week to think about it"

    What did you want her to say? "Forget the drink, you are so Alpha that I want you to make love to you right now!"
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    I was a virgin at 21 and at 23 I have slept with 12 women but now I'm mentally ruined.

    That's $5,416 before taxes. We will say taxes is 30%. That's $4,000 after taxes. Now if you are seeing 3 women for dating and sex, you couldn't have a roommate, you would have to be living alone, To have a decent place nice 1 bedroom in a good area would cost at last $1,500 / month...
  18. B

    Women want to be commanded

    My mistake. When a man is a famous and worth $80,000,000 and has all his hair, hot girls who take off their clothes for the whole world probably won't mind going out with him or fathering his child.
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    Women want to be commanded

    According to the video "What makes a man super attractive and highly desirable?" Marni Kinrys has interviewed thousands of women and the same 6 things came up over and over again. 6 Things All Women Want: 1. Assertiveness - "Assertive men prioritize honesty or candor over being liked or...
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    Guys who hit their stride with women, dating, and game after 30, what is your story?

    The problem is when a man gets to his 30s, they girl is not a virgin 25 time over and wants James Bond, It’s almost as if the girl has less money and wants a better car. Don’t believe the men who say “the 30s are best for a man. Girls are throwing themselves at him and he can get laid at...