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  1. S

    Pimp Accordingly

    People operate under all kinds of circumstances. While there are certain inevitable constants of human nature, one of the biggest pitfalls for us as men is to fall under the limitations of our own assumptions. As I gain more experience under my belt and deal with lots of people in different...
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    And you thought your parents were nuts... WTF! Check out the mug on this guy
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    Goals - Overrated?

    In a recent thread, brother Mistic raised an interesting idea I think we can milk a good discussion out of. Does setting goals in your personal life rob you of the irreplaceable present moment you are experiencing right now? At what point should we simply BE, instead of chasing the giant...
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    Kissing Tips

    Before I begin, for an example of what NOT to do, first read this thread. Okay, with that bit of (admittedly hilarious) unpleasantness out of the way, here are some practical tips on how to step up your kissing game: STEP 1: Hygiene You'd think this would be common sense, but a lot of...
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    How to Spot a DJ

    Though this is just an internet forum where most of us never see each other's faces, it's relatively easy to figure out who has game here and who is talking out their ass. Of course it is only easy when you have game yourself :cool: So for all you lurkers and noobs out there who find...
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    Spanish Women in Charge

    All of Spain is in a tizzy right now. Apparently the new Secretary of Defense is a pregnant woman! The cabinet is now majority ruled by women and they even passed a law so that husbands have to do housework! Can you imagine getting fined for not washing your dishes? :P The topic is certainly...
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    The Badboy Myth

    You've heard it all before. Women want jerks. Stop being NICE!! Yes indeedy, it's probably the most common pattern for recently liberated chumps is to invert their personalities like this. They are fed up with being played, taken advantage of and treated like discarded emotional tampons. And...
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    Pook Comes Around Many of you guys who claim to be avid followers recently bashed me for promoting these very ideas. Bitterness, spite and fear are not the paths to love or freedom. Quite the contrary! Open your eyes. Pook finally did!
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    Immortality, Robots and You

    An article on Ray Kurzweil, one of my favorite inventors of all time. Kurzweil has a fascinating view of the future, chock full of practical science fiction. From robotic organs to immortal human intelligence and...
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    Money as debt

    Very interesting look at how money really works
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    Drugs in the Water

    Aside from the social programming and screwed up economy around us, you have to wonder why so many people are depressed and mentally fuct up. This very well may be a factor: Could Americans be drinking their way to insanity and sexual distortion? Read more here...
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    Human / Animal Hybrids

    With all the talk of animal vs human rights lately, here is your grand equalizer! ManBearPig anyone?
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    Growing Up: My 1st "Master Don Juan" Post

    Remember being a kid and thinking that 20 was a distant age you would never reach? How about 30? 40?? No way dude, I'll never be that old! Funny how the future tricks us into thinking that it's so far away, yet the past seems like one long yesterday. The illusion of time becomes apparent with...
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    Polyamory Anyone?

    Looks like plate-spinning is hitting the mainstream.
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    Lunar Eclipse Tonite

    8:43 PM EST Don't miss it! We wont see another one for a couple of years.
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    Born B!tches?

    I ran across an interesting dialogue of doctors discussing the possibility that all humans are born females, a concept which as you can imagine, the Feminists are drooling over. It seems that modern science has yet to prove this case...
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    I love you guys

    Seriously, I see myself in so many of you, even the most lost and desperate, that the nostalgia overwhelms me. Every single one of you is a beacon of hope in today's society... all swimming against the current and trying to unlock the potential within. Sure some of you are terrible...
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    Do You P.U.I?

    I remember chatting with Pook briefly a long time ago and he mentioned to me his penchant for whiskey and writing. Our beloved cheerleader and mascot, LMS has also been known to Post Under the Influence. I wont lie, I've definitely posted while toking on a little something something. So...
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    The Power of Priorities

    Admirable as the mastery of seduction may be, you have to wonder how much of a priority it should take in our lives. At one extreme we have the Average Frustrated Chump. Too lazy and scared to sort out his love life, he opts to retreat within himself or settle for the first chick that spreads...
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    What is the Matrix?

    You guys seem to really love the whole red/blue pill analogy, and thats just smashing. But before you all suit up as Neo and bang Trinity doggystyle while spinning in slow motion, I want you to ask yourself who the enemy is that you are fighting on the frontlines of your mind. Is it the...