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  1. E

    Want to succeed? Stop basing your life off of movies

    "Be like James Bond" "Watch Office Space? Be like him" "Fight Club is a must see" Stop it. Stop it now. You are basing your lives off of fictional characters. If we really based ourselves off of James Bond, we would have been shot dead by criminal masterminds years ago. In fact, he...
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    The King of Your Own World

    If your parents are against it, you may as well hold out until college. Yes, it is obvious that a great party nets you some friends, which strengthens your social web. If thats the case, just keep doing what you are doing and then you will get more people. Just practice with the people now...
  3. E

    Gunwitch method 2.

    Extremely long. You should make an abridged version. However it is very good advice. Most people are forgetting to check their biological internal instincts. Always listen to your gut because its the most rational. The gut always tells you to man up, nail that girl, win at everything, and...
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    The King of Your Own World

    Appendage: Variables The small colony is great because if you decide to secede from your society's norms (doesn't mean you change completely, you just do what you feel like), there will be more followers to get a large social web started. The key to being alpha is taking charge of the...
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    The King of Your Own World

    It happened with me with being a tool in HS to changing the whole outlook. However I'm going to be busy tonight so I'll post something up tomorrow. There is a way to do that BTW
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    Reloaded: The Series... Uncovering Victoria's Secret

    I need to bump this because this is awfully reminiscent of my 15 blunt and utter truths
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    The King of Your Own World

    Then just practice on the people here at the end of the semester. If you are going to college, use the knowledge you know and dominate from there. Its never too late to get started so start when you get back to school.
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    The King of Your Own World

    There have been a few posts made in the past about this but most of it applies to what I like to call the "Conan the Barbarian" type of king. The type that lives a solitary life but is known through his legendary acts. While this is a decent idea in theory, most people don't really care about...
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    Avoiding the Future Natural Disaster

    The kind of girls to watch out for are the ones that don't do cardio. A lot of girls who are skinny are like this because they pretty much starve themselves. Then once they have a baby, they're so used to not exercising that they blow up. They have no real concept of losing weight since its a...
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    My Tip.

    Of course girls want compliments when they fix themselves up. However you have to do this sparingly. Or else it will lose all meaning and will have no real effect. Thats where chumps fail at. A lot of chumps love to tell the girl 24/7/365 (or 366 in the case of this year) how beautiful she...
  11. E

    Neghits are worthless...find out why

    Of course this is for girls that are attracted to you, I mentioned that. However even neghits don't guarantee success, some will hate you even more, some will not care and think of herself as the unofficial queen, and some will like it. I'm just saying if a girl is attracted to you (eyes, you...
  12. E

    Unleash Your Ideal Personality

    I thought it was a good movie (Dumb and Dumber and Liar Liar are his best) but The Mask is a good movie to watch up to a point. Stanley (Jim's character) was a real nice guy and notice how girls basically use him like the tool that he is. Until he finds a mask that somehow unleashes his...
  13. E

    Success w/ women = Success w/ life

    One of the greatest downfalls of the RAFC is thinking that he must only improve his game with women when this is wrong. When this couldn't be further with the truth. The reality is that skills with women and confidence are interconnected...they are one in the same. Why? I'm sure through our...
  14. E

    15 blunt and utter truths about women

    Thanks for the inane rambling.
  15. E

    The Man Dissected III: The Chump & The Champ

    The 15 blunt and utter truths about women proved that even in the face of reality, men would still rather cover up all wrongdoings women have done, probably because the girls have a vagina. Thats cool, its not like you are alone; you are one in millions of men today that pretty much act like...
  16. E

    Resvisit your past... and be a MAN!!!

    It most definitely is something to consider when you might be feeling down. I lost count of the instances where I'd slap myself on the head later down the road wondering what the hell I was doing. Hindsight is 20/20 but its one thing to participate in just hindsight, its another to improve...
  17. E

    15 blunt and utter truths about women

    silverwex: The good guy is a nice theory but I've seen way too many good guys get the shaft in favor of the jerk. James Bond is a fictional character anyway that uses women to further himself to accomplish the mission. Once a new mission is up, much like the bosses that revealed a little too...
  18. E

    General tip: Getting What You Want in Life

    The mass majority of people will never come to grips with the key to success. A lot of them think that you have to be rich in order to be powerful...not true. A lot of the richest people today started off with barely a penny to their names and over time, constructed multi-billion dollar...
  19. E

    15 blunt and utter truths about women

    KrazyInsane: You are pretty arrogant and this is coming from someone who is telling people to act that way. Why? You are assuming every girl wants to be in a LTR and be married. Bzzt. Wrong. Most girls, especially ones in their teens to mid 20s just want a good time. That usually means...
  20. E

    15 blunt and utter truths about women

    A man that their not serious with that typically like to get serious. Rebound I guess is another term for it. To just about every girl I know, they'd rather be with any loser than be alone. They're not out to get men, a lot of them just think the world owes them a favor because they have a...