Search results

  1. buddhafukko

    Should I have kicked this disrespectful 304 out of my house?

    Met a HB7 (to me a 8+) at a business dinner. She immediately had it for me, strong chemistry and a whirlwind romance ensued. After a couple dates she is shacked at my house and passionate banging ensued for 7 nights straight. She is laying it on like we are soul mates, talking of lifelong...
  2. buddhafukko

    How many happily married couples do you know (if any)?

    Having grown up between two very large families with dozens of siblings and cousins, I've had the opportunity to see the inside of many marriages. I literally can't count a single happily married couple that I know. Even uncles and aunts who had big beautiful families and made a lot of money...
  3. buddhafukko

    Jehovah's Witnesses women (or similar extreme patriarchial churches)

    The other day I was working in my house when two drop dead beautiful gals knocked on the door. They must have been around 23 and both where basically HB9-10s, especially considering they dress very modestly in long dresses and don't slut it up with makeup or attitudes. I pegged them as JWs in a...
  4. buddhafukko

    Being seen with escorts

    Anyone hired a super hot escort just as arm candy? I'm in a new city and I I go to several pretty swinging events a month. I'm aquainted with a lot of peeps at these places, but I have never showed up with a date. Pretty sure that being seen with a SHB once or twice would do wonders for my SMV...
  5. buddhafukko

    Reattracting ex?

    I know the motto of "one chance per person per lifetime", but I've had several rekindled LTRs with ex-GFs from my highschool years, a decade later. In all those cases, I ended up ending the relationships after recognizing they weren't the quality of females I wanted. I think a large part of that...
  6. buddhafukko

    Why are so many women "life coaches" these days

    I've met and dated quite a few wealthier women in the past year, and a large number of them are "life coaches" of one form or another. I have a suspicion. Many of them are divorcees who landed large alimony settlements from their ex-husbands. They don't make much money, if any, at their coaching...
  7. buddhafukko

    Perspective landlady seems bat**** and hot to trot

    I found a nice rental in a shared home with a married couple for a great deal. The place is really nice, classy, two big rooms and private bathroom and balcony for me for dirt cheap. I went over to meet the landlady who is a married lady and her husband was there. They were both very nice...
  8. buddhafukko

    Let a new plate friendzone me after second date, then grew a pair

    After a couple great dates culminating in an over the top hookup, new girl told me she is going to give a go with someone she's been seeing a long time. I really like her, super intelligent and we had a freakish degree of similar interests (same authors, lifestyle) so I caved and told her I...
  9. buddhafukko

    Accepting friendzone from select women

    I went through a stretch of limiting my personal interactions with women to romantic and sexual. Part of this was ditching Facebook a few years ago when it was getting ubertoxic. Recently I've been contemplating establishing female friends again, and they would be out of the pool of women I...
  10. buddhafukko

    Revealing wealth

    When and how should personal wealth be revealed or implied to a prospect? When I was younger, I was naive and believed a woman could love me for just my niceness and good looks, therefore I never really flaunted my money. In hindsight, I missed some good opportunities because a sort of false...
  11. buddhafukko

    What's the lowdown on the "kink scene"?

    Some gal I've been dating has already revealed her involvement in the kink scene. I know about the swing scene but not much about the kink scene. My impression of it was a lot of slightly beta dudes in leather letting their GFs ***** round. Is this an accurate assessment? Is this a huge red...
  12. buddhafukko

    Posting photos with hot ex-GFs in profiles

    Like many DJs I have had my share of beautiful girlfriends. IMHO some where 9s if not 10. I have tons of photos from some of these relationships as they were multi-year and basically marriage level familiarity. It shows in the photos, we were insanely happy and had super great energy. Most...