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  1. S

    Walk like a Somebody

    Hello everyone, I read a similar technique to this one in a book & I found that it's really helped me out so i thought you guys might be interested as well. Basically, it's this: When you are walking anywhere or just standing around, here is something you can try to give body perfect...
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    Girlfriend will NOT go down on me

    Hello Everyone. Right, i have a girlfriend. We've been going out now for... almost 5 years. The relationship is great except one factor. She just does not go down on me. In the last year, she went down on me... maybe 3 times IN THE WHOLE YEAR. & even then it was only for around 5 minutes...
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    Girl is testing me.. How to handle it.

    OK. I've been kinda doing this girl for a few weeks now. It has been fun so far & things have been going great. Now though... She gave me "what is our relationship?" talk.. & i told her that i like her, but i DON'T want a relationship. She was unhappy by this response, but she said she...
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    Me vs the Flu

    Hey everyone. I've got abit of a prblem. I think i'm developing a cold. The past few days i've felt lethargic, had aches all over my body, etc. I thought it was down to sleep depreciation & being hungover.. But today it's got a hell of alot worse! I'm feeling hot yet am shivering, my...
  5. S

    Style on a budget

    Hey everyone. OK, there's probebly one important aspect of my life i've been neglecting, & that's style & clothes. I never really bothered with extravegant, expensive clothes as i was kind of an advocate against superficiallity & this whole 'male grooming' fad that is being forced upon us...
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    Breaking up.. & moving on?

    Thanks for that Jariel. This has helped remind me of some of the fundimental issues of female logic. I'll try to articulate some of the ideas raised to my friend & hope he sees sense. He definatly wants her back & has let this break up affect him pretty badly. He even had an exam today &...
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    Breaking up.. & moving on?

    Hey all, OK, this isn't about me, but a friend of mine. He's just recently broke up with a girl after a one month relationship. He won't really go into too much detail, other than her dad died earlier this year & she's using the excuse that she's just not ready for a relationship right...
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    The NASTIEST thing that you have done

    I got you all beat! One time, i was babysitting for my sister, & when the baby was asleep, i got their dog to lick my knob & i jerked off into it's face. I had a hard time explaining the sticky fur around the dogs head. Another time, at the end of school when i had to hand my text books...
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    Bring it on!

    It looks like the stakes are even higher than the 1st two..
  10. S

    The most pathetic thing ever!!

    Hey all, I stumbled across a website for women about life, sex, men & all that stuff.. There is a section for men there & it's almost vomit inducing reading the stuff they write. The worst offender has to be this...
  11. S

    Why do girls do this?

    Hey everyone. I've been going to clubs ALOT latley & i've been working on getting ladies & everything. But there is something that i'm noticing that some women seem to do while they are there.. OK, so, there's a girl who i see in the club every so often, & we talk / dance sometimes. One...
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    Bored? Got Nothing to do? Read this for help

    Approaching in a bookshop.. You see, what on earth do you say to soemone in a bookshop? Or any shop.. Sorry, i'm not new here, i've read the bible & i've been doing quite well pulling in clubs & on the streets.. But just going up to someone browsing for a book just seems like an unwelcome...
  13. S

    Q and A Tip

    Oh dear. Is this a joke? .
  14. S

    Most guys aren't AFCs!

    Hey man. I experienced the same thing as you. Being from the UK as well. When i came to this site years ago i felt like i could take the world on. I went to university thinking i'd have easy pickings of the ladies & everyone would be completely afc. When i got there i was taken aback...
  15. S

    I can't do it

    I dunno whats with me lately. I'm just tired all the time. I eat sensibly (my diet at the moment is the most balenced & healthy it's ever been) & I'm getting plenty of sleep (around 9-10 hours a night). I got fired from my job a few weeks ago, so i've got loads of free time to do what i...
  16. S

    WTF? Whey protein and farting.

    i haven't taken the stuff for a while. But when i did, it went a lil further than farting. About an hour after drinking the stuff my stomach would start making gurgling sounds, & later, i'd get mild diarrhoea! But i'd feel completly fine after that. Is that normal?
  17. S

    Nothing in common

    Hey, i know what you're talking about. I met a girl at a club once, went back to her place & we got comfortable on her sofa. Not much happened, the furthest i got was sucking her boobs! .. but.. my God.. they were the most amazing breasts i've ever seen! & i'm including magazines, movies...
  18. S

    First Time Sexual Intercourse

    Most women can't orgasm through intercourse. FACT. If a girl claims to be cumming while you're banging her, she is most likely faking it. It's nothing to worry about. It's the girls problem, not yours.
  19. S

    Those women with personalities!

    Finding a girl with a decent personality? If only. No, looks don't mean much really. If there was a 10 / 10 stunning girl with an empty head with nothing to say, or a 3 / 10 with a fun, adventurous, funny personality, i'd go for the latter. A great personality is a rare find (in men &...
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    First Time Sexual Intercourse

    PORN. It's the answer to all of lifes problems.
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