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  1. RangerMIke

    More PMs with a common problem...

    Been getting a lot of PMs from dudes asking what they can do to win over, or keep, a chick when they have competition from other dudes. Okay... here goes.... If a woman is reasonability attractive there will be competition. The better looking she is; the more competition you will have. Get...
  2. RangerMIke

    Mindset tweak....

    Stop demanding respect: start expecting respect. Seems like a small thing right? But it does make a world of difference in your attitude. When you demand respect, you are sending out the sub-conscious message that lack of respect is something that happens to you all the time. It's a mindset...
  3. RangerMIke

    Just got a PM on something that needs to be said....

    I understand what a aggravating mess it is dating women... Trust me I get it, been doing this for decades. Now you can take this advice or leave it but it does absolutely no good to call out chicks on the bad/disrespectful behavior. I know it might make you feel better doing this but it is a...
  4. RangerMIke

    Anyone ever use TRT?

    My T levels are still normal (high end of average), but they are dropping (this happens in your 50s). So far it hasn't been a problem, but in the last year it has been harder keeping fat off and energy levels have been dropping and can't really work out everyday anymore. My doctor suggested...
  5. RangerMIke

    Warning …. The bad part of being a DJ

    Every now and then you meet a woman that just knocks your socks off. This happened to me at a friend’s wedding this past Saturday, where I met MM. She was just freaking awesome. Things were going well, dancing and having a great time, she is the complete package. But the problem was I had to get...
  6. RangerMIke

    Good advice from a 95 year old WWII veteran.

    I was at a VFW meeting last night where we honored the oldest member of our chapter. He gave an interesting speech after rising from his wheelchair, it was only five minute and I am now trying to get the video so that I can watch it everyday before I start work. He answered the question "What...
  7. RangerMIke

    What we can learn from Depp v. Heard.

    It's simple... crazy does not get better with time. If your friends are telling you a chick is bad news... LISTEN TO THEM. The SECOND you get a whiff that a chick is crazy... leave. If a woman ever gets to the point where things get so bad that you think you are about to lose your temper...
  8. RangerMIke

    Just got off the phone with a friend....

    This guy has had really horrible luck with women... there really is nothing wrong with him, decent dude, maybe a tad on the heavy side (6' 205lbs), late 40s but he carries it well. Makes a good living, 6 figs, stable... normal... married once for 12 years (divorced 8 years ago), no kids...
  9. RangerMIke

    Thought this was funny... and pretty real if you understand women...

    If you have jumped into the wild dog pit of on-line dating.... and you have a cat... and that cat is part of your profile, you are shooting yourself in the foot. While a cat in your profile will reduce your chances of getting a connection by 7%, a dog will increase your chances by 20%. The...
  10. RangerMIke

    Top ten things to start doing in 2021: 8 of 10.

    Never Stop Learning: This is self explanatory. You know a lot less than you do. There is a world of things you can learn. But frequently we waste our free time spinning our wheels on non-productive activity. Even though this will help you in all aspects of your life, I will focus on women...
  11. RangerMIke

    Top ten things to start doing in 2021: 7 of 10.

    Initially Resect Everyone: Let me clarify, I do not mean to respect people who are not deserving of respect, but you should always start off with everyone you come across that they are deserving of respect until they prove otherwise. Everyone you meet knows something you don't. Everyone that...
  12. RangerMIke

    Top ten things to start doing in 2021: 6 of 10.

    Mentor Someone: Some jobs, or just operating in a personal life, this just happens naturally. When I was an Army officer, it was always expected that you would mentor junior officers assigned under you... and I just carried this on in practice in my civilian life. If you are a parent... you...
  13. RangerMIke

    Top ten things to start doing in 2021: 5 of 10.

    Question Your Beliefs: This is really hard to do but it is something you should embrace before you move through 6-10 because unless you willing to do this you won't be able to do the rest. I'm not going to go through some Tony Robbins self-help tirade here because honestly it is easy to...
  14. RangerMIke

    Top ten things to start doing in 2021: 4 of 10.

    Exercise: This is one of those things that really needs no explanation of importance. And really the only advice I can give about this is to be more concerned about what your body can do, and not so much about how you actually look. I know that a lot of men work out to get the perfect 'V"...
  15. RangerMIke

    Top ten things to start doing in 2021: 3 of 10.

    Stop Chasing Happiness: Your state of mind is a by-product of a successful life, not the purpose. I know so many people that happiness is the goal... and when they are not happy, they make foolish decisions in an effort to get there. It is a path to emotional decision making, and more often...
  16. RangerMIke

    Top ten things to start doing in 2021: 2 of 10.

    2. It's All Mostly Luck: I know we like to think we are masters of or destiny, but the truth is much of what happens to us is just good or bad fortune. You can certainly do things that increase you probability of success and minimize your chance for failure... but at the end of the day, much...
  17. RangerMIke

    Top ten things to start doing in 2021: 1 of 10.

    From now until the end of this cr@ppy @ss year I'll be posting the top 10 things you should do for a better life going forward. 1. Fvck Your Mission: I cringe every time I hear someone say they are chasing their 'dream'... It's good to have a plan, but that is all it is a plan. It's like...
  18. RangerMIke

    Things to do before the end of the year.

    You don't need a Life-coach or self-help guru. Things you can master in 50 days. Do not chase anyone. Do not beg anything from anyone. Know your worth. Leave space for people that matter. Accept what you cannot change. Change what you can that you do not like. Respect yourself. This will set...
  19. RangerMIke

    Covid 'relationships'

    This pandemic has changed everything. I have been getting a few of PMs, and friends asking about the behavior of their women during this crisis. Some have been in LTRs with chicks and now things are going poorly. Some are having chicks come back after months of distance and now are 'dating'...
  20. RangerMIke

    The four words every woman wants to hear from her man...

    "I got this babe." Yep... that's it. Woman want to know you can make decisions, have everything under control, will put yourself out there making an effort, and she doesn't have to worry about anything. You don't really even have to be 100% successful with what you do... as long as you own...