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  1. L

    How to get rid of your insecurities forever

    What is an insecurity? Insecurity is the habit of doubting yourself and your abilities. You feel inadequate and inferior. You feel like everybody else knows more than you, has more friends than you, has better skills than you and in general is better than you. There are some key issues...
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    The 7 most common mistakes shy guys make with women

    Hey guys, Over the past few years, I've made a lot of discoveries and personal changes that have reflected themselves in ten times more friends, tripled the number of dates I've had and overall increased my happiness. It all started when I began to realize some really horrible mistakes I was...
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    If you are a shy guy I want your opinion on something

    Hi guys, I used to be a very shy guy for most of my high school and college days. I had many girl friends and crushes on girls but didn't really have a girlfriend. I didn't really date until in college and even then insecurity and shyness just made it really hard. Well recently I've done a...
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    How to get rid of embarrassment...instantly!!

    This is a quick and simple technique to get rid of embarrassment instantly the moment you start feeling it. Step 1. Focus on the task at hand (like approaching the girl or whatever) and block out the world. They don't matter right now. Step 2. Say to yourself: "Whatever happens this is...
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    How to get rid of approach anxiety

    I had a moment of insight recently. All the problems we're facing with women are NOT usually the problem, they are just symptoms of the problem. What this means is the problem itself (i.e. approach anxiety) is really the effect NOT the cause. The cause is usually a mental pattern, a set of steps...
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    Are you a nice guy?

    If girls call you a nice guy and you get no action from them, I want to hear from you. I've been doing a study on nice guys vs. jerks and have come up with 5 areas that can be improved to finally move out of nice guy status. They are: 1. Confidence/Lack of inhibition 2. Masculinity/Dominance 3...
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    Poisonsous Mindsets

    Fellow DJ, I don't post here as much anymore as my life is more important to me than wasting time on a forum typing away for hours in an effort to portray my superiority of knowledge :D Everybody who posts here thinks their situation is unique and different and they ask for specific advice...
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    Your top 5 frustrations with girls

    Hey dudes, I've been thinking about narrowing down my focus in terms of my problems with girls so that I can easily work on myself to get better at it. I'm just curious how many other guys are having similar issues but under a different type of situation. So go ahead and list your top 5...
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    The 10 most dangerous negative mindsets in seduction

    The 10 most dangerous negative mindsets in dating and relationships Hi guys, I think I’m a pretty studious guy with a knack for analyzing situations and perceiving distinctions on things that work versus things that do not work. I have spent a lot of time analyzing my own dating life and why...
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    Who shrunk the forum?

    Hey mods, please expand the forum back to what it was. The shrunk version of it is too cramped for space.
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    girls who are into instruments

    I saw this girl in the train passing by today who had a large viola case on her shoulders. My first impression was that she seemed like a decent girl. I also know this girl who plays guitar for fun (ie. not professionally) and she is one of the most decent people I know. I can't imagine any...
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    This forum is getting too depressing

    {RANT} Where are the mods? This forum has become so desssspicable, I can't even come in here anymore to get a little boost. It's going the path of the main forum which has become unreadable because of so much whining. With all the good guys leaving, I don't even know whey I should keep coming...
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    Tests men should use on women

    I had this idea after reading Vulpine's post and today's DJ Newsletter. There are many crazy women out there and there are many women who are not really interested in you but need companionship/sex so they play along. Now we all know that women test, for a gazillion different reasons, and we...
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    This guy is taking action

    This guy is taking action! Interesting story in the Boston Globe today: Shouldn't we all follow suit? (pun intended) If you want, you can email the story to your friends/relatives etc, to keep it in the front page...
  15. L

    Why are guys buying into Hollywood fairy tales?

    I see it all the time. Even in movies which are meant to be funny. For some reason, women don't really buy into it. They know it is great and it would love to have it, but they know it's a fairy tale. How come guys actually buy into this? I was watching this movie on Comedy Central (Slackers)...
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    Jealousy working against me

    Well I've had it. I was on a trip with a group from school last weekend and was really hoping I could get close to some of the girls there. There was one in particular who I was drawn to a bit and wanted to talk to her for a while. Well it turned out that she was seeing another guy from...
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    Do you guys find that most of your friends don't really contact you unless they have some kind of a problem which only you can solve?
  18. L

    Double Your Masturbating?

    Well I haven't posted in a while, but this one has been long overdue. I've been a fan of David DeAngelo ever since he started and have read his book and his many newsletters. I have even tried the C&F routine (which by the way is just another form of flirting) and have goten results from it...
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    The problem of the Converted DJ (tm)

    So what's a Converted DJ you ask? It's someone who just like many of us was once a chump and then came here and decided to learn "techniques" to "seduce" all the hotties out there. I have a friend I know from work, let's call him Joey. Joey has been with many girls in his life, and he's...
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    The importance of preparation

    I was talking to my friend the other night and he was telling me about a girl he's been going out with for a while. Last night was his first attempt at "taking her off the market" Unfortunately for him, he didn't get what he expected, and to be honest I don't think he knew what to expect!! He...