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  1. S

    When they ask "What do you do for work?"

    "I'm a Garbage man. But my real passion is art and sculpture. I find a lot of great things in the garbage." This works surprisingly well. They know you are joking and possibly calling them out on being gold diggers.
  2. S

    Toxic masculinity

    At approximately the 50:10 mark a chick asks about the best remedy for toxic masculinity and she gets a scathing response.
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    Really Puzzling Co-Worker...

    It's kind of odd that a married guy is posting with such detail about this encounter. She is obviously attracted to you. It seems like she is putting feelers out to see how you respond. I don't know why you would give a sh!t about any of this BS. She may be interested. So what. She called...
  4. S

    This is what happens when you call girls out on their BS

    I don't know why any man would bother calling out a woman on her BS unless he was in a relationship with her. Lying, flaking, disrespect, doesn't deserve any response at all. Move on and focus on better people.
  5. S

    Advice Please

    I didn't read the entire thread but got the gist. I realize it's too late but the advice I would give is never ask a woman to be exclusive. That is her job. No matter how bad you want it, never ever do it again. Things always seem to work out better that way. You will be happier.
  6. S

    almost 29, am I getting too old to pick up girls 18-22?

    It's not the same for everyone. From what I've seen anywhere between 19-26.
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    almost 29, am I getting too old to pick up girls 18-22?

    As someone who has worked with a youth program for 15+ years I can offer the following advice. There is a certain age in a young woman's life where she opens her mind to the possibility of older men. Before that moment happens it doesn't matter who you are or what you look like, or what you...
  8. S

    Insane living dilemma.

    This is beyond sad. My take is that she truly does view you as only a friend and it is only you who thinks there could be more. If keeping her around is going to hurt your life then you should probably let her go. If you can move on and find other women to date and have relationships and keep...
  9. S

    Girls sleeping with you quickly is not a good thing

    My attitude has always been to make THEM wait for sex. Have a bunch in the stable so you never get too thirsty. This always worked very well for me. I never felt that women were treating me like a chump because the sex didn't happen right away. In fact quite the opposite. It became a...
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    When a Woman Turns 27

    I've worked with hundreds of 20 something women for the past 17 years and I can tell you that the thoughts of being past their prime starts way earlier than 27. Insecurity rules for most.
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    Response to game playing

    Best response. Key is to be above the bs and to truly not care too much either way.
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    I Have Anger Problems/I Don't Know What To Do

    What could they possibly say to you that would break you down? Insult your appearance? Your intelligence? Your abilities? Insults only come from the weak and insecure? The more vicious the put down the more insecure the person is throwing it at you. It's also usually a reflection of...
  13. S

    Tenacity Gets Threatened By A Thug - (Listen) LOL!

    Losing hope for you with every post I read buddy. 1-800-96-JERRY. Let us know which episode you are going to be on so we can cheer you on.
  14. S

    The one thing I still struggle with

    You can analyze the hell out of relationships and break-ups but it does absolutely NOTHING good for you. It only holds you back. The BEST thing you can do right now is start dating other women. Lots of them. The more women you date and have relationships with, the easier it will get to move...
  15. S

    I Have Anger Problems/I Don't Know What To Do

    It's like a broken record. Ten wants to make generalizations about the world and women from his tiny viewpoint in Michigan . Get the hell out of town Ten! You're holding yourself back dude. Go on a walkabout for a year. I guarantee it will open your mind.
  16. S

    Fell for my mistress.... Damn it !.....

    Other than "habit" what reason do you have to stay with your wife? What a terrible life you have ahead being stuck with someone you have zero connection with. Life is too short not to be happy.
  17. S

    I Have Anger Problems/I Don't Know What To Do

    Anonymous guy here. Sorry. I wouldn't say TONS of women, but as I've said before I meet cool chicks all the time through my work, through friends, and just going out around town. I'm a pretty outgoing guy though. I'm not afraid to chat up strangers or groups of people I meet. Friends of...
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    I Have Anger Problems/I Don't Know What To Do

    Just last night I was out for beer with the boys at a random venue. Table next to us sits down two very attractive younger women. (7 and an 8 for those keeping score) As the night went on the drinks went down and we eventually started talking to them. They were both single, very cool and...
  19. S

    I Have Anger Problems/I Don't Know What To Do

    This is a really good point. I believe this is a big (if not the biggest) reason for my successes with women. I can remember one night I had introduced a new girl friend of mine to my group of friends. At one point all the women had gone off to the other room to talk leaving us guys watching...