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  1. yungballa

    The Sad Reality of Women

    Hello gents of SoSuave. Today I'm here to share with you my perspective on women. Keep in mind, I said the words MY PERSPECTIVE. I'm not trying to force anybody to agree with me or shove anything down anyone's throat. I'm just sharing my opinion with you all. From the forum title you can guess...
  2. yungballa

    Our Lives versus Women

    I've seen a lot of guys on the thread mentioning "oh, i miss her she dumped me" or "should i go back to my ex?" and even "she broke my heart blah blah blah" and the list goes on, you get my idea, there's been a lot of threads like the ones I've referred to above. Anyways, my point is that I've...
  3. yungballa

    My Experiences So Far

    I joined this site April of 2014 and have been learning all the material for about a little over a year. I joined this site because my whole life I was fed up with having no success with girls. I wanted that to change when I decided I wanted to make a move on a girl I had oneitis for. In the...
  4. yungballa

    Should I break up with her?

    I been going out with my girlfriend for about 4 months. She's my first girl friend ever. When we started going out, she was craaaaazyyy over me (still is). She said since she's been with me its the happiest she's ever been. When we first started the relationship, I was really into her. Over...
  5. yungballa

    The Dreaded Oneitis

    I'm a freshman and I just had my first day of high school. I saw this girl who I used to like a couple years ago. ------------------- Now keep in mind, I was a horrible ass AFC back in the day; nothing but a fool deep in love. I mean, DEEP. She was also aware that I was attracted to her, and...
  6. yungballa

    Rough ass girl

    I don't know what the hell to do... this girl is confusing. She playfully hits me a lot. Sometimes she punches hard as fvck that it almost hurts. At first, she would stare at me then look away when I catch her, but now she continuously stares at me in class and lets me catch her staring, and...