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  1. G


    I honestly can't relate to any man who would idolize a woman, maybe I'm a misogynist. I've certainly been attracted to beautiful women and/or respecting of women with noteworthy accomplishments, but idolization? I know women can idolize men and it seems to be more in line with the natural...
  2. G

    does holding a strong frame mean never losing a woman?

    Your reaction was more insecurity than frame holding. She picked up on this over time and bailed. Any woman who expresses this kind of feminist sentiment gets ignored by me. Meaning I'll disagree (if I care enough to) and change the subject. I find it silly and if she gets all emotional over...
  3. G

    No contact gives me this text

    This is a right of passage. This is how life rewards men who behave like men and I'm not just referring to women. Most guys are too desperate/naive to stomach what you did and when you really think about it, how difficult was it really?
  4. G

    Beta Providers

    Where on earth are you reading this though? I'd agree with you if this was a common claim among the "sphere" but it isn't. It's generally agreed upon that money/status/looks in some combination tends to get you women more on your terms. Can you provide a single quote where someone claims...
  5. G

    Help - Wish my gf had a hotter face

    Seems you've dated down. There are pros and cons which I'm sure you've realized, and what you're experiencing is one of the cons. That nagging feeling that you could do better that doesn't seem to go away...
  6. G

    IOI nonsense

    I like using IOI's as a gauge to approach, but then I'm also not a fan of cold approaching, which is a pure lottery. I think some men have to rely on cold approaching otherwise they wouldn't get anywhere and I can understand that also.
  7. G

    I don't know how to handle this feminist horsesh*t

    You have to look beyond women at the larger picture. They aren't doing anything to us, WE are. Honestly, I don't think you'd want to live in the kind of world we'd be in if the pendulum swung all the way to other end. When/if this happens, it'll be serious war time. That's what it would take...
  8. G

    Legit Question About Red Pill And Islam

    SJW = Social Justice Warrior This is all transitory. This whole gender war we're going through. The way we live today is only made possible by modern tech/science. Unless there's some major innovations created in space travel this will all come to an end, if not sooner just based on how...
  9. G

    When a girl pulls up her pants in front of you

    Wow, I thought most guys knew about this. It's a subtle way of getting sexual attention from you. Some women will play it off by first pulling their pants up, then pulling the shirt down. I remember two nurses doing this in front of me, almost like they were in competition. The younger they are...
  10. G

    Looking for advice

    You don't seem to understand what negotiating desire means. I do have boundaries and expectations that I will make verbally clear, such as no smoking in my house/car, clean up after yourself, speak to me in a respectful manner etc. These are things I will make ultimatums for, however, none of...
  11. G

    Women want sex as much as men lol

    Think about it at the biological level. Men don't have menstrual cycles and we don't ovulate. We don't have to be worked into a lather to have sex. How many men complain of a lack of foreplay? Usually when we're in the mood we can just get right into the action. Our drive is pretty constant...
  12. G

    Is this girl waiting for me to initiate contact?

    I think you both may be playing the same game. Trying not to seem overly interested. This means you need to make a move. Put her in a position to reject your advances and you'll have your answer.
  13. G

    One step forward, two steps back

    You care way too much. I'm of two minds on how aggressive I'll get with a woman, especially the first time going for sex. I like a little playful resistance but anything more than that I'm uncomfortable with. Basically, I'm apprehensive about women who require the kind of force that could be...
  14. G

    Women are so deluded

    Honestly, I think she got defensive with your "negs." It's tough sometimes for people to interpret humor/sarcasm over text. Especially from someone they've never met. They can't hear the tone of your voice or see body language. Hell I've taken things the wrong way over text before. I know it's...
  15. G

    So whats protocol on a stubborn date....?

    If she's fun and being physical, give her 3 strikes. If nothing happens on the third date, next.
  16. G

    Tell me what I already know bros (this new girl)

    ^^^Right, keep your head in the game. Some women will go surprisingly far to reel you into orbit. You did good by going ghost, it made her chase. I'm not saying you should expect a same night lay, but after you've done your job making moves she needs to reciprocate or get tossed aside. Continue...
  17. G

    Women want sex as much as men lol

    Women know the sweet spot in controlling men is through sex. They can make any man believe he's a porn star in bed and the male ego plays right into this trap. I've never heard a guy say he was bad in bed or be self deprecating about anything concerning sex. Believing women want sex just as much...
  18. G

    Passive aggressiveness from a woman I've been dating

    Ignore it and keep doing what you're doing. When you're ready to respond and set something up do it with an upbeat attitude as if you're completely unaffected. As long as she's fun to be around and this doesn't ruin your time together, it's nothing at all to worry about. Don't discuss it. Just...
  19. G

    Looking for advice

    If you plan on walking away it doesn't matter what you say, which defeats the whole purpose. Women "expect" you to have a problem and act in a jealous manner. Falling in line and behaving like most men doesn't make much sense. Giving ultimatums in matters like this, even in a "cooly and calm"...
  20. G

    A simple observation about women.....

    Always be willing to leave and never bluff. You may end up in a dry spell but you shouldn't fear this. Fear is why men become passive doormats in relationships.