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  1. Z

    Never be like THAT guy

    I met a girl a little while back. Some of the normal red flags presented themselves, and part of me knew at that point she was trouble. But whenever we talked she seemed like deep down, red flags aside, she might have been a nice girl. One that was actually worth being with. She had a...
  2. Z

    Regarding attention wh0res. Karma WILL come to her.

    I know how s**tty it feels to be taken by an attention wh0re. The anger you feel for being used, how bad it feels that you have to question your judgement on women, and how it damages your confidence to for believing that she actually liked you. I’m here to say that what goes around comes...
  3. Z

    WTF is up with my friend???

    For years my friend has been trying to get me to chase chick after chick. What I mean is he goes from saying "You should ask her out man," about one girl, to "You need to chase her" with another. He has VERY bad and different taste than I do. The ones who he wants me to chase are always...
  4. Z

    You will improve. A story of my former self.

    I remembered earlier that I went to a party my ex’s family had this time last year. It randomly popped in my head, but I’m glad it did. It reminded me of how things have changed a lot. Before getting there I pretty much knew deep down that it was over, but I wouldn’t allow myself to accept it...
  5. Z

    Why is chasing attention wh0res still a thing? You can't bend the odds

    I've been seeing so many threads lately about dating and fvcking attention wh0res. People are asking for advice that will somehow get the odds to work in their favor when dealing with these types of women. It's not worth it, and you can't bend the odds. If you're getting yourself worried, and...
  6. Z

    Social Media and Current Conditions Didn’t Ruin Anything

    I used to think the current state of the game was what ruined women. That the flocks of a$$kissing orbiters and validation from social media was what turned once nice, attainable, women into phony, attention seeking, narcissists. But now I see things a bit differently, this stuff has only made...
  7. Z

    Forgiving and Moving On Is The Only Way To Truly Be Free.

    I know the title sounds a little preachy, but something happened that made me reevaluate my life recently. This year I finally accepted and dealt with some things that I should have earlier on, and from that I started to become overly cynical. I began to see things with an overly bitter...
  8. Z

    Are all GF's families fvcked up???

    After having an awkward run in with my ex's family the other day, I've been thinking about this. Are all GF's families this fvcked up? My ex's family had a different dynamic, and it felt like they always expected more out of me than I could possibly offer. They clearly didn't understand the...
  9. Z

    Friend is wanting me to go after girl?

    So I have this friend. He's married, only dated women in the 80s, and got married at a young age. He doesn't seem to have a grasp on the way modern women are, and seems blind to the majority of their manipulations/BS. In his mind nothing has changed with dating in the past 30 years. There...
  10. Z

    The Number One Indicator of a bad chick on social media

    Living in the modern world where pretty much every woman is constantly on social media has given me a fascination of it. I look at profiles here and there, and try to notice what all red flags you can find from looking at them. I've talked about social media before, but feel this is one of the...
  11. Z

    The Five Types Of Women Within The Modern World

    From what I've noticed is there are currently five types of women that exist in the modern world. The "double life" b***h. These women try very hard to mask their true side and might seem normal at first. Their double life consists of drinking, smoking, f**king, and God knows what else...
  12. Z

    Conflicted About Whether Or Not I Need To Do Something

    Lately I've been catching myself feeling affection, and having thoughts that I need to make a move on this girl from last semester. I haven't seen her this year, but know where I can run into her. I watched Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind the other night, and it was odd how similar it...
  13. Z

    A Common Trait Among Toxic Females

    You're having a conversation early on, and something is brought up to where she says "I cried." The detail of that doesn't have anything to do with what was previously said, and what they claimed to have cried to isn't very/supposed to be sad at all. If you or a person in the group doesn't...
  14. Z


    I've been trying to notice a telltale sign of what makes a slvt, some trait they all seem to have, and it finally hit me. They're all spoiled. Daddy issues, strict religious upbringing, and social pressure are reasons people usually name, but going over it I realized every slvt I can think of is...
  15. Z

    To The Guy Ignoring Red Flags and Thinks She's The Only One

    This weekend I did some random looking around social media, and saw a lot slvtty s**t posted by females I know. It always surprises me how they'll reveal their true colors online for anyone to see. It got me thinking about how bad the females I know are, and how it's not only them but a good...
  16. Z

    Reflecting over this year

    I've been doing a lot of reflecting, thinking about goals for 2015, and how I've changed this year. In January when registering I was fairly lacking in knowledge and only knew some of the more obvious things to look out for. Around late June I read the DJ Bible and feel like I've been going...
  17. Z

    What is a good DJ response to them questioning me?

    So I know a guy who can be intrusive when asking questions. I'm going to see him at a party on Christmas Eve, and I'm sure he's going to ask plenty. On Halloween he asked if I was going out with anyone, and I told him about this girl I was seeing at the time. Every time I've seen him since...
  18. Z

    Feeling burned out

    Right now I'm at a point where I just don't care anymore. After realizing this plate was an attention wh0re the other day, I snapped and realized I don't deserve to waste time with those kind of women. I didn't care that she showed her true colors (suspected that long ago any way) I'm just tired...
  19. Z

    What should I do about this nagging friend?

    There's a friend of mine, and we talk about pretty much everything. About three years ago I was desperate, and came to him for help about a girl. This was my first love, I had a bad case of oneitius, and ZERO experience at that point. I told him all kinds of cringe worthy details, and he gave...
  20. Z

    How long does a female s**t test a guy?

    There's a girl I've known since around middle school. To make a long story short, in the past I made some bad mistakes with her. Came on to strong, gave her every possible bit of power, and got used for attention. A lot of time has passed since then. She has seen me with other girls, and...