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  1. D

    Abs without crunches?

    HIIT.. .
  2. D

    help me lose body fat

    Cut out "bad" carbs such as sugar, pasta, bread. Protein should make up 60% or more of your diet. Also google the Glycemic Index to learn what types of food to eat and what to avoid.
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    what if you ask her out for a drink but she said

    Sounds like you asked a girl out that is not interested. Learn some attraction skills first...
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    I need to lose 10-15lbs fast

    Fruit can put on weight or slow weight loss depending on its Glycemic index and/or Glycemic load. I had back surgery about 7 years ago and my weight got up to 260 lbs at its highest. I changed my diet to 60% Protein, 20% Carbs (From fruits and vegetables), 20% Fat. I went from 260 lbs to...
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    For The Trump Fans

    In anything close to Civil War, does anyone think a bunch of endlessly offended snowflakes would stand a chance against 100 Million gun owners comprised of vets, law enforcement, blue collar workers and others who love their country and not hate it? The snowflakes will be scurrying back to...
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    I'll be gone in 24 hours.

    IMO, this site is light-years ahead of where it was 10 years or so ago when many were idolizing Mystery and a few people like myself that called it "clown game" we're attacked. I've been in a couple of LTR's over the last several years and was inactive here, but now lurk/post on occasion to...
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    Don't get it

    Some women, especially younger women, like to flirt with a guy and then shoot him down to boost their ego. I stopped trying to apply logic and understanding to why women do the things they do and instead focused on doing what works best despite being logical or not long ago.
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    How can you meet women other than bars

    Day game is way better than bars and clubs. I have a Trader Joe's and a Whole Foods a few blocks from where I live and met my current gf at TJs.
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    She's Back

    Yes, you spent a buttload of money on her. Ask yourself if she would have responded the same if you invited her to your place for take-out and a DVD...
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    There's This Girl I Like In My Class, How Do I Talk To Her?

    Slow down. Start off by smiling at her when she passes by. Then start saying "hi" or similar. Unless she is giving you IOI's, start small and work up to a level where she responds to the above and go from there.
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    The 3 "T's" in Male Physical Attraction

    Throw in a 4th: Tall.
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    She's Back

    BS. A few years ago, lost I was laid-off and on unemployment. Broke AF, I but with extra time on my hands and no "beta bucks" to spend, I went on a hot streak. My current g/f is hot AF and 24 years younger than me. (And doesn't care about money or material things) If a girl likes you, she...
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    My New Opener..What you think?

    Try this instead: "Damn, you look *almost* as good as I do." This one has rarely failed me. C&F with a slight Neg. You're welcome.
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    Post your personal Beta Bucks Field Reports ITT. What can we learn from them.

    If a girl likes you, she will still like you whether you spend .00 cents on her or $200.00 If not, you spent nothing to find that out...
  15. D

    I can't orgasm from intercourse

    Slap her ass because it sounds like she's not moving it enough...
  16. D

    Would you kick Pamela Anderson out of bed?

    I would f*** her like she owed me money.
  17. D

    Anyone got exp in bartering for lost items after i move out?

    A bit late now. The time to ask was when the first item was destroyed. You let things slide too long.
  18. D

    Getting dumped for a loser?

    Good point. And her lower value BF will take her back because he knows will never get anywhere close to such a hot girl again, so he "forgives" her. She controls the frame, the relationship. She gets to have her cake and eat it too. Guys do this as well.
  19. D

    Getting dumped for a loser?

    I've seen plenty of hot women date guys below them, guys who would never be able to get a hot girl in their lives and my theory is that a hot girl will date down and have a relationship with a loser because he won't cheat on her like a higher value guy would. He knows he hit the hot girl lotto...