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  1. T

    BPD sorcery

    Hi guys, Just another cautionary word for current and future posters. There is something very creepy about the whole BPD thing, aside from being in the madness, being out of it can be quite tormenting too. I've been out of my one for 26 months, and I'm still in recovery mode-constantly on...
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    Hell hath no fury like a BPD scorned.

    Here I am, just turned 40, baby on the way with an amazing woman who cooks cleans and lets me do what I want when I want...... Life is all very good. I went complete GHOST on a BPD after years of tooing and froing, she finally fatally stabbed me in the back by running away after I left...
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    Old comrades no longer with us - who do you miss?

    Obviously the immortal Jophil should be the top of the list here. But there are others who no longer post, and one cant help wondering what their up too. People who only made a brief, fleeting contribution to the forum. A young man who made an impression on me was "The Third Eye". A...
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    Whee men are men and women shut the fvck up

    Any of you American gentlemen of Irish ancestry may know about the rough and tough brigade that are the Irish travellers. There still exists in the hinterland that is rural Ireland, these men whos lives revolve around who is the biggest, strongest, meanesy mo fo. These guys meet to decide...
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    American culture stoops to ever greater depths

    You guys, honestly.....Is there no end to the dumbing down of culture??? WTF is this junk?
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    Coke and women/the game

    Just curious as to how many men have used coke within seduction? Would you say that it was a positive or negative? I'm not here as a drugs counsellor! Just curious as I never went down the coke path....and look back and think it coulda got me a few more ho's? Have I missed out on...
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    What HAVE you done last week to get poon?

    Seems to me like an awful lot of chitter chatter on here, and no action! What percentage of last week did you make an effort to go out and get laid? What amount of time on SS and the net? Any approaches last week? BE HONEST!!!! What ae you gonna do about it next week?????
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    Has there ever been, or will there ever be, a DJ/SS meet up of members?

    So looking at an old video of a `pimps ball` with all of the characters that were present got me thinking if the same thing could ever occure here at SS with all of our characters? Anyone up for the idea? I'm from England, and its my 40th this year....already told er indoors that i wanna...
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    For posterity - BPD and erectile dysfunction (soft diick)

    Just as a future reference for those poor gits who have stumbled on this site after their life has blown up in their face, another twist to the trinity of evil letters B P D I really fancied my one - she was soooooo siiiiick in bed, i jerked off all the time over her, but when it came to...
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    Applying ancestral wisdom to the modern age

    I see many neysayers here forecasting the end of times. These same men are equipped with a brain, hopefully all body parts, and maybe a few sheckles. What exactly is stopping men utilizing the wisdom shown from ages past, and using their inherent value to further their own cause? I defer...
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    The slaying of a BPD - my way ;)

    So guys, ive been here a fair while. I've read with great interest articles on many common ills and mistakes with the opposite sex. Before I got here, I never knew of BPD. I had had "crazy women" in my life, like the millionaress that eventually attacked me with a jagged coke bottle before...
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    Living off the grid; your experiences and methods

    I have always been acutely aware of how the media witches and devils push an ultra liberal agenda. Its seems as the years pass that rather than their being more of an awareness of this, people sit back, get fat and lazy and give up.... i think that the younger generation know no different...
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    Your scorecard this year

    So guys, another year nearly gone. For me, a jolly good one overall. Added new notches to the bed post, and have a child on the way with an amazing woman..... I would never had thought that the year would end on this kind of high note.... To those of you who are depressed; Have heart...
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    Seen the BPD ex with new boyfriend after a year and three months of ghost....

    Hey guys, Any of you who were using the board about sept 2011 and beyond (especially bradd80, who has helped me enormously) may be familiar with my BPD story. It was the most exhausting, humiliating, stressful, depressing episode of my a lesser or greater degree i was...
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    How many of you fatheed a child over 40??

    Hey guys, I should be sitting here over joyed that I saw the Rolling Stones london gig tonight.... Instead I feel like a possible count down to armageddon..... The trouble 1) Woman who im seeing, who I care for deeply, and whom I get on with great has missed for a week....states that...
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    ZEKKOing A.K.A Do you take SS advice seriously?

    First of all, a big shout out to Zekko - re eading old posts and realised that two of his posts have inspired me with mantras. One being a quote from the bible that rang true with me (I, nor I believe he is religious) and another random quote. How many of you are actively re reading advice...
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    Hey guys, Had a bad experience last time in a relationship with 4 years on off with a bpd, so this time, Im heavily screening. Met a woman who at 42, is a couple of years older. Ideally I was looking younger as this one dont have much breeding time, but she is very easy to get along with...
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    List your career

    Hey guys, Would be most interested to find out what careers some of you have. I for one haved travelled on different routes in life; real estate, sales, building work, presently run a tree surgery business in an affluent part of london, but looking ahead at other possibilties. What do...
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    Nominated best SS poster: Bradd80

    Hey chaps, I've been here a good while, and have been helped alot by some great guys. There are the neysayers, the Alpha admirers and Alpha haters, the anxious and confident; SS caters for all aspects of the male psyche. My personal favourite poster is bradd80, this man selflessly helps...
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    A message to DJ'S 50+ - scaramouche etc

    Dear Scaramouche and company ;) Great to always see you dispensing wise words. As with any great civilization, we here at SS listen admiringly to our elders with alot of respect. It would be interesting to have some biography from you guys about the road you have taken, some of the...