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  1. B

    30 year old dating 23 year old female

    I am 30 dating a 23 yearold female. We been on three dates so far, no sex but made out. Tonight she is gone out to the bars with her best friend because I was suppose to be gone until monday. Plans changed on my end and I am not going home until Sunday but she still went out to the bar. She...
  2. B

    A first for me!!!!!

    Hi to all the Juans in here, I was a frequent visitor a couple years ago. In my 12 years of dating something happen to me that is a first. The girl is making the first move. Not sure what to think about it, friends of hers is setting it up. She is interested but too shy to actualy make the...
  3. B

    What do you think about Blind Dates???

    Hi fellow Juans, I have been asked to go on a blind date. In all my years of dating one thing I never done is go on a blind date. Main reason is because I never been asked. I always lived in my home town, so I knew all the women. I moved to the town I am in now 1 1/2 ago. I don't know all...
  4. B

    Was this a good idea!!!

    I tried something that I never done or said before. This chick to witch I talk to every now and again asked me if I wanted to go to the bar next friday with her and a few friends (one male friend & 3 female friends) to see a well know band (blues band) that was going to be playing their. Normaly...
  5. B

    Do opposites attract? For how long??

    I know this couple and they are two complete opposites. She likes her pot and cigarettes, everyday. He does not smoke it at all and doesnt believe in it nor does he smoke cigarettes. He is the type of guy who likes to go canoeing and hiking, she is more the stay at home type and smoke some pot...
  6. B

    Read this becker & others, need opinion!!!

    Their is this girl that I hang out with but best friends by far, she calls me up to invite me to her place or she pops in to visite me, this happens at least once every week to week and a half. I moved here 1 year ago and started talking to her then but she was already seeing I guy so I stayed...
  7. B

    Shy girls.....hmmmm!!!

    I went to the local store tonight, accrose the road from my appartment. Their is a girl that works there about my age. She is the shy type, not really shy but shy. She always talks to me when I go to the check out, if its not busy I stay and talk for 5 or 10 minutes. She tries really hard to...
  8. B

    What would you do?

    I;ve been talking to this girl for about a couple of months. Sunday I droped by where she works, she told me to drop by someday to visite her. While i was there she asked me for a couple of smokes because she forgot hers at the house. So I gave her few smokes and stayed for a bit then left. On...