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  1. E

    The "What the Health" vegan propaganda film debunked

    Netflix has pushed the vegan "What the Health" flick, and it has been promoted by Facebook, meaning every liberal thinks it's The Truth. Virtually every person in the "documentary" is a vegan, and one is an anti-meat terrorist; not very credible people. The movie is presented as a "search for...
  2. E

    Does red meat cause disease? No.

    P.D. Mangan is an extremely fit man in his sixties, who analyzes studies and takes them apart. He writes the Rogue Health and Fitness website and is the author of four health books. I recommend his entire site, and also his Twitter: Here is Mangan on red meat...
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    Paleo/ketogenic diet superior to standard American carb-filled diet

    In study after study, the paleo diet, also called the ketogenic diet, which is about getting most of your calories from fat/protein instead of carbs/sugar, beats out the standard American diet with its abnormal carb intake. All carbs turn to blood sugar and sugar needs to be processed quickly...
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    Meta study: insufficient evidence of health benefits from whole grains

    A meta study of nine randomized studies did not show that whole grains would reduce cardiovascular disease, or lower blood cholesterol or blood pressure. In case you didn't know, the American Heart Association pushed whole grains/carbs for decades because its chairman Ancel Keys was sponsored by...
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    Study: ketogenic diet increases lifespan

    In case there was any doubt, yet another study shows that a ketogenic diet - meat, fish, eggs etc - where you make your body used to burning fat beats the typical American habit of filling yourself with sugar from carbs. But those who want to keep their bread-and-pasta habit are welcome to...