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  1. D

    Can no masturbation no sex be dangerous?

    After several 5 day breaks I managed to go 7 days without any desire what so ever to cheat. I haven't been getting ***** either. I've become short tempered and prone to violence. Can just say **** it and leave without giving a damn about others feelings. Tonight got close to burning a place...
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    How to get her onto the back sit?

    Suppose I got a chic into my two door 4x4 and up on top of a mountain with great view of the city and not a soul around. In the back it's easier and more natural for kino, front is not that great. Last time I managed to hold hand, putting hand on shoulder feels weird, sits are apart 3 shifters...
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    Spontaneous human combustion
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    Cure for BPD?

    How is that thing cured?
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    Cuts her hands faks a lot of d!ck and has a boyfriend she loves

    Picture this scenario... 16 year old girl, from single parent mother. Started having sex at age 14. Presently faks on average every other day, is using online communities to get men, oldest one 26. Faks a lot of new men. At the same time has boyfriend she loves in army. Skips school, sleeping...
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    Wondering if they are dangerous? I dive 40 feet offshore in some valleys and dolphins are 80 feet offshore. I can hear sonor. I'm not easy diving without dolphins, have an inner fear, with dolphins around I'm freaking out.
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    I faked up

    So I have this cousin, right. 16, 17 in october, goes to 2nd year community college. I never had a sis or bro so I love this girl. She's not great at school, mom single parent, so basically daughter leaves at 7 comes home 11nish. Today about 11nish I was at the gate drinking beer smoking...
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    Is this legit?
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    I figured out why women grow up into slvts so early these days

    Ever wondered why girls start having sex so early on in life in our day and age? Simple. Testosterone makes them want to fak. Back in the day they'd do physical activity like house work etc, but today we gotten too lazy. Thus testosterone levels in their body force them to seek out sexual...
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    Mainstream media caught & appologized using fake Lybia footage

    Here these masters of lies are using footage from India and claim Lybian rebels took tripoli. Indian flag is green too, daa, most people are dumb, daa. FACT: Lybian army is fighting western special forces in Tripoly. FACT: those special forces are killing anyone black. FACT: and any...
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    Norwegian Police Confirm Drill Identical to Breivik’s Attack

    Kinda like during 7/7 attack in London and 9/11 attack in NYC and DC.
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    Cousin issue

    Daughter is my moms cousin, 15 years old. I'm staying at their place now, big house, and mom is working, making minimum wage. No father. Grand ma and pa. Cousin goes to college, starting 2nd year this September. This girl is growing up on a hoe path. Lies to mom, grandparents, uncle and...
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    HAARP, Hurricane Irene and the DC Earthquake …Connected?

    You'll find this interesting. Article. Thesis. Quake happened during weather modification procedure. New York City and Washington, DC experienced a rather powerful, shallow earthquake this...
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    If I ever have kids, I want a son

    Daughter, no thank you. With son you don't have to worry about nothing. Daughters start dating and faking at age 15, 16. Smoke cigarettes because it's cool. Go to a lot of parties and come home late. Fak that.
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    Sex with cousin

    What are some views on this? Sex with cousin, daughter of your moms cousin.
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    Knock knock, I'm your future

    We are going to watch a presentation on past 200 years of Eugenics. Find out if you're on the extermination list.
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    Century by School of thought ideas are immortal, and idea of freedom has persisted for at least 2,000 years. can't kill it, can't ban it, can't do sh1t about it
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    What's the point in waiting before getting married?

    POOK: Married is not success, most people get divorced. So we hook up with different chicks, test them, blah blah blah. Usually we together for about 6 months and then get married, if that's the cause. NATURE: Love chemistry lasts 6 months, after adrenaline kicks in for raising the...
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    Documents: Feds allegedly allowed Sinaloa cartel to move cocaine into U.S. for inform Not that they haven't been caught with their pants down before, well it was the CIA, not the FEDs. But yes, I'm not surprised, all the coke you buy out there is shipped in by U.S. government. In part that's how they clean up black neighborhoods, crack...
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    How to increase sex drive?

    D1ck only stands up when I touch it, 30% morning erections. It's only hard when I touch it, when chick sucks it forget it, even after an hour it's still soft. :o