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  1. R

    Fresh Sweat ... Mm, mm, manly!

    I got this tip from an American who lived in Korea for many years. He noticed the difference between Koreans, Americans, and others when they used group baths. He said the baths became dirtiest when Americans used them because they're the filthiest people in the world. The difference was how...
  2. R

    FAQ page

    At the top of the boards, right between "Discussion Forum Hall of Fame" and "Chat Room", there should be a link to a web page called "FAQ". On the FAQ you would list all the commonly used abbreviations and terms. State that there is a DJ Bible, and tell how to find it. State how to register...
  3. R

    Be a Quartermaster, not a butler

    Bartender wrote about his weakness regarding women: "I care about them when I get to know them a little. I walk (drive) 'em home at night, give my jacket when it's cold, I expect nothing back (damn I can be extremely giving sometimes (without expecting anything back at all (really.))) .... I...
  4. R

    Establish your territory by approaching her

    I see this question asked often -- Why won't she approach me if she's interested? Often, the presumption is that the woman is insecure or she wants reassurance about herself from you. Well, I dug around in my psyche a bit and came up with an alternative explanation. For a bit of background on...