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  1. D

    Removing women's clothing

    Hey lads, Every now and then, screw the romantic peeling of the clothes layer by layer. You know what I mean. Once in a while a woman wants to know that you want her so bad you're gonna ACTUALLY tear her clothes off her just to get at her. Works best if they are wearing a cheap $10 blouse...
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    Her Friends

    Here's a little tip boys... If you've been seeing a girl for a few weeks and things are going well, take a look at her friends. If they pretty much all have boyfriends, Great! If they're pretty much all single, WATCH OUT. Misery Loves Company. And there's no better example than women and...
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    The crook...

    Hey boys, This is the move that will solidify you on early dates. Courting is a ritual. A series of progressions into different stages of a budding relationship. More things go on in the first 4 dates than you realize. Anyways, early on, you are simply there to interview your new date. Elicit...
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    The Beautiful People...

    For those of us (men & women) who are attractive, life is, in general, easier. The beautiful people, from an early age, recieve special treatment. I'd like some responses to the following, agreements, disagreements, examples, etc. (The Human Animal-Desmond Morris)Studies Have shown that: -...
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    Pickup tip

    Women don't like to give out their phone numbers to total strangers. But the female definition of stranger and the male definition of stranger is different. To a man, a person we do not know is a stranger. To a woman, a person who does not know her is a stranger. Basically, this is why...
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    an excellent tactic

    Hey guys, Although women say they go to bars to dance, we all know that's bull****. Women go to bars to have their egos stroked, get free drinks, and have fun, and meet lots of guys they can talk about for hours with all their friends. So the main thing is in your approach you want to convey 2...
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    An approach at a packed club

    Hey boys, Last night I went out to try teachin' a buddy of mine some DJ skills. Anyways, the club was absolutely packed with women cuz a Janet Jackson concert let out around 10:30. So there was not much room on the small dance floor which restricted women to dancing at their tables or between...
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    For all the SHY guys out there...

    Hey boys, If you're reading this, you are likely a "Shy Guy". Meaning you find yourself retreating and not speaking around women. You don't make advances toward women. You sit around on a Saturday night playing video games, or if you do go to a club you would have better spent your time...
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    Designated Decoy

    I don't have time to post much about this tip right now, but I'll give you the gist of it. Go to bars with 3 friends, as women tend towards groups of 4. 1 hot chick, 2 attractive girls and 1 fat chick. This is your stereotypical circle of girlfriends. The fat chick goes to the bars looking...
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    ONS rules

    Rules you should follow for a one night stand. 1. If you're lookin' to score, be prepared. This means, in the trunk of your car is your overnight bag. Toothbrush, toothpaste, cologne, gel, comb, condoms, chocolate body paint... you name it. Oh yeah, and shave real close before going out. 2...
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    Quickie for Respect

    When Dating a woman... the quickest way to earn some major respect points. The first time that she tells you to do something... ie: "Go buy me a drink." Turn half way, stop dead in your tracks. Turn back slowly, and say "Ask, don't tell." and wait for them to ask you nicely. If they don't...
  12. D

    Become a GREAT lover!

    Hey boys, Women aren't looking for mediocre. They're looking for someone who can GET THEM OFF. They're looking for someone who knows what they are doing. They are looking for someone who will f*ck their brains out. The best way to become great in bed is to practice... with someone more...
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    Love Potion no. 9

    Hey Boys, This stuff will make you a chick MAGNET. You don't drink it... you wear it. I'm sure you've all heard of it, it's called REALM. I bought a bottle of this stuff to try it out. Couldn't hurt right. So I get the package in the mail about 6 weeks later, open it up and take a whiff...