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  1. J

    Who would be the most successful?

    Out of curiosity, who would you think would be the most successful in a High School setting? I'm not just referring to girls, but to social life in general
  2. J

    How to throw a HUGE party

    Today I feel like writing something, so I came up with this 101 about organizing cool parties. Before starting, I'd like to give you a warning: DON'T ORGANIZE A HUGE PARTY IF: 1. You're worried about your parents coming home at a certain time. Be sure to have your house free until the...
  3. J

    A few things I've learnt about High School

    Hi everybody, I'd like to post a few things I came up with this morning during a boring High School class. I'm a senior and I will be out of High School within a few months, so I hope these will help some freshman Don Juans. Most tips will probably be known to everybody, but whatever. Let it...
  4. J

    who has given the most useful advice so far?

    as in the subject
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    bulky = stocky?

    i'm 5'9 and 155 lbs, with a 13% bodyfat or so. i'd like to get bigger, but i don't want to look even shorter than i actually am. my girlfriend, my family and even my friends recently started to tell me that my muscles look good, but i'm beginning to look shorter and shorter as i gain weight. i...
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    i can't punch hard

    my punch is extremely weak. i mean, my younger brother and i had it measured and his punch was litterally TWICE as strong as mine. and it's not that he's physically advantaged: 1. he's 3 inches taller than me, but we have the same weight; 2. i weighlift and i have far bigger muscles than...
  7. J

    girlfriend starts smoking

    today, i was talking with a friend of mine and he told me my girlfriend's been recently seen smoking in the school's backyard. she's spent the last year getting mad at me because i drink too much and smoke too much pot and now she smokes cigarettes. i mean, i drink and smoke pot because it's...
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    how to be crazy without being a clown?

    what's a good way to keep your crazy attitude at parties, clubs and in school in general, without people considering you a clown?
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    bad accent

    i live in a place far away from where i was born and had lived for years, so i have a really unusual accent. people here make fun of it a lot and i think that's the main thing that holds me back from being extremely popular (when i go to places where my accent is common, i'm always the leader...
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    fighting with little brother

    my youngest brother is 11 and he's the typical kid who still loves to stay with his mom and obeying to everything she says... i don't think this is a good attitude to have throughout middle school (he's in 6th grade), so i'm trying to make him a bit more manly for the last month i've been...
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    coolest guy ever?

    recently, i've been getting closer to this guy who everybody had always spoken me extremely well about. his classmates and everybody in his high school had always told me he's the funniest guy ever and that he is a major don juan. when i got to know him better, i noticed that basically he...
  12. J

    if you had to choose...

    if you had to choose just 3 exercises to widen your torso in the least time possible, what would they be? i say, in this order: 1. bench presses 2. military presses 3. bent over rows
  13. J

    shave the head when you have prominent ears?

    i'd like to shave my head (not completely bald, but reaaaaaaallly short, sort of vitor belfort's hairdo)... the problem is that i remember being made fun of my prominent ears when i was a kid and i had short hair... now i've been wearing long or medium hair for years and my hairstylist says that...
  14. J

    ali g

    I've known this guy who everybody thinks he's the greatest and most popular guy in town. I agree and i think he's the greatest don juan i've ever seen... just now, i've noticed his attitude is pretty identical to ali g's... what do you think of this kind of attitude?
  15. J

    another one on creatine

    i weigh 155 lbs and i want to get as soon as possible (no more than a month) to 165 lbs. is it ok to take 3 g of creatine before training and another 1.5 grams after? or should i take more/less? how should i divide it?
  16. J

    why do some people look taller than they are?

    this is something i've been wondering about lately. sometimes i meet people that i think are around 5'11 or so and then i see they are like me or shorter (i'm 5'9) i can't give you some examples referred to famous people: 1. james dean looks a lot taller than ben stiller, but they are the...
  17. J

    travelling through the old west

    i want to spend the summer of 2007 travelling from montana to the mexico border. can a 20 yr old foreigner rent a car in the states? how much would it cost me to bring my car over there? this may sound stupid, but i would really love to WALK from montana to mexico... maybe sleeping in...
  18. J

    165 lbs in 40 days?

    I started working out seriously in April 2005 and I weighed around 135 lbs. I reached 145 lbs in june, thanks to lots of extremely expensive bars which contained creatine and glutamine, beside a big amount of proteins. Unfortunately, my body couldn't take it and in June I had a severe attack of...
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    shutting the fùck up in a group?

    when i approach a girl in the street, i can always get her. but when i meet her through some mutual friends, it's always almost impossible... i think the main problem is that i talk too much... how can i understand when there's the need to talk and when not?
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    urinating in the morning

    is it normal to p1ss lots of time in the morning? i usually have a HUGE need to urinate as soon as i wake up at 7am. then, at school i have to urinate again at 9am, at 11am and at 1pm, that is every 2 hours or even more. i have lunch at around 2pm or so and after that, i p1ss a lot less...