Search results

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    welcome back to match

    Well at fifty years old you get to break some rules don't you? I went back online,met three women. One stealth photo taker heavier than her photos, one low interest, and one that seemed great. First date with Jen, went out for lunch. Great date, conversation flowed and had a really good...
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    Was this woman BPD?

    So I got dumped this week after four months. Actually I was hoping to get dumped. Making my own exit after learning more and more about this woman was looking like it could be a real problem. For research purposes, you tell me...was this a BPD? Or just a narcissist? Things I know. Fast and...
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    What exactly?!

    So I'm living the high life during the pandemic. Women like a guy that can shoot and has a pallet of canned goods in the basement. I'm doing exactly what I want these days. Working on my own goals. I work in a car dealership, on commission. I do really well. Recently I had someone in that I...
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    Dealing with Karen

    So this question isn't really about dating, but maybe it's related. I work in sales, dealing with the public. Usually I'm top dog. My sales outpace 90% of my peers. Occasionally though I find a Karen. For example, this week I did a transaction for a middle aged single woman. Post wall, lives in...
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    Opening up?

    Just wondering if those currently doing OLD are seeing the long awaited rush of women trying to satisfy urges now that quaruntine is ending? I've been offline for a few months, if I see my shadow I'm staying offline for another six weeks.
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    reentered the dating word - rookie question

    So I ditched the attention whre from my other thread. I've seen five women this month. But it raised a question maybe you can answer. One these women is about forty, divorced, athletic. From what I can see, all her IOIs are high. We had our third date in two weeks last night. Constant IOIs...
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    fell for it

    I need a real beat down! I was a member here for years after my divorce, played games with plates, learned a lot. The last few years I've focused on other things, new job, my kid, the house. Dropped out of dating, didn't miss it. Now the last few months I've fallen into orbit of the biggest...
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    back in the game

    So if you live long enough life will challenge you. I was a member here for a few years and it really helped me. Then in 2015 my career grenades, and honestly it was really tough. Worked construction for a couple of years just to bring money in. Forgot about women, and just tried to rebuild...
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    best michigan diamond buyer

    So, a while back I told the ex-wife I wanted my rings back. Resale on these is brutal. Jewelry has to be a huge margin business. I'm only 50 miles from Michigan and I wondered if you guys know any good buyers around Detroit? Looking at a sixty percent loss on investment here. Not to...
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    attention seeking vs bad dads

    I'm not sure if I'm starting to see a pattern here, but it seems like every woman I meet who had an alcoholic father is an attention seeker who reacts best when she's treated badly. Have you guys noticed this too? Am I way late to the party on this? If a woman tells you this about her...
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    over 40 fitness

    Just wondering for those of us approaching middle fit are you? Can you run 5k? Do you lift? What sports do you do? Any sports that are good for meeting women?
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    new low for reality tv

    Maybe I'm just old fashioned, but I'm watching "naked and afraid" on the discovery channel. Its basically a 21 day survivor with two people, naked. Hey, I'm a pervert, I'm going to check it out. One man, one woman. She's thirty, reasonably attractive, and MARRIED. I can't shake it. Are we at...
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    my former favourite movie

    I'm sitting here watching Forest Gump. And you guys have totally wrecked it for me. Jenny is on POF, and off riding the carousel. Forest has oneitis and can't get over her. She eventually comes back, after he runs across country to improve himself, but it doesn't last. Now he's raising her...
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    quit porn

    Its been 100 days since I watched porn. Otherwise I do what I want. No huge change, the effect is subtle. Little less shame, little less depression in my mood. Hasn't really helped game, doing ok before and after. And yes, there are days once in a while that I'm tempted. Overall...
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    red flags -am i over reacting?

    Met this woman on match. Did you see this coming? One date...supposed to go to her place tonight. Bad relationship with her ex Profile complains about players. Does not speak to her parents. Multiple tats, pierced tongue. Seems like low impulse control, tells me wild stories about when...
  16. A flies in my web

    I love match, and I hate it. Last month, no traffic. This month two sevens pulled in 24 hours. Yes, sweetie of course I'm not a player. Hiding my profile has everything to do with you. Its not because I've got what I want...multiple options. Bang rinse repeat. Some days its sad so suave is...
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    Help with the ex!

    So this isn't about trying to bed my ex, but I'd like input. We separated a couple years ago, and I pulled off a miracle. No child support! We both make good money, but if you did the math I'd owe her about $200 a month. She's feeling the pressure financially now, and she's been trying to...
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    the info on this site is uncanny

    So I am just shaking my head at this and had to share. Sometimes life really does imitate art. My buddy, who I would describe as a natural or an alpha was in an ltr with an hb8-9 for about five years until she bailed as they were buying a house together. The lawyer actually had to redo the...
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    This might seem like a bush league question, but how do you guys deal with female disrespect with women who aren't prospects? Things like rumours, sarcasm on social media, hens pecking at whether you're a catch? I mean 80% of the time, these women are friends then they hear you have a...
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    new plate..and honesty

    So I've been seeing this woman for about two weeks, so far so good. There's just one catch. She works in a large facility....with my ex. They don't know each other but theoretically could meet. Things with the new plate were going well, she was chasing hard. All buying signals. But I had a bout...