Even Nicest Women Of Them All Will Cheat If They Can


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Very much agree to this, the sexual part and its satisfaction is very important for men AND women
Women tend to stray either to 'get superior DNA for future kids' and/or when the homefront sex is sub-par.
Girls tend to stray because 'excitement' and 'need for validation'.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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One thing I've noticed about "nice" and "sweet" women is that they often date men that they are not attracted too. I think it happens because they have a hard time saying no to clingy/persistent beta males who do "nice" things for them. This phenomenon is less common today (as there are fewer "nice and sweet" women around) but it still exists.
I agree with this. There are likely more beta male nice guys than nice and sweet women.

Some betas are very persistent because they believe that persistence pays off.

I have also concluded that women who are particularly close to family will date men who they are proud to take home and introduce to the family but may not be their #1 top pick (Chad, Tyrone, etc). This works for a while but it catches up with them eventually. Then they have to lie to the family about why they dumped the GOOD guy, make up a bunch of crap that he did and paint him into an evil monster.. Just so they don't have to look the family in the eye and say "yeah he was a nice guy but he didn't make my v@g tingle and I wanted someone who did".
This makes sense for younger women but not women 35+ in my experience. The first post referred to a woman who is 49 years old. A 49 year old woman doesn't care that much about her family's opinions. At age 49, a woman likely has parents that are either mentally/physically diminished or dead.

Younger women will care about this, especially when considering a first spouse. After that, it's not that much of a thing.

Pipe them down really well and consistently and the chances of them leaving decreases massively
I agree with this.

In this day and age, relationships are disposable. They all have a shelf life.

Enjoy them while it lasts, then find you another.
In my 12,000+ posts on this forum, I believe the idea that I am most known for is my idea about the shelf life of relationships.

I believe the majority of relationships have a shelf life of goodness of 5 years. It doesn't matter how long a relationship lasts, its only the first 5 years that are the good times. 5 years of goodness assumes at least an average frame. Betas with weaker than average frames won't have a shelf life of goodness that lasts even 5 years, even if a beta gets his relationship to last more than 5 years. There are plenty of beta males in relationships that have lasted more than 5 years.

Frame decay is also a real phenomenon. There are men who start off with decent frames but eventually morph into wimpy beta males.

In an LTR, Year 10 is rarely even close to as good as Year 2. There are relationships that are strong enough and the decay isn't drastic enough to warrant leaving.

The problem with marriages is that marriages tend to extend the zombie phase of a relationship longer. Even with no fault divorce, there's still hesitation to end the relationship. Some non-marital LTRs have a longer zombie phase too, especially when the two people live together. The zombie phase tends to be shortest when breaking up is easiest. Breaking up is easiest in a non-marital relationship where two people don't live together.

Some of my relationships have ended rather easily because there was no cohabitation and there were no children in the equation. I did feel emotional pain when some ended. It was much easier than it likely would have been had there been a marriage, a cohabitation, or children involved.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2022
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Emotional subject.

The problem is; it isn't the easiest and obvious answer that we should be wary of.

We should be wary of the answer that no one likes to talk about, think about or admit.

The easy answer is: Oh, she cheated because he wasn't performing well in the bedroom.


She cheated because he wasn't attentive to her or her feelings.

That is the easy/obvious answer.

The other side to that is: She cheated because she simply wanted to experience another d!ck.

That is the answer we should be worried about.

Listen, in the beginning of my marriage, my wife treated me like a king.

I was a good boy, at first.

But after a while, no matter how good she was to me (and she was good), no matter how good the sex was (puzzy was the BOMB)..

Despite all of that, I still yearned for new puzzy.

It was the classic "it wasn't her, it was me" thing.

Now, the sad part about it is; some women feel the same way, on the flipside.

I said all that to say this, we are living in probably the most unfaithful time in American history.

Cheating is the new norm.

Side dudes are winning.

Lies have more virtue than the truth.

Gaslighting is a cheat code (Google "Gaslighting").

And marriage/relationships aren't valued as much as it once was.


If you get married, and then magically all of the women at work are suddenly trying to holla at you..how long do you think you will last?

Like death & taxes..no matter how long you run or try to hide; sooner or later it is going to get you.

If a woman is married and loves her husband dearly, but after 10+ years of marriage no matter how good the marriage is, things will get stale..not even including sex.

Her mind will begin to drift, and pretty soon she will accept that "let's go grab a cup of coffee" offer from that guy at work.

And then it is only matter of time.

And then, it happens.

And when it first happens, she will feel guilty and shameful.

But after a while, less and less guilt.. because guilty or not, she can't deny it was a good time.

The angel will tell her..

Angel: That was wrong, and you should be ashamed of yourself. :eek:

But the demon will say..

Demon: Yeah, but it was undeniably a good time, wasn't it? ;)

Pretty soon, the demon will prevail.

Then it will continue..

She goes home, and acts normal in front of the husband, and he doesn't suspect a thing.

This kind of shiit can go on for years.

I am about 80% from advising against monogamy and certainly marriage.

Now is not the time for it..and maybe not ever again.

Giovanni SouthSide

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2022
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Tijuana, Mexico
The true red-pill to swallow is that of biological truths of female nature.

Last married woman I fvcked was a middle school counselor.
We had a side hustle and we made some money together. I don’t even think her husband knew that she was making commas with another guy.

One thing led to another and soon enough I was raw dogging her on my couch right before Christmas 2019.
Since her work was a few blocks away from my place she would come over for a 2-3 hour “sexcapade” during her long “lunch break”.
Eventually we concluded our business dealings and I cut her loose. She started to stake out outside my pad because I wouldn’t answer her texts or phone calls anymore. She would call me from different numbers. Crickets from my end.
Eventually I put my foot down and let her know that if she continued with her stalking then I was going to remove her with “people” I know here in Mexico. That is how things are done down here.
Last time I heard she still posing the blue sky happy go round family marriage life on facebook.
Gives me flashbacks of how many times I nutted in her mouth meanwhile the husband was taking care of the kids.

I try not to fvck married women or girls in serious relationships anymore.
It may sound superstitious but I kind of believe in karma now as I get older especially after paying some dues and it's just bad energy. Nine times out of ten they start developing feelings, turns into a bloody canvas, and often I feel like some women are so self-destructive it's almost like they want to be caught.

The other thing I would like to address is culture. Culture does play a HUGE role in how women express their hypergamy. My experience in Western Culture in particular the Liberal West Coast Culture.... women feel no remorse in doing the worst things possible to beta males. There is no shame and no guilt. They don’t fear the word of God at all, not by a damn sight.

Probably a topic for another thread, but it would seem to me, given my upbringing, that a woman's job is to enforce morality.

Girls get their morals from their father or other men they view as alpha.
Nowadays that means the welfare state and the bad boys that excite them, not really the paragons of moral rectitude.

My grandmothers' generation was full of wisdom, kindness, and sensibility. My mother's generation ensured that the fathers took the children to Sunday school and mass for lessons in humility and making the right choices.

When the current slut generation becomes future grandmothers, what wisdom will they bestow on future generations?
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Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
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I have noticed this too.

I have also concluded that women who are particularly close to family will date men who they are proud to take home and introduce to the family but may not be their #1 top pick (Chad, Tyrone, etc). This works for a while but it catches up with them eventually. Then they have to lie to the family about why they dumped the GOOD guy, make up a bunch of crap that he did and paint him into an evil monster.. Just so they don't have to look the family in the eye and say "yeah he was a nice guy but he didn't make my v@g tingle and I wanted someone who did".

And of course she made Mr. Nice Guy wait 5 dates while 10 other betas were actively courting her.

Giovanni SouthSide

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2022
Reaction score
Tijuana, Mexico
Unfortunately this is just a male cope , women are loyal to their emotions its all about how much emotion you stir up in her

Rejection and competition are the female Achilles heel they mentally cannot cope with the fact they weren't good enough or another woman was better at getting what was hers

It's why so many women constantly go back to ex's who cheat on them or Treat them like sh1t .....SHE HAS to prove herself worthy to him its like the ultimate deep rooted female fetish

A woman sticking and being loyal around has little to do with sex , its all psychological

The best way to keep a woman is to constantly stir up competition anxiety within her
Good distillation of the cold reality.

“dread game” includes competition anxiety. Introduce a competitor to keep things knit tight.
Let her hamster brain nuke into oblivion on the fact that you are still an active pre-selected peak male in the desired sexual market. Now you hold the straw that stirs the drink.

An ancillary to that is:

1. How "active" is she in her own entertainment when you arent there to provide it?
2. What form does that self-entertainment take? Is her default a "girls night out" or read a book or watch a Netflix show she's been wanting to get around to while daddy is away?
3.How pro-active is she in making sure your balls are drained and you are “happy” ?

A man's sex drive is primarily what I call "physical hunger driven". The need to release is on par with eating when hungry. A starving man will fvck a pretty fatty that passes the boner test.

A woman's sex drive is primarily"emotional hunger driven". Lack of attention is the equivalent of starvation. Boredom is just another form of emotional starvation. A starving woman will cheat or sloot it up to fill that void.

Upbringing, culture, sphere of influence, pre-disposition. All can be determining factors in how anyone's moral code manifests.

A woman's moral code is by nature* more susceptible to "cracking" under emotional starvation depending on all those factors

Game is nothing more than properly "feeding" that nature in order to get the desired result.
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Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
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A man's sex drive is primarily what I call "physical hunger driven". The need to release is on par with eating when hungry. A starving man will fvck a pretty fatty that passes the boner test.

A woman's sex drive is primarily"emotional hunger driven". Lack of attention is the equivalent of starvation. Boredom is just another form of emotional starvation. A starving woman will cheat or sloot it up to fill that void.

Upbringing, culture, sphere of influence, pre-disposition. All can be determining factors in how anyone's moral code manifests.

A woman's moral code is by nature* more susceptible to "cracking" under emotional starvation depending on all those factors

Game is nothing more than properly "feeding" that nature in order to get the desired result.
Yes I agree but much when a man smashes a fatty he doesn't get much satisfaction from it the same goes for women and attention

Women are fully aware they can have attention from thirsty guys and creeps pretty much on demand but its not really worth anything to them becuase any woman can have it at any time

This is why you must make yourself a challenge for her from the word go , because by signalling to her you don't think she's anything special you also just put a high price on your attention and when the price goes up usually the demand isnt far behind

when I think back to every success I have had with women its ALWAYS because I've signalled to her I think I can do better

Giovanni SouthSide

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2022
Reaction score
Tijuana, Mexico
Yes I agree but much when a man smashes a fatty he doesn't get much satisfaction from it the same goes for women and attention

Women are fully aware they can have attention from thirsty guys and creeps pretty much on demand but its not really worth anything to them becuase any woman can have it at any time

This is why you must make yourself a challenge for her from the word go , because by signalling to her you don't think she's anything special you also just put a high price on your attention and when the price goes up usually the demand isnt far behind

when I think back to every success I have had with women its ALWAYS because I've signalled to her I think I can do better
in times of war any hole is a trench. Releasing that nut for mental clarity on a thicc cutie beats the hand and lube bottle treatment in any day.
That fvckable warm body will do.

But definitely the key is that the catalyst for breaking you out of a rut is not banging a load of 6s, but scoring one really top chick and keeping her on tap by keep sharpening the blade, increase smv, introduce competition anxiety, train her like a dog and all that tired
reiterated tested and tried abc game philosophy
straight from the manual.
but fvck it if she wants to leave and explore the wilderness again be my guest. I got better sh!t to do than to keep a bish on a forced leash.

I never worry about any girl I am with meeting guys. I actually like them to. It only serves to remind them what kind of quality they already have.


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2023
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The true red-pill to swallow is that of biological truths of female nature.
The only red pill truth to swallow is that women will not cheat if in her mind she with her best option, exceptions apply (for you autists)
Men are loved conditionally, which is not a bad thing, many men cry about that, but that pushes you to become the best, burden of perfomance.

husband was taking care of the kids.
I guaranteed you her husband was a fat guy, with little money with a weak character and no other female option. He was the beta comfort and you were the alpha excitement.

This is why you must make yourself a challenge for her from the word go
This is a covert contract, this is a parlor trick, that can work for short term, what happens after you get her? She will see that you got nothing going on your life. Men wait certain time to text back for them to appear to be a challenge, but got nothing on going on for them.

You should be challenge because you're a very busy man, prioritizing your body, money, hobbies, social life. Men should fake it, but they should be working very fvcking hard to make it, to be the challenge cause of their busy life.
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Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
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this is also true, I agree with you. But it doesn’t invalidate my point about sex as well.
It wasn't supposed too but this notion that women are going to stick around because the sex is so good or because the d1ck is so big is a male inspired fantasy

The reality is women really don't care as much about sex as we would like them too ,

its too easy come easy go for them because once they turn 18 they have males constantly wanting to fvck them

imagine having 10, 20, 30 years of something being constantly available on demand

They use sex as a way too seduce and keep a valuable man a woman gets the most pleasure from knowing she's won him from another woman and is about to take his seed inside her

it really has very little value in keeping her

Otherwise the rate of female cheating would be much lower than it is


Mar 6, 2017
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I've got some male friends that have been caught and are still married.
I find this interesting. Why do you think the women didnt divorced them?

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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I find this interesting. Why do you think the women didnt divorced them?
I have never asked that question, I should tho. Perhaps the pain of going alone was greater than the pain of staying. Add kids, money, and not alot of options to it and there you go.

Years after the cheating episodes, these women still have sexual hangups brought on after the fact. Both of my friends deals with this.


Mar 6, 2017
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Perhaps the pain of going alone was greater than the pain of staying. Add kids, money, and not alot of options to it and there you go.
This could be it. I have an older female cousin, early 40s. She caught her then husband cheating and filed for divorce, I think she perceived she still had options in the sexual market place.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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You never know what's going on in a relationship unless you are in it.

Likely her BF has lost her respect and she in going down the road of monkey branching to replace him.

He also isn't probably getting any and they have a dead bedroom.

It sucks, but that's why as a man you have to cut women loose and not try to "hold on" for as long as you can because this is what it leads to.

She has probably done a bunch of stuff that in her mind should have made him dump her and he hasn't and over time his refusal to do it lowers her respect even more. One day she will just do it for him.
When my penis is not getting properly serviced, I have always cut off the relationship. I mean, what's the point? :rolleyes:


Sep 10, 2014
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When my penis is not getting properly serviced, I have always cut off the relationship. I mean, what's the point? :rolleyes:
The point is learning why because likely you were the cause of that.

Smart people learn from their mistakes and don't keep making the same ones over and over again.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
Reaction score
The point is learning why because likely you were the cause of that.
Smart people learn from their mistakes and don't keep making the same ones over and over again.
And they get their penis properly serviced, because they know how to motivate women to do that.