Stopping Porn

Money & Muscle

Master Don Juan
May 22, 2023
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In my no PM quest quitting porn was comparatively easy.

However, in fact, today I watched some, just to not forget what I'm missing out on in real life.

While I restrained myself from arousal and M, it did give me anxiety, pain and sorrow, due to seeing what I'm missing out in real life.
Wait, you watched porn to get a glimpse of real life?

Porn isn't real, dude.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 23, 2021
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Wait, you watched porn to get a glimpse of real life?

Porn isn't real, dude.
Yes and no. Porn is after all people having sex, although maybe not in realistic manners, that is the traditional saying. (However, I and many here approximate it well, and there are many kinds of porn.)


Senior Don Juan
Dec 23, 2021
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I've been rid of porn or masturbating for about 1-2 months again now. I wouldn't tell anyone in real life about this but it feels good to be able to have self control.
Same here, 35 days or so nofap. Was a struggle before that streak. I got help with it though.

It's one of those fundaments of a man, really.

Here's how it works: we internalise who we love. Such as the perfect girls in porn. That's why porn leads to ED and similar.

I have the luxury/sadness of having absolutely no one in my life, so I don't even get morning wood.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 23, 2021
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I've been rid of porn or masturbating for about 1-2 months again now. I wouldn't tell anyone in real life about this but it feels good to be able to have self control.
Yes, it's a small power trip.

The control transfers well to girls. A lady friend of mine said "you guys are controlled by your d1cks, you really are." Nofap is about being bigger than your d1ck. And that skill you can transfer to girls. Wait her out, tease her, say no, etc. Applies both in and outside bed.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 2, 2020
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want to be fapless friends?

Joking, that's too much intimacy for me to share with internet folks. TBH I don't even really care about masturbation - I don't find this that harmful, but the use of porn I find to be harmful and desensitizing me to the female body (and many other beneficial dopamine sources).
I’d be down to keep each other accountable just use another name than fapless friends


Don Juan
Jul 12, 2020
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Here's my acount of this-
While it started as a curiosity,it quickly became my stress buster and even a source of entertainment. Finding new performers,their filmography,the directors,what is popular in which country and so on and so forth. So it never occurred to me that anything was bad, but on closer inspection while I look back,this held me back a lot.
As I have matured,i began to compare days when I watched to days when I don't and the difference in visible. The days when I don't watch- it's easier for me to wake up in the morning the next day,start tasks easily, don't procrastinate at all,make better eye contact and conversation with others and make hard changes in life. For a few years whenever I would be disheartened or feel lost,I would turn to p@£n,and that has held me back a lot .
While celibacy is not a good thing as 18 per cent of all male infertility is due to antibodies developing in our body due to not ejaculating sperm for a long time,so even if you don't watch porn,at least empty your nuts once a week,it could be via normal sex or a little fap using just imagination.

Money & Muscle

Master Don Juan
May 22, 2023
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Here's my acount of this-
While it started as a curiosity,it quickly became my stress buster and even a source of entertainment. Finding new performers,their filmography,the directors,what is popular in which country and so on and so forth. So it never occurred to me that anything was bad, but on closer inspection while I look back,this held me back a lot.
As I have matured,i began to compare days when I watched to days when I don't and the difference in visible. The days when I don't watch- it's easier for me to wake up in the morning the next day,start tasks easily, don't procrastinate at all,make better eye contact and conversation with others and make hard changes in life. For a few years whenever I would be disheartened or feel lost,I would turn to p@£n,and that has held me back a lot .
While celibacy is not a good thing as 18 per cent of all male infertility is due to antibodies developing in our body due to not ejaculating sperm for a long time,so even if you don't watch porn,at least empty your nuts once a week,it could be via normal sex or a little fap using just imagination.
Wow, thank you for sharing in such detail.

Learning Curve

Senior Don Juan
Feb 7, 2023
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Yes, I understand that addiction is not in the substance but in the mind of the addict. What you're suggesting is to replace one addiction with another, but that's not quitting, is it?
What you need to address is the underlying issue that caused the addiction, not mindlessly replacing one addiction with another.
I agree that replacing one addiction with another is not the best strategy to solve an underlying porn, or smoking problem.

But some addictions are better then others. If you play video games yes you might get addicted but you will not smoke. Which one is better?

The goal of-course is to get off both but if you can use one addiction to remove a more harmful one then go ahead and do it. That's how I did it back in the days.

If I was going to do this now I would cut it cold turkey. But some people can't do that. They are weak mentally and addicted like drug addicts.


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
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I will keep referring to my thread whenever this comes up:


Money & Muscle

Master Don Juan
May 22, 2023
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I will keep referring to my thread whenever this comes up:

Okay but I'm telling you that as a man who makes 150k yearly, works 50 hour weeks, goes to school full time, kills it in the gym regularly and looks like I do in my profile picture...

Porn is getting in the way of me getting things done. I'm literally telling you that it is hurting my progress in various areas in life.

The dopamine feedback loop a user gets from porn can and will raise the users dopamine baseline to the point that normal dopamine releases no longer satisfy the craving.

It's great that you don't think this is a problem, but it is very seriously a problem for me.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 2, 2020
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Okay but I'm telling you that as a man who makes 150k yearly, works 50 hour weeks, goes to school full time, kills it in the gym regularly and looks like I do in my profile picture...

Porn is getting in the way of me getting things done. I'm literally telling you that it is hurting my progress in various areas in life.

The dopamine feedback loop a user gets from porn can and will raise the users dopamine baseline to the point that normal dopamine releases no longer satisfy the craving.

It's great that you don't think this is a problem, but it is very seriously a problem for me.
Shows you have a lust for owomen which is good. That’s energy your using use it to smash your goals and approach hot hot women. Tbh I only jerk it when I’m bored


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
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Okay but I'm telling you that as a man who makes 150k yearly, works 50 hour weeks, goes to school full time, kills it in the gym regularly and looks like I do in my profile picture...

Porn is getting in the way of me getting things done. I'm literally telling you that it is hurting my progress in various areas in life.

The dopamine feedback loop a user gets from porn can and will raise the users dopamine baseline to the point that normal dopamine releases no longer satisfy the craving.

It's great that you don't think this is a problem, but it is very seriously a problem for me.
Porn is getting in the way of me getting things done.

No it's not. It just means you do not have enough to do. Might be women or might be a purpose.


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
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I'm impressed that with our 2 whole comments of interaction, that you already know more about me than I do.
You created this thread to make the discussion, so I'm adding that I know likely what you are going through.

Let me put it another way: when men were out hunting or tilling or basically doing more tasks to assure our survival for another week or month, sex was the last thing on their mind. We're men, so yes we will still want to f*ck. When soldiers went to war, they took all the women. But their lives came first and this only happened after the victory. And even then, the captain kept them structured to finish the campaign. Same goes for hunting raids. The men would be away from home and there would be no potential for things like sex until they returned. And even then, that assumes they did not have any other tasks to do.

So that is why I said it is because you do not have enough to do. Imagine the muscled tribeman. Now imagine all his food and survival is given to him. All that energy he has is now being held up and not used. So the next thing he's going to do? Procreate? Seek out a woman. Your 150K, your good life, has actually led you to being more sexually active. This is what you need to accept. Porn is not the problem. It is just one of the things you are doing with your extra time. You could very well be learning a new language, building a new business, raising children, doing heroin, or anything else. But you chose to do porn. Ask yourself why.

Money & Muscle

Master Don Juan
May 22, 2023
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you chose to do porn. Ask yourself why.
Because it's a cheaper dopamine outlet than doing what I should be doing for dopamine. I've always had this issue, which is why I've cut all social media and video games... porn is the only other cheap dopamine source I have left outside of occasional TV - which isn't problematic for me.

I have enough work to fill 90% of my time. But with access to porn, I stop doing the work I actually need to do - in favor of a cheaper dopamine source. I know this is a *me* problem.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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I can not look at porn until I log into OF again. I just cooled down on it since Friday I don't know if she replied or not again or what she wrote.

The last time I opened OF was this past Thursday, where she did reply, at the right date that I expected her to reply if I were to perceive her as genuine with me (despite paying a subscription), and the type of reply and what I wrote touched me very deeply and caused me to hug my pillows afterwards and think about her and reply with another crazy email (she replied to two crazy emails I sent her before and replied nicely). It was such a nice time. However, knowing the things that she does behind the scenes has put me off of looking at escort pics for the time being which was the only source of porn interest. Looks like another "no-porn" bubble. Let's see how long this other "no-porn" bubble lasts. The last time was about a week when I was approaching a lady at work. Once I got "rejected", then I was comfortable looking at escort pics again (except for OF, which I opened last Thursday and read her email). At the end of the day, you want something real rather than an image. Communications with someone on OF where it feels real trumps porn anyday. I don't even want to deal with anyone else on OF except for her for now because of the perception of it feeling real, within a completely imaginary/virtual exchange.

Money & Muscle

Master Don Juan
May 22, 2023
Reaction score
I can not look at porn until I log into OF again. I just cooled down on it since Friday I don't know if she replied or not again or what she wrote.

The last time I opened OF was this past Thursday, where she did reply, at the right date that I expected her to reply if I were to perceive her as genuine with me (despite paying a subscription), and the type of reply and what I wrote touched me very deeply and caused me to hug my pillows afterwards and think about her and reply with another crazy email (she replied to two crazy emails I sent her before and replied nicely). It was such a nice time. However, knowing the things that she does behind the scenes has put me off of looking at escort pics for the time being which was the only source of porn interest. Looks like another "no-porn" bubble. Let's see how long this other "no-porn" bubble lasts. The last time was about a week when I was approaching a lady at work. Once I got "rejected", then I was comfortable looking at escort pics again (except for OF, which I opened last Thursday and read her email). At the end of the day, you want something real rather than an image. Communications with someone on OF where it feels real trumps porn anyday. I don't even want to deal with anyone else on OF except for her for now because of the perception of it feeling real, within a completely imaginary/virtual exchange.
Please tell me you're not catching oneitis for a pornstar.