Gen Z being termed "Generation Sicknote" by fed up employers having to take calls from "Mommy" as to why adults in their 20s can't make it into work


Sep 10, 2014
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This is beyond pathetic. That generation is lost.

Having your Mommy call into work to explain why a 28 year old can't make it in to work because they are too "stressed out" from a recent breakup or other myriad of nonsensical reasons that have more to do with them earning participation trophies growing up and have the mental toughness of a roll of Charmin Ultra toilet paper.

And this is why I will never have to worry about being unemployed ever. They will cry the day I tell them I'm retiring. Probably will have to hire 5 Gen Z's to do what I handle on my own.



Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Their parents are Gen X'ers. This does not reflect well on Gen X. Boomers are routinely critiqued for their subpar performances in raising Millennials. The same is true of Gen X.

The two generations of younger adults (Millennials and Gen Z) are lost generations.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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When I was about 15 in the early 90's I noticed we had a problem starting. I had several lawns I mowed and it never failed, if they had young kids I would have to spend 10minutes throwing all of their fuhking stupid plastic toys on the patio so I could cut the grass.
They had every toy imaginable and the parents never made them pick up anything. I'd say something about it and nothing changed.
That was also about the time participation trophies got popular.

These parents didn't teach their kids responsibility nor work ethic. Once these rug rats became teenagers they weren't expected to get a job, buy their own cars, pay for their own insurance, save for college, etc. They started to struggle like generations before never did. And then those idiots went on to breed more losers tethered to electronic devices that have poor coping and communication skills.

Now we have gender disphoria, me too, woke, masculine me are toxic, LGBXTQYZ, men loaning out their wives, antisocial behaviors, and nobody wants to work because its too hard and stressful. Mentally weak individuals every where.

If you have been on SS more than 10yrs, its not hard to see how soft men are.


Oct 4, 2023
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I’m a toxic man who shows up on time, all the time, every time. Just had steak and eggs for dinner. I slay women with my charm and physical attributes. And I am feeling pretty good about myself.

But to be honest, I was born during an earlier era. Younger people are up against a new and more modern monster.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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When I was about 15 in the early 90's I noticed we had a problem starting. I had several lawns I mowed and it never failed, if they had young kids I would have to spend 10minutes throwing all of their fuhking stupid plastic toys on the patio so I could cut the grass.
They had every toy imaginable and the parents never made them pick up anything. I'd say something about it and nothing changed.
That was also about the time participation trophies got popular.
Let's say this was 1991-1993. The young children at the time were the early Millennials and their parents were Baby Boomers.

Participation trophies are most assoiated with Millennial childhoods from the late 1980s-early 2000s.

These parents didn't teach their kids responsibility nor work ethic. Once these rug rats became teenagers they weren't expected to get a job, buy their own cars, pay for their own insurance, save for college, etc. They started to struggle like generations before never did. And then those idiots went on to breed more losers tethered to electronic devices that have poor coping and communication skills.
These were Boomer parents with Millennial children. However, a lot of the negative traits from Millennials have carried over into Gen Z.

Millennials and Gen Z have both been broken and lost generations.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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That's interesting. I was thinking of getting a stress note from my doctor because of issues at home.

Getting a stress note is an easy way to collect Unemployment Benefits for being "sick" without actually being sick sick, whether or not you end up keeping the job (ie depends on if they fire you or give you a leave of absence, etc...) as some employers would see that as "legal back-door quit" to the job itself. Normally if you quit your job for no reason you are not entitled to EI benefits, and if you act-up on the job and end up getting fired, you are not entitled to EI either, but if you visit a doctor and get a stress note, all of a sudden you are entitled to EI benefits.


Sep 10, 2014
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That's interesting. I was thinking of getting a stress note from my doctor because of issues at home.

Getting a stress note is an easy way to collect Unemployment Benefits for being "sick" without actually being sick sick, whether or not you end up keeping the job (ie depends on if they fire you or give you a leave of absence, etc...) as some employers would see that as "legal back-door quit" to the job itself. Normally if you quit your job for no reason you are not entitled to EI benefits, and if you act-up on the job and end up getting fired, you are not entitled to EI either, but if you visit a doctor and get a stress note, all of a sudden you are entitled to EI benefits.
Stressed about about it being March and not having an excuse to eat out of control anymore since it's no longer February?

Don't'll come up with something I'm sure.


Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2020
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And this is why I will never have to worry about being unemployed ever. They will cry the day I tell them I'm retiring. Probably will have to hire 5 Gen Z's to do what I handle on my own.

Indeed, i often think that to myself.

I have a 26 year old guy in my department that just finished his 5th week of sick leave. Before that he was 2 weeks at work, before that he was 3 weeks on sick leave. He lost his job, he doesnt care.

Most of them operate on this mindset and the younger they are, the worse. Most of them cant be bothered with a fulltime job. They are incompetent at best and outright stupid for a large part due to close to no challenges in their whole life. Most pass school just by being there, as nobody gets a fail anymore and therefore no one has to repeat a class.

I thought millenials are a joke until those guys came into the workforce.


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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Hmmmmm. None of my kids struggle in this way. But they are required to be responsible and they know its my job to PREPARE them for the world and life, not coddle and care for them in the world and life.

And so they have become/are becoming responsible young adults as a result. This is a lazy clueless parenting problem more than anything.


Sep 10, 2014
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Hmmmmm. None of my kids struggle in this way. But they are required to be responsible and they know its my job to PREPARE them for the world and life, not coddle and care for them in the world and life.

And so they have become/are becoming responsible young adults as a result. This is a lazy clueless parenting problem more than anything.
Yes, exactly right...but it's compounded by the fact that schools cow-tow to them and dumb their classes down now.

Don't do your work on time? No problem. Just turn it in whenever and get full credit. When I was going to school you'd get a 0 and there wouldn't be any discussion even.

Do bad on a test? No problem...just make corrections and get half on the credit you lost back. Like WTF is going on with these schools?

Nobody fails...everyone passes even if they have to be "given" grades they didn't earn and why? Because failing kids leads to lower federal funding and potentially schools being put on watchlists by the state.

Even more pathetic because "failing" is like 50 now instead of the 70 it was back in the day.

Parents don't care, kids don't care, schools don't care. All they care about is kids passing to the next grade and "becoming problems" for someone else.

And on top of that, it's always the teacher's or the school's fault, never their own kid who is an angel that can do nothing wrong.

When I was growing up schools had permissions to whoop their kids ass, then once the parents got a call to come pick them up they'd get it whooped twice as bad from them for embarrassing them like that and acting like they didn't know how to raise you properly.


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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When I was growing up schools had permissions to whoop their kids ass, then once the parents got a call to come pick them up they'd get it whooped twice as bad from them for embarrassing them like that and acting like they didn't know how to raise you properly.
I agree with 100% of what you wrote. I grew up the same way as you & my parents were MUCH harder on me than the school.

What happens to these kids then is they get to college & flunk out because they can't hack it or they get to the workforce & can't hack it because they didn't learn the necessary skillsets. The patents take them back in and further handicap them in so doing.

It means for those kids that are taught work ethic & responsibility at home, that there are more opportunities for yound people with their heads on straight.

But it destabilizes society and that isn't good.


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
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Damn, people around these parts *still* assuming there isn't massive subversion going on...

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
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Hmmmmm. None of my kids struggle in this way. But they are required to be responsible and they know its my job to PREPARE them for the world and life, not coddle and care for them in the world and life.

And so they have become/are becoming responsible young adults as a result. This is a lazy clueless parenting problem more than anything.
Cmon if what you’ve told us is true you’re in the top 10% of earners and wealth in the US, this means (typically) better education (you and your kids), better schools, stronger upbringing. Of course your kids are more balanced.

Can’t really weight in on the 80% if you’re top 10%, now can ya?


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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Stressed about about it being March and not having an excuse to eat out of control anymore since it's no longer February?

Don't'll come up with something I'm sure.
May not be pursued. Either way I did not gain weight in February and there is no overeating planned for this month, or any other month this year.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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If you're 30 and under and have

-Your own Place
-A car that is 10 years old or less
-A job with low debt (better yet no debt at all)

You should be doing fairly well in the dating game
I had all those 3, and it was quite lean times for me in the mid-90s. :mad: :mad: :mad:


Sep 10, 2014
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Damn, people around these parts *still* assuming there isn't massive subversion going on...
Of's never the younger generations fault...someone else is always to blame. Their lives are one giant excuse.
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Sep 10, 2014
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Cmon if what you’ve told us is true you’re in the top 10% of earners and wealth in the US, this means (typically) better education (you and your kids), better schools, stronger upbringing. Of course your kids are more balanced.

Can’t really weight in on the 80% if you’re top 10%, now can ya?
Plenty of rich peoples kids are among the most fvcked up people of all strung out on drugs and alcohol and pills. Never had a job, have nothing to do in life, don't care about anyone or anything.

All that money but yet are still unhappy.

Being well off doesn't make you immune to that, it makes it more likely if you don't instill discipline and work ethic and hand them stuff their whole life so that they expect it without having to do anything to earn it.

Many times being well off means you have no time for your kids since it's all business all the time. People choose what they value in life, some people choose money over raising their kids properly. Nannies and the TV can only do but so much for a parent. At some point they have to choose to parent.