Recent content by ValleyDJing

  1. V

    FR : I ****ed up BIG time (drugs & std alert!)

    Dude chill...stories to tell your grandkids man.
  2. V

    Life Changing Events

    The day I started smoking weed...definitely for the positive.
  3. V

    Looks/money don't matter

    So now that we have all this research and philosophy on why looks and money don't matter, here's the truth. Looks matter. Money Matters. The End.
  4. V

    Girlfriend Thinks My Smoking is Unattractive

    The worse thing you can say to an anti-smoking girlfriend, is admit that smoking weed is bad, for the basic reason that it is untrue.
  5. V

    What brings more joy than Girls ?

    Taking a huge dump after a long day at work. Life doesn't get any better than that.
  6. V

    I just cheated, what do I do?

    Deny deny deny!
  7. V

    Fat Girls List 2007!!!

    And as a culture, they probably subsist on bread and soup. Who cares? Why does anybody even care? Worry about yourselves.
  8. V

    Women are nuts

    F.uck that b.itch! I hope he is losing interest, she gets what she deserves. F.ucking women these days don't wanna put out, well they can f.ucking let karma come back around and b.itch slap the s.hit out of them and give them bf's who aren't good at sex. They wanna act like sex isn't important...
  9. V

    Fat Girls List 2007!!!

    If the rest of the world was as rich and as powerful as us...they'd have fat chicks too.
  10. V

    The official kiss my ass thread

    Why would you even joke about something like that?! I prefer to meet them at the top of a staircase. :rockon:
  11. V

    The Laugh At Yourself Thread

    LMAO!!! Awesome thread.
  12. V

    What are your favorite guitar solos?

    This guy does a pretty good cover of the Fade to Black solo...with fingerwork.
  13. V

    FR: lay report
