Recent content by SMS 48

  1. S

    Let's have an HONEST discussion about CLUBS and INTROVERSION/SOCIAL AWKWARDNESS

    Dude what are you on? I said I'm average looking and you went on a whole thing about being an average guy. Two separate things. I should have clarified. Sometimes I'll ask. Sometimes I'll say "dance with me" in a command form and with a slight smirk. Sometimes I'll just try to dance without...
  2. S

    Let's have an HONEST discussion about CLUBS and INTROVERSION/SOCIAL AWKWARDNESS

    I don't really have a goal when I go clubbing. I find dancing to be a pretty stupid/pointless/weird activity, so its obviously not to dance. I guess ideally I would like to hook up. I have some friends who go to bars and talk about random shyt... I enjoy that a lot better. I do feel like...
  3. S

    Let's have an HONEST discussion about CLUBS and INTROVERSION/SOCIAL AWKWARDNESS

    Just picture an average looking guy. Not ugly. Not good looking. I prefer to remain anonymous. Stories and examples of what exactly? I attempt to dance with girls, get rejected 95% of the time. My dancing comes off awkward because I suck at it, and that's what you are judged by in clubs. If...
  4. S

    Let's have an HONEST discussion about CLUBS and INTROVERSION/SOCIAL AWKWARDNESS

    The lame guy in the video was following some kind of PUA manual. I couldn't care less about tactics, IOIs, etc... I can't dance, and I don't enjoy dancing. The "cool guy" in the video actually enjoys dancing and is probably good at it. I'm not. You see my predicament. Not only can I not dance...
  5. S

    Let's have an HONEST discussion about CLUBS and INTROVERSION/SOCIAL AWKWARDNESS

    I can't dance. I can BS it a little... Sort of... But my awkwardness is apparent to everyone. None of my friends' friends have any desire to get to know me when I meet them in a club, and I feel like they look at me funny (this may be in my head though) and they're a lot friendlier to other...
  6. S

    New interest (shes very hot so I need help)

    It hurt my heart and my balls reading that bro. All that texting... no response from her... then you texting again.... no response from her again... then you text again... I'm going to develop testicular cancer if you keep it up.
  7. S

    Goddamn it... it's JCballin's turn to vent

    Shyt like this makes me mad. If you weren't a good guy you would be balls deep in her *****. Fukking kunt. I swear *****es are all the same.
  8. S

    I f@cked up, gentlemen

    Just do yourself a favor and remind yourself that this girl you like is not special. Your misery is the result of the illusion that she is different from the rest.
  9. S

    How do you just do "no contact" without letting the person know why?

    UPDATE So she texted me again. This time I replied: Her: Hey? Me: Who's this? Her: If I tell you you'll stop replying -_- Me: Now why would I do that? Her: Cause when I texted from my old number you didn't answer. I think you're mad at me for going ghost ghost on you. Me: Did I...
  10. S

    The 1 simple thing you can do to improve your confidence in life

    Been working out on and off for 9 years. Still can't cold approach, lol
  11. S

    50/50 on breaking up, g/f done nothing wrong - advice from older DJs appreciated

    Why does it have to be one or the other? Why don't you tell her you're not ready to take that step and keep dating her?
  12. S

    Girl relates songs to ex boyfriend

    Don't get serious with her.
  13. S

    Did I make her jealous, or destroy my chances?

    She said stop making out with girls, so she was jealous, so attraction was increased.
  14. S

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    It was not a dumb move. You had to verify it was true before dumping on her. Nearly every guy who was dumped or cheated on says this. I think the lesson to be learned is, never trust a girl enough to be vulnerable to her. Sorry if that's negative, but I think reality should take priority...