Recent content by Sinistar

  1. S

    Single + Hot = Crazy

    In the spirit of your question; If a good friend met and started dating a woman like this and her dating history was revealed, I think many people (including myself) would say it's a red flag. However, had that same good friend met a HB7 with the exact same dating history I think everyone would...
  2. S

    Excuses, excuses, excuses...

    I love your attitude brother Karma!!! FWIW, when I got out of the service I drove across the country to move back home and go to college. About 3wks after I got back I had almost exactly the same experience you did - woke up one morning and the left side of my face was dead - will totally...
  3. S

    Girls on the Rebound

    I would think context matters here just like anything else. On the one end of the spectrum is the woman who just got dumped by a guy who would never quite commit, maybe he was the bad boy, narcissistic, cheated a few times and she took him back, etc. Wouldn't this woman be more like to...
  4. S

    How Can I Save My Marriage

    Once again, I think you guys are really reaching here to make the wife the villain in this guy's dilemma. The line below is the only thing that comes close to making her a 'gold digger' and even here he didn't go out of his way to say she's buying unneeded stuff every day or that she actually...
  5. S

    If It's Been Awhile

    Since you've already been with women and it's only been a couple of years I don't think she'll have any way of detecting it. Now, if you were a 40yo virgin she's probably gonna pick up on the vibe of inexperience and desperation. I do think it would be a complete waste of time to tell her...
  6. S

    How Can I Save My Marriage

    I'm going to hit this from the other side. Why in the hell would she ever want to stay with you (hint: it's the kid but more on that later)? Let's see, your primary source of income is gambling. This does not equal security for most women (or men). Sure, it's great when you're up but when...
  7. S

    Engaged, regretting it, and falling for another...

    If a guy were to come on here and tell us the woman he's dated for 5yrs just dumped him because she was never really that into him, there would be a flood of posts bashing her for using him - am I right? Now to my point. You've strung your LTR along for far too long now knowing you would...
  8. S

    Buying a wedding ring?

    Thats a good practical article - excellent link. I think the numbers are off a bit (low) but overall a good guide. If a guy can keep the rock just under 1 carat versus going over, there is a very nice savings versus almost no perceptible size difference. But when you go up closer to 1.25...
  9. S

    Buying a wedding ring?

    Interesting, now I'm starting to wonder something. If I start a new post with the topic "Hot Young Brunette Cheerleaders" do you think the add after the first post will have hot raven haired chearleaders :) Re: Ring You could tell her you prayed to god and he said to get a small ring (lets...
  10. S

    Tough fight

    Die Hard, I know I've been beating up on your pretty hard in your other thread. It's meant to be tough love not hurtful. I was checking your post history and saw this one. The brothers here are right. We can slap some band aids on what wounds you have by telling you to cheer up. However...
  11. S

    Second girl enters the scene

    Die Hard, There are about 10 things I'd like to address in your response to me. But I think that will just keep feeding this. When I read your posts and your most recent responses they wreak, I mean WREAK of a FEAR OF WOMEN. Why do you fear women so much? When a women has a...
  12. S

    Second girl enters the scene

    I say ask them both out because neither one is going to go out with you and then you'll have your answer. Everyone here can tell from your posts (basically the sheer quantity, the amount of detail and your beta frame speak) that you are way to friendly and fear rejection too much so you're...
  13. S

    girlfriend always chatting online with her guy 'friend'

    A couple of observations here for random guy. First, she sees you as Beta. If she perceived you to be Alpha and feared not having your around she'd never do this. Second, because of #1 I think you two are seeing your relationship differently. To you, she is your girlfriend, you're...
  14. S

    The Most AFC thing I've seen in a long time...

    Great example and good question. Here's my take: 1.) Subjects have never been encourage to be masculine 2.) Subjects may have been discouraged from being masculine 3.) Subjects have absolutely zero experience w/r women & attr. 4.) Subjects have incredibly (think 100xnormal) fear of...
  15. S

    The counseling profession and their mindgames.

    Interesting thread - finally had a chance to read it all. After going through it I had one observation for Jophil and I find myself wanting to offer what I would have done (yeah, advice). First, the observation (my perception). You have mentioned your exBPD several times. Cutting to the...