Recent content by siegeboy

  1. S

    Affirmations for newbies

    this stuff works. i used to get shot down by women on the phone a lot. so i got conditioned to be nervous on the phone. i started using affirmations like, "i enjoy talking on the phone with women" and holy shyte now when i talk on the phone my confident is overflowing.. the thing is, the change...
  2. S

    excellent book - Think and Grow Rich

    I tried to read this book 3 times now. I put it down again.. I don't have the motivation to read they have the audio version.. ??
  3. S

    Cats -- what they can teach us!

    this is a tight ass post.. I alway though cats were kinda lame but now i have a new found respect for them.
  4. S

    DJ exercise

    yeah i agree. you'll get a lot more practice time this way. but i wouldn't pay **** on a date though. haha.