Recent content by NthDegree

  1. N

    Do Not Jack Off!

    Masturbation - if you can avoid it DONT DO IT!!!! It can become an addiction like drugs if you do it too much, it's better to let all that energy build up to help get women easier. And there are articles to suggest that masturbating DOES NOT lower testosterone levels but infact increases...
  2. N

    My penis sucks at life!!! Help!!!

    r0fl me three!
  3. N

    Rebuild yourself

    Well actually I am how would you say considered to be a "geek" because of the fact that I dominate in the area of computing. Not general computing but fixing PCs, optimising PC security and i'm currently learning PHP scripting to set up my own forum (without using exploitable and insecure...
  4. N

    Improve your game

    Some areas in countries are different to others e.g. I live in England and around where I live the McDonalds food sucks but go into the town center and the McDonalds food is better. Same goes for hair stylists, the ones in my area suck and logic tells me that the best style (that they can do)...
  5. N

    Rebuild yourself

    OK sure you didn't just simplify the storyline of the movie 'Anger Management' Truth is I actaully know what I have to do but are too afraid to do it!!!
  6. N

    The Truth!!!!!!!

    He's saying a PUA not a DJ!!! PUAs pick up women using sad ass tricks and corny chat up lines and can only do just that. DJs have natural confidence and go for what they want and take it. Like much in nature you have to TAKE what you want and leave what you don't.
  7. N

    She doin other dudes?? HELP!!

    1st things first i'd say experiment a little, see what you like in a woman through practical experience is what I say. Although people might find that idea a bit disrespectful or possibly "using" a woman, it's not because they do the same to figure out what they like and dislike. Get some...
  8. N

    what would you do in my situation

    About as bad situation as mine, except i'm 16. Kicked out of secondary school for "suspect computer activities" and the world outside of my house treats me like ****. 1st of all I have no genuine friends, 2nd of all I have no qualifications, 3rd of all I have no common skill (can't swim...
  9. N

    meditation before talking with chicks

    Trainspotting is very relaxing! Don't you agree? :p So is going to the toilet and reading printouts of the latest online conspiracy theories. But how is it practical in everyday random occurences you cannot plan? Plus if you treat a woman just like you would any other person you are...
  10. N

    I'm in a mess of a situation

    Isn't the point of being a DJ not to put the ***** on the pedestal? How about approaching this as a game, whereby all you have to do is work your way through the levels and achieve your "bonuses" at the end! If dating was all down to technical knowledge and skill then people would be...
  11. N

    Do Not Jack Off!

    Pornos don't seem to make me want to whack off so much, only real women nearby or walking past an HB 7+ with revealing clothes gives me that feeling.
  12. N

    Help me....

    A verbal essay is all it is!!! So 1st you want to focus on environmental (nurture) development. One example is how behaviour for instance can be environmentally changed by how people around the subject interact with them. Then take a few scientific examples of nature and genetics, for...