Recent content by kairos

  1. K

    Success creeps up on you.

    Interesting post - I was thinking about this today. When I first found this site and others like this - I was barely able to do one approach. I think for the first month - I did like one approach. Now, I'm at a place where I am getting 1 or 2 #s everyday, and several day 2s a week, not enough...
  2. K

    SpeedDating ****UP!

    Excellent point...people are just being nice, it's hard to get real honest responses, plus, trust me....most of these women, even if they turn out to be hot are super-driven, career oriented women - i have nothing against that, but you cannot flirt with them like normal feminine women, so right...
  3. K

    Being an Indian DJ

    I never realized what a complex I turned this into - classic AFC behaviour, anyways, I'm largely free of these things now. I just go for my approaches no matter what... interracial relationships are rising like crazy though...the "in" race these days seems to be middle-eastern, even with all...
  4. K

    SpeedDating ****UP!

    JT47319 - you're absolutely right, I did NOT have any real chemistry, when I look back, I realize, I ****ed as much as they were whack! Anyways, it is time for me to learn some from this.... Q: How do you peacock? Any suggestions.... Q: How do you put forth attractive qualities...
  5. K

    SpeedDating ****UP!

    I took out my picture from hotornot, after 140 people rated me, I had a rating of 8.2 - pretty good. I'll put another one soon. Anyways, I feel better about it now, thinking about - most people there were a lot older than me, mostly lawyers and people from the medical field, one girl I met was...
  6. K

    I cant take it anymore. Feeling worst every day!!

    Dude, I can relate to some of things you're talking about, I'm 24, I've had some really long lonely dry spells, it sucks, but they get better. You cannot give up, if not the game is over right there. David D. talks about two things - the inner game and outer game. Make sure you know where you're...
  7. K

    SpeedDating ****UP!

    I had a major **** up last night, went to this speed dating thing, had great rapport with most of the girls, about 8 of them, marked all of them just for the heck of it - AND I got zero matches! WTF!!!! I had great kino, had great chemistry with a couple of them too....and zero matches, it's a...
  8. K

    New York City!

    Looking for DJs in NYC to sarge together, we can hit the bars/clubs together, do street pickups etc. should be a fun thing to do.... kairos
  9. K

    Sarging Together in NYC - Contest!

    what...there's no one in nyc? :-0
  10. K

    Sarging Together in NYC - Contest!

    If any of you guys want to sarge together in NYC, I think we should do it....street pickups, malls, bookstores, clubs, bars etc. we can see who does the best and what kinda results we get, it'll be a great contest, winner gets something, i dunno.... but it'll be a good way to sarge, compete...
  11. K

    Being an Indian DJ

    Last night I went out and saw this stunning blonde, really beautiful with this incredibly unattractive indian dude, he was in really bad shape, had pimples all over, man he was ugly! But the way he carried himself, damn! he had presence....
  12. K

    1 month

    You'll freak her out if you go overboard, best something nice, maybe even really nice...and then towards the end, casually mention that it's been a month since you've been out, that'll make her go ga-ga...if you give her a gift just for it, it might come off a bit odd.
  13. K

    Hot or Not *****es

    Did you guys read the FAQ, they say that most of the people for some insane reason vote only between 1-5. I think I know why, when I used to work in college, I observed that people around me would click the vote within nano-seconds. Most people don't even take the time to look at the pic...
  14. K

    What am i doing wrong?

    You need to make sure you work on your approach, make sure you have some standard lines and rehearse the whole damn thing fully until you don't go blank. Basically you need a script, flexible, but predictable, then go out and try it like 10 times and see how it works. Check out David D. , he...
  15. K

    Hot or Not *****es

    rate me...hehehehe,, it's not a great picture, but check it out...