Recent content by JulieWatson31

  1. J

    3agle 3yes: 3agle 3yes: The man's guide to having NATURAL sex

    Great thread here and thank you very much for posting. The PUA community named as such perhaps because it was such a new concept could possibly evolve into the Masculine community in time as that is really what the whole subject is about. Men learning and acting once again to be Men.
  2. J

    Tips/advice for POF date tomorrow

    You did OK on the date. The texting afterwards was a bit long on your behalf but I have been guilty of this myself. She is DTF and if the shag is a good one then why not keep her spinning a while on a semi regular basis? Green light means the foot is on the gas:)
  3. J

    Gaming with Herpes=Game Over? (request for mature perspectives and advice)

    I like the thread apart from the unhelpful comments along the way. The posts by Colossus make sense as usual and are well noted. The stigma with Herpes is huge but overrated IMHO.
  4. J

    6 year age difference between me and gf

    I am gaming a little Chinese at the moment. It's a pleasure. The minimum of game is required, just a little teasing and push pull when she sulks a bit. Any USA or Canadian girl is night and day!
  5. J

    The need for sex dolls

    Agree with this and also your views on homos. It's is disorder and needs to be treated if possible.
  6. J

    Live-in GF watches too much television

    Treat her like a child. Buy her some headphones so u do not have to tolerate this BS. Also ration her viewing days and times.
  7. J

    "real" bikini bodies

    They are a disgrace to the female gender. Makes me want to vomit. All men should avoid these beasts at all cost.
  8. J

    just about had it

    Personally this thread is so helpful and not just to the OP. Some fantastic comments and observations from really caring and experienced guys. To the OP - this women is losing value all the time and obviously needs an Alpha to basically own her and pull in the reins hard each and every time...
  9. J

    just about had it

    Why put yourself through this nonsense? She is an abuser = big NEXT!
  10. J

    Girl picks an expensive place to hang out...

    I have used something like 'not telling you where I am taking you, it's a surprise' Then go where YOU want not her!
  11. J

    UK Women are getting fatter :(

    They should maybe think about changing all women's clothing size labels: Slim Fat ****ing Obese
  12. J

    Urgent Advice about marrage

    A small loss now (the ring) will garnish much greater rewards later on. With a decent women! She sound like a total head F**K.
  13. J

    Sick of screwing

    Typical stupid flakey female. I get it all the time. Ignore it.
  14. J

    Urgent Advice about marrage

    PlayHer Man's advice is the bomb! Tell her the ring was only meant for her nose so you can lead her like a cow when she is displeasing you. Call it her 'educational ring'. You wanna be another divorce statistic?